it's not a doomsday prophecy. it's the end of a calendar. and what hapens after the end of a calendar? january 1. it starts over. kali yuga, i ching, the hopi prophecies, the white buffalo calf woman, even nasa is talking about the end of a cycle... a cycle is one revolution around a circle. but there will be another cycle.
nasa says that we are in solar cycle 24 now. and this will be the hottest solar cycle in recorded time. the mayan calendar talks of a purging by water. perhaps greenland will melt and flood costal cities. the hopi prophecy says that when white buffalos are born again, the great spirit will shake the earth with two hands and only those on hopi lands who keep true to the old ways will survive.
the good news? solar cycle 25. it will be the calmest solar cycle in recorded history. the sun will not be sending out solar flares during this 13 year cycle.
also consequently on december 21st 2012, we will be eclipsing the center of the milky way galaxy. it takes 20,000 years to make one revolution around the galaxy. the last time humans evolved was 20,000 years ago. the mayan calendar records 20,000 years in one cycle. we've been around a lot longer than 20,000 years.
kali yuga to the hindus says that we are in the end of a cycle. that humanity will sink to it's most attrocious depths before being reborn as one people of peaceful consciousness. who else says this with a calendar ending around 2012? mayans, budhists, native americans, even the bible.
revealations says that the mark of the beast will be something implanted in the hand or forehead that no one will be able to buy or sell anything without it. until now, that propheycy made no sense. but now there's the radio frequency identification chip (rfid). they've started chipping people in several countries (including mexico). there is heated debate in congress right now about the rfid.
you make the call. what do you think will happen. the good news that no matter what society has made the prediction, they all say that we will go on to live in peace after the end of this cycle.
2007-09-16 17:12:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Despite what a large number of people think, the Mayan calendar does not end on 12/21/12.
The Mayan calendar is rather complex, and is made up of groups of days, rather like weeks and months but there are more of them. In the mayan calendar, today reads as
Using their calendar it's true that Dec 21st 2012 will read as
Cool number, I'll admit.
But the Mayans used a base 20 system, as opposed to our 7 day / 12 month system.
The number in the long calendar aren't going to run out until October 13th 4772. Mayans just went out as far as the 12's because that seemed far enough at the time.
We've got ways to go before we start to sing about the end of the world :)
2007-09-16 14:58:43
answer #2
answered by Zimmia 5
First off, it seems like it's white people who don't understand the Mayan Long Count Calendar who are claiming it's ending, not the Mayans themselves. (Modern Mayans don't even use the Long Count anymore!)
Second, the Long Count isn't ending. It's going from Baktun 12 to Baktun 13 (a baktun is about 400 years). It's the same drama/hysteria as when our calendar went from 1999 to 2000, and no doubt will have the same result: nothing will happen.
So what do I think? It's falsehood piled on misunderstanding with a heavy dose of lies and drama.
2007-09-18 00:40:12
answer #3
answered by Gevera Bert 6
I'm more concerned about a super volcano erupting instead. There's Krakatoa and Yellowstone just to name a couple. The bible codes supposedly predict the Yellowstone caldera erupting in September of 2009 thru to the fall of 2010. Otherwise there's global weather patterns getting more severe supposedly because of global warming and the icecaps melting. 2012 may just initiate a new ice age instead of a golden one. Unless of course we somehow lose the moon in the process. That will be an entirely new crazy ball game.
2007-09-16 15:35:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It corresponds to their astrological observations... We'll see what happens. I don't believe in doomsday prophecies, however I read that circa 2012 there should be a significant change in climate and the Dutch will switch their bicycles for pedalos.
2007-09-16 15:00:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
it extremely is purely approximately all fraud to get human beings paying for faked up books, movies, observing nonsense shows on television and directing site visitors to web pages. Pole shifts - no, no longer a gamble. Pseudo-technology. Magnetic poles turn - no, they'll purely save shifting slowly as commonplace. Pseudo-technology. Mayan calendar - one in all their calendars ends up in 2012 through fact they ran out of numbers. there is not any prediction related to this and despite if there replaced into, it would be astrology and that has been disproven maximum of circumstances that this is not any longer well worth to any extent further words. pretend scholarship and superstition. image voltaic optimum - envisioned in 2011, no longer 2012 and it occurs each 11 years besides. Pseudo-technology. Planetary alignments - approximately as a methods from an "alignment" as you are able to think of. Planets would be in each single place. Venus will transit the solar in June 2012, purely because it did in 2004 and on a familiar form of one hundred ten year cycle until now that. No significant result then different than on astronomers, a number of whom take measurements, no envisioned result this next time. Pseudo-technology and superstition. Planet X / Niburu / black hollow / brown dwarf / wandering planet / massive asteroid - No. expected for 2003 by using a loony woman who claimed telepathic touch with extraterrestrial beings. No sign of it then and nevertheless no sign of it. Superstition or abject delusion. Bible codes - shown drivel. pretend scholarship. Revelation - no person ever made consistent experience of that. pretend scholarship. Nostradamus - he in no way expected something accurately and neither did the different prophet. pretend scholarship and superstition. Galactic critical airplane - we are unlikely to go it, we are close to it, so astronomers say, yet we've consistently been close to it. Pseudo-technology. Photon belt - this one is purely approximately the silliest of the lot. meant to be around the "7 sisters" . Our image voltaic gadget is heading faraway from them, no longer in direction of them. It does not exist besides. Abject delusion. So close to to ninety 9% nonsense and the the rest a million% is incomprehensible. this is not any longer even an theory, this is fraud. pretend scholarship, pseudo-technology, lies, abject delusion and superstition.
2016-10-09 07:53:16
answer #6
answered by pharris 4
I think that if there is any truth to that I will never hear the end of my son rubbing it in my face, because that is the year he will graduate from high school and he tries to use that as a reason as to why he shouldn't be too worried about it! LOL!
2007-09-16 15:20:18
answer #7
answered by MoonGoddess 4
Not doomsday per se, just a lot of changes scheduled for Gaia mostly but we will be affected in more ways than one, especially in terms of the reality program.
2007-09-17 01:39:35
answer #8
answered by Sal D 6
Considering the Mayans all got wiped out about 600 years ago, I don't think too much of their powers of prognostication.
2007-09-16 14:45:14
answer #9
answered by James M 3
Pretty much as reliable as all of the other prophesies of doom that have come and gone.
After all, we are still waiting for George Orwell's 1984 to arrive.
P.S. Don't mention the millenium bug.
2007-09-17 09:20:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous