I grew up.
A boy who is not a liberal has no heart; a man who is not a conservative has no brain - Winston Churchill
2007-09-14 09:49:19
answer #1
answered by Girl of the Forest 3
There are many types of conservitives.As thier are liberals. Everyone has thier own cause I guess. The first reason I became conservitive was the right to own firearms. It angered me that certain liberals(who by the way own guns) Wanted to tell who can and cant own them. Then it turned to the fiscal aspect. Im tired of seeing do-nothings suck up all the hard working people of this countries tax dollars. Then it was people who practiced dievant or abnormal sexual behavior. I cant believe that thier are really people out there that think 2 men or women should be married? Not all Liberals are bad. you have an open mind..... Its the far left kook fringe that iratates us. oh and as a conservitive. i am not allways in step with the leadership. For instance Im not for the Iraq ocupation. However not for the same reasons liberals are. I hope that helped a little.....
2007-09-14 10:00:40
answer #2
answered by markh31057 2
I think when some people are young they feel invincible and that the big picture is not as important because they have so much life to live and causes to support. For the older folks out there many joined the Peace Corps or wanted to travel around Europe and "find themselves". Eventually we get married and start families or go into business and start paying unfair taxes and we suddenly forget about those days of apathy. Now "we" are paying for those same people that we used to be. We want to protect our families and our earnings and we really do like the country we are from..no we are now proud of it because we are contributing to it! Many of us become more spiritual as we get older and realize that we are not ten feet tall and bullet proof anymore and we want to leave something better for our offspring. We feel that the conservative message fits our belief system better than the liberal one does. Alot of us don't like abortion but we do not feel that it is the Federal governments place to tell states what they can and cannot do. I would never tell a woman she could not have an abortion...it is her decision. We believe that there should be less government intrusion into our lives and we should make better choices for ourselves and not desire cradle to grave care from the almighty government. We are tired of race being a factor for everything...there is so much hate that is being spewed by all races towards each other that we may never come together as a people. Government has alot to do with that! By constantly reminding us of race they continue to widen the divide. People are people no matter their color...let me decide if I like you as a person. Last of all I believe that this country was set up to be the best system of government for the people and by the people that I have no interest in rewriting the Constitution...just remembering to follow it! Not all conservatives are gun totin' truck drivin' rednecks from the South. However I do own a firearm, drive a truck and OWN a company in the South. I do wear sunscreen and my neck is not red.
2007-09-14 10:11:52
answer #3
answered by Scooter McAsscrackin 3
Edit - didn't mean to put the first part in! Copied this from an answer I gave yesterday...
I am a conservative because I believe in the Constitution. I find it both amusing and alarming that so many on the left bleat constantly about Bush trampling on the Constitution, yet those very same people want to violate *my* 2nd Amendment rights.
I am a conservative because I don't live in a dream world, where all wildlife frolic together and have a joyous time. I believe firmly in proper forest and fish and game MANAGEMENT. That does *not* mean no hunting, no logging - it means responsible use of the renewable resources available to us.
I am a conservative because the left scares the absolute hell out of me. I've seen first -hand what rabid fanatics do to law-abiding hunters, trappers and dog mushers. It's a disgrace.
I am a conservative because I think appeasement is total BS and won't get us anywhere. We need a strong military, period. End of story. I firmly believe in, "walk softly and carry a big stick" but I also believe in actually *using* said stick if necessary.
2007-09-14 10:05:38
answer #4
answered by Jadis 6
For me it was logically and reasonably determined that there were certain things I thought were better than others.
For example, my parents and family established in me a good set of morals and ethics. Therefore, I determined that I was able to determine what was right and wrong for myself better than someone else could. I would however, listen to what they had to say and attempt to understand why and how those things worked for them.
When it comes to my money, which I have very, very little of, I figured that there really is no reason why anyone had to take money from me to give to someone else who just simply did not want to work. It wasn't that they couldn't; it was that they wouldn't. I started working at 12 washing dishes and progressed through the restaurant business. I was inline for management at Houston's here in New Orleans. Again, I saw first hand why I advanced and others didn't and I learned.
As I have grown older, in a career field of my choosing, I have considered why I believe the way I do and this is my conclusion. The human species has a history of competition. We initially competed for survival with other animals on the planet. We did not want to cease to exist, so we took advantage of our physical and inilectual capabilities. Over time, we diminished our competition with animals and began competition amongst ourselves primarily. That competition continues today.
So now that I had concluded why I believed the way I do, I started looking more closely at the world around me. I found that in almost every instance, when humans are forced to be kind and nice to other humans, we weren't. We were just the opposite. I found that when we were given the opportunity to be kind and nice to our neighbors, we generally took advantage of that to a much larger degree than if we were forced to. I know from my personal experience, at least I do. So how could I become a better person to my neighbors? The only way I could find was to follow what others called a conservative phylosophy. Hence, I am a conservative.
NOTE: I know that my diatribe was rather long, but look at the responses that other conservatives have presented here. You will see that they are all very competitive about bettering themselves. The liberals are simply that way because they have a feeling for about something that is not conservative. And you do not have to be over 30 to be conservative and heartless if you are under 30 and conservative. Churchill only knew those of his time and not those who have evolved past that, tounge in cheek of course.
2007-09-14 10:11:49
answer #5
answered by Michael H 5
I used to think I was a liberal, because I usually voted democrat. But during the Viet Nam war the liberals betrayed the nation in the same way Pelosi and her crew are now, by not standing up for what's right. Moreover, a lot of halfbaked liberal thought led to the rise of the welfare state, and that seems to have really damaged a lot of people.
I realized I was conservative one day when I came to understand that the main tenets of classical US conservatism are, smaller, unobtrusive government, the privacy of individuals, non-interference with foreign governments, and respect for the writ of the constitution.
I'm not a stuffy conservative. I recognize that changing times and changing social conditions may cause the need for policies that do not seem conservative. And I also side with the Rooseveltian conservatives, in that I am an avid environmentalist. But for the most part, I accept the heart of conservative thought.
It saddens me to see people, such as our current President, claim to be conservative, and then conduct all their policies like an anti-constitutional radical.
Given the widespread illiteracy and gullibility of Americans, I think most people really think that figures like Bush, Reagan and Cheney are conservative.
They are radicals.
2007-09-14 09:59:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Life, experience, age, becoming a parent, being a taxpayer, being a homeowner, working to support a family, seeing others take out while I pay in... I could go on and on.
One of the biggest things that pushed me to the conservative side happened 10+ years ago, when I saw schools start banning the Pledge of Allegiance because of the word God. Seems like a small thing, but that's when I started seeing things differently.
2007-09-14 10:01:48
answer #7
answered by steddy voter 6
What I don't understand is why people think that the liberal or conservative label refereances a political party. It doesn't represent any party it represents a way of thought. It makes no difference what party you are affiliated with.
There are conservative democrats (Zell Miller), and liberal republicans (take a look at the presidential candidates).
Again the labels refer to a way of thought vs representation of any political party.
2007-09-14 10:01:52
answer #8
answered by nafsllib 2
I am an individual, I don't need to be part of a group to have an identity, and I certainly don't want to be a victim, as many democrats revel in being. I am for providing choices, not having the government choose for me. So I am for school vouchers, which liberal democrats are not for. And while I understand that this country is not perfect, I can't understand why so many liberals hate the USA so much.
2007-09-14 09:53:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
For me, it was about the freedom to choose what I want to do with my own money and resources. Because graduated taxes and the government in general are the will of the majority imposed upon a minority.
I think liberals have the view that they know what's best for other people, which I think is paternalistic and arrogant.
But you're not telling someone what to do if you give them the freedom to choose for themselves.
2007-09-14 09:50:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I am more conservative because that I have done well by pushing myself to achieve. I'm not sure I fit either side cleanly. I'm closer to moderate.
Heart and Troll: The thumbs down may be your badge of honor. So, I'll just leave it at shaking my head and saying "You just don't get this whole message board, give and take of ideas concept."
2007-09-14 09:57:43
answer #11
answered by Deep Thought 5