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how do i sketch this straight line?????

2007-09-18 01:32:46 · 13 answers · asked by garg 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

13 answers

Find x:
2x = 3y - 6
x = 1/2y - 3

Find y:
3y = 2x + 6
y = 2/3x + 2

2007-09-21 21:55:13 · answer #1 · answered by Jun Agruda 7 · 2 0

You need some points (x,y).
Pick a value for x.
Replace the 2x + 6 with whatever it becomes and work out what y is...
for example, use x=0. This means
2x + 6 becomes
2x0 + 6 which is 6.

So now 3y = 6 (when x is 0) which means that y is 2.
You used x=0 and got y=2 so (0, 2) is one point on your line.

Try at least two more values of x.

This type of equation is a straight line so if you get 3 points they should line up, if they don't then one is wrong.

2007-09-18 11:51:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You can divide the entire equation by 3 which will give you y=(2/3)x+2. Then just make an x,y chart and solve for y when you assign x to be certain numbers. The use these points to sketch the line on a graph.

2007-09-18 08:41:16 · answer #3 · answered by darkangl494 3 · 0 0


x -2 -1 0 1 2
y 2/3 1/3 2 5/3 7/2

and put these the x value on x-axis and y value on the y-axis and final u can get line.

2007-09-18 08:52:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you use the usual drawing with x in abscissa and y in ordinates

then if you have x=0 you find 3y=6 and y=2 (this is a point on ordinate axis value 2 (we call it A))

you write y=0 then 0=2x+6 solving you have x=-3(this is a point on abscissa axis with value -3 (we call it B)

So, you have the two points A and B Draw a line between these 2 points

2007-09-18 08:46:24 · answer #5 · answered by maussy 7 · 0 0

rearrange to get y = ......

y = (2x + 6)/3


y = 2/3x + 2

compare to y = mx + c

where m = gradient and c = y axis intercept.

gradient = 2/3 and line crosses y axis at 2

gradient means for every 3 along (and right because positive) it goes 2 up

starting with pencil at x =0 y =2 draw a line that hits x = 3 y = 2

2007-09-18 20:59:37 · answer #6 · answered by hobgoblin 2 · 0 1

The answer is get the equation is your y=mx+b form, meaning have do you have to divide the term 3y by to get it to be y. At that point you can graph using a normal method. Just so you know you are going in the right direction b=2.

2007-09-18 08:41:15 · answer #7 · answered by waysj 3 · 0 0

first of all you need to make the equation equal to only y
so divide each side by 3:
y= 2/3x +6/3

this tells then tells you the y intercept is 2 following the formula
where c is the y intercept and m is the gradient.

then if u simply substitute different numbers for x, you ll be able to plot a range of values, and then you can join them up to make a line:)

2007-09-18 08:42:19 · answer #8 · answered by two_quic 1 · 1 0

To draw a straight line a minimum of two points are required.
Two such points could be (0, 2) and (6 , 6)
Draw the line thro` these points.

2007-09-18 11:51:28 · answer #9 · answered by Como 7 · 2 0

2x + 6 = 3y------------- 1.
2x - 3y = - 6 !!!! This is how you form into a straight line . i bet you did learnt of algebraic expressions right ? this is some sort of like that . all you need to do is just change the postition of each number and finally you'll realized it . maths is the easiest of all . gambateh !

2007-09-18 09:38:27 · answer #10 · answered by cecilia_cwl 1 · 0 0

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