Intent is intent, and energy is energy......
when two or more gather, the effect increases exponentially....
and those engaged are best to be harmonized within a field of alignment, a psychic clarity of focus..........
2007-09-16 11:40:06
answer #1
answered by cosmicshaktifire? 5
More than one Witch can indeed increase the power of a spell. In my experience (also the way it is practiced with other witches I know), 1 witch should be casting the spell, while the others add their power/essence to the casting witch. While obviously the more witches, the more power, be wary of having too many - ALL the witches must be concentrating fully on the task in hand, if one witch loses concentration or lets thier mind wander, it will, in most circumstances affect the spell adversly, i.e., it won't work, but their is the chance thet the spell can reflect back on the casters (charm spell bringing bad luck on the casters, for example).
The way we do it our coven (a coven that has existed for 15yrs), is 1 Witch casts the spell - performing the physical aspects/vocalising the words etc, while the others form a circle - if possible, if there are enough of you, around the casting witch, the 'supporting' witches cast the spell silenty i.e. in your head, only the casting witch should be vocalising.
We probably have a 60/40 success rate this way - depending on the kind of spell, location (closeness to ley lines etc)
I mean no offence, but I am guessing that you are fairly young. Be wary of the type of spells you cast, they can come back on you if you are inexperienced. All spells come with a price.
My advice - if you can, try and join an experienced coven near you if there is one - and learn from the members there, you can never have enough knowledge.
My good wishes for the future.
May the Goddess smile on you and guide your hand.
The Blessing Chant
May the powers of The One,
the source of all creation;
all-pervasive, omnipotent, eternal;
may the Goddess,
the Lady of the Moon;
and the God,
Horned Hunter of the Sun;
may the powers of the Spirits of the Stones,
rulers of the elemental realms;
may the powers of the stars above and the Earth below,
bless this place, and this time, and all who are with you.
Faltov1234 - their is no such thing as white or 'black' magick, that is a modern interpretation, their is only magick - it all depends on how you use it. For example a love spell could be classed as white magick, but if that love spell was cast with the intention to cause harm (make a married man love another outside of marriage - to cause spite), then that would be a 'black' way to use it.
A lot of what is 'common knowledge' about Wicca is falsehoods, made up by the Catholic / Jesuit churches in the 15th/16th/17th centuries, in their crusade to eliminate 'heathens'.
2007-09-16 11:37:44
answer #2
answered by impablomations 3
I do spells by myself , and I have never done any with other people but I am sure they would make them stronger, some spells actually require more than one person, sometimes group work on spells that they all want to weave to get an outcome they all will want , I don't think it matters the number of witches tat work on the spell but 3,7,9 and 13 are all very powerful numbers, actually 13 maybe a coven. I haven't worked a spell with someone else because I usually do spells that only I want the outcome for example a love spell should only be done by one person unless the group wants the person to love all of them. Mostly you here of evil witches comming toghether to curse someone although there aren't alot of witches who practice black magic there still are quite a few who dabble or just practice that. you could try it it never hurts to try. yes I know exactly what you mean I almost can never get a good answer since people always quote leviticus and exodus. they like quote the parts of the bible that says you should kill people it is wrong.
2007-09-16 11:17:28
answer #3
answered by faltov1234 3
Blessings sister.
I have noticed that having one than more person can help make it stronger but as the old saying goes "Too many cooks stirring the pot makes for a terrible stew".
I usually will give 1 or 2 people that are with me a grounding stone to wear or put on their person to hold their energy stable. We talk of what we want to do in length and make sure everyone is in agreement before we commence. This way everyone is on the same level. I also make sure that we do our work at the height of our power time (full moon, certain stars aligned ect.) I know it sounds weird but, if the 3 are women it usually helps if one of us is menstruating and in the middle of the cycle.
It has worked very well before with others for a different incantation. But it is better if you can keep no more than 3 on a spell when you work together at the same place. Remember too, if you wish assistance with your spell work you can have more doing the same spell in their homes while you are at your home. Just make sure you talk to each other about an exact time (synchronize clocks) then everyone can be on the same time. It works like a web over an area especially if you are working on a spell to help someone that may be on the move all day, ie, going to work, stopping by the store, visiting someone, ect. Just remember the grounding stones when you work together.
Blessed be
2007-09-17 03:15:44
answer #4
answered by Karma of the Poodle 6
Ms Crone, I have found that solitary work in the are of Spellwork is the best way to go. HJowever, IF everyone in a group can REALY have the focus that is needed it CAN be more feective, simply becuase the amount of energy raised is greater. BUT, there is NO way to assure that EVERYONE can remain focused to that level for the duration of the working. I prefer to do spell work on my own just to gaurantee that there are NO unintended energies introduced that may "sabotage" the outcome. If you Do have to work in a group then the fewest number of folks that you have the less the likelyhood of a random energy source creeping into the working will be. And so I'd tend to say, RARELY do spell work with more than 2 or 3 people.
Raji the Green Witch
2007-09-16 11:25:24
answer #5
answered by Raji the Green Witch 7
Parire - I love your second paragraph.
Most of the spellwork I have done is on my own too. I have worked together with people a few times and have learned some interesting things.
When things go right they go very right. I had a couple of situations where the energy we released was so intense that I had no doubt we had more than doubled the effects.
Now I'm not Wiccan, so things might be different for you - but I also found that I was increadibly close to the other person/people. There's a connection betwen us that time and distance hasn't broken. It's not hard to recall that energy and reforge the connection. Even today I have no doubt that with minimal effort we could do some increadible work.
The problem though, is that our friendship drifted apart. Not as a result of this work, but in the natural course of events. In this case, I realized that I was being taken advantage of and I became rather manipulative. Things dissolved from there.
Every once in a while I still feel a tug from him through this bond that doesn't seem to be able to be broken. It's not often, and getting more infrequant as I don't respond. It was truly unusual.
So yes, if I would do spell work with other people but for me it would only be with someone I'm willing to make this kind of commitment with.
I've also had times where there wasn't a connection and things have gone horribly - even comedically wrong. But that's a story for another day :)
2007-09-16 11:05:27
answer #6
answered by Zimmia 5
As cosmicshaktifireॠstated, energy is energy and when you have more people working on something the energy increases exponentially, but that is if the as long as the desire for the energy to work is there. Having more people definitely adds to the energy of the spell, and it is definitely noticeable. Just make sure the people who help you are like minded in the desire for the spell to work. As far as a good number, that is hard to say, if you haven't worked with others before start small and see how you like it. I know for myself it works best also if there is polarity (equal number of male/female casters).
Blessed Be )O(
2007-09-17 00:13:27
answer #7
answered by Stephen 6
I normally work alone. However there are a few people who I do work with. When we work what we normally do is send a boost of energy to the main person working the spell. That way we don't have any unintended things happen. I have also worked with the others where we did our own thing. The difference is, for me anyway, you have to be very careful to keep your words and intent specific to what the main spell caster wants. That is the reason we normally just do an energy sphere for the person to use.
2007-09-16 12:19:04
answer #8
answered by Janet L 6
in some cases, multiple witches make a spell more all depends on preference. i know some that practiced alone but called on others when it was called for.
2007-09-16 17:00:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I actually believe that working with more makes it more powerful, but some of me doubts that, as well. a good number is 3, because it symblozes symmetry, completenes, Whole, etc.
2007-09-16 23:39:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous