I knew a man who had a beautiful wife (she was pretty, had a nice shape and very smart & classy); yet, he used to cheat on her all the time. I asked him once why he cheated, and he said, "You can have STEAK (the best) at home, and still WANT CHICKEN!!"
Basically, I guess he was saying that he liked "variety". Of course, we all know he shouldn't have been married in the first place; yet, he was married for many years.
I ask you one question, "WHY do you do it?"
p.s. this question does not go out to the faithful ones!:)
13 answers
asked by
100% ♥Creole♥
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how would u feel if ur asked to eat the same cheeze, chicken and pepperoni pizza each and every day ?
I mean u mite like it one day, 2 days, a week maybe?
Now wouldnt u call a guy who eats the same pizza for a year as strange? maybe even stupid or most likely mental ;D
When a guy marries a gal...something similiar happens but on a larger scale of time. I mean something like one year, 2 year, 7 years...but after that the fizz goes out of relationship...the chemistry is all gone...so its up to the couple what they do about it...if they try to reinvent their relationship the chemistry continues else they both start looking for different venues to find that fulfilment that goes with good umm ____ well u know. It's not that they dont love their partner, they still like to be with her but more as friend rather than as a lover . Though there are some wicked ones who like 2 timing many women I dunno abt them. maybe they are a bit too unstable somewhere in their mind.
2007-09-17 08:20:56
answer #1
answered by kAkashi 2
I do not, but based on the men I have worked with--in an industry that is currently dominated by ex-cons and other lowlifes--about 33% of the men do. I am sure that a similar percentage of women do as well, but they are probably not as open about it. I remember working with people who not only admitted--but BRAGGED ABOUT--the fact that they had a wife AND a girlfriend, or were seeing someone but also liked to "hook up" with other women for casual encounters, etc. Of course women probably do the same thing, but the only difference is that they keep their mouth shut and don't discuss/brag about it to their friends.
2016-05-17 06:06:06
answer #2
answered by ? 3
When I was younger, I wasn't much of a ladies man, so when I got the attention from a lady, I took advantage of it. I look back now and see how stupid I was. I HAD a great wife at home, she was a great mother to our kids, and I was out screwing around. We've been divorced now for 6 years, and I do miss being a family.
2007-09-17 08:14:15
answer #3
answered by johN p. aka-Hey you. 7
I married a girl with a ten year old daughter that demands her attention all the time. The time she wakes till she sleeps. So, instead of getting mad, frustrated, i get some relief elsewhere and i am happier at home.
2007-09-17 08:11:56
answer #4
answered by dreamlover 3
I use to, really badly. On every bf. i had, but now i dont. Even though sometimes i miss coming home and trying to hide stuff. Now i just dont care. I know im stuck with the same man for the rest of my life, and Im ok with that.
2007-09-17 08:09:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Is there really an answer for this question? He sounds like a pig, but then looks are not always how they appear... she could be the biggest b****h in the world too.
"Go with your heart NOT your eyes"
2007-09-17 08:11:09
answer #6
answered by baby bunny505♥ 5
You always wonder, is this girl willing to do the things the old lady won't? I mean, does she do the things the wife doesn't like...the freaky sh!t. If so, jackpot! If not, well, she was just another notch in my pursuit of freaky.
2007-09-17 08:10:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I never cheated. The wife did. I was a fool not to realize it. Fool me once, OK. Fool me twice, never.
2007-09-17 08:10:22
answer #8
answered by WooleyBooley again 7
you should include women in that ? to i was very faithful to my wife until i came home early one day....its just not men that cheat its women to
2007-09-17 08:11:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
most men do it cause they can. It is a confidence thing knowing you can still do it, even tho your married
2007-09-17 08:10:21
answer #10
answered by SAOIRSE 6