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Lets take out the argument of insest, rape or life and death for the mother. Those instances hold more water and are more debatable.

Let's focus on, to what I am sure is the 90% usage of abortion.... Birth Control.

I constantly see on this sight where it is stated that the government should have no say in a womans reproductive system. Last I checked... no one from the government sneaks in at night and inpregnates a woman against her will... or makes it law that they get pregnant at any given time or date.

The real reason libs want it is so they can shirk all responsibility. They have grown into such a selfish, entitlement based group that just stinks of hypocrisy. The government has nothing to do with your internal organs or your casual sex life. You and you alone do... and when you screw up... try a little responsibility.

You will cry out for those killed in a war yet you give no thought to the innocent baby YOU helped to create.

2007-09-14 05:28:35 · 26 answers · asked by Mr. Perfect 5 in Politics & Government Politics

And don’t give me this crap about a fetus not being alive. Science, which you people love until it disproves your point (hypocrisy alert), has proved life at a mere few weeks… duh… common sense tells us that. The baby is alive and growing… you know what the end result will be.

If you were building a house and still had to put the kitchen and bathrooms in and maybe carpet and so on and I rolled around and destroyed it, would I be able to say, “It wasn’t really a house, I knew it probably would be if I didn’t destroy it… but it wasn’t a house and it appeared as though it would block my view of that grassy field over there?

Someone at least admit it is your birth control measure. I also don’t understand why you still want it when other alternatives are readily available and they are a lot less expensive.

Abstinence, Condoms, the Pill… aren’t you guys always talking about using leaner and cheaper alternatives to “Big Oil”? The same would apply here I would think.

2007-09-14 05:29:18 · update #1

I already know I am going to feel the "love" on this one...

2007-09-14 05:29:56 · update #2

Norbert... you hit the nail right on the head... These "Unwanted" children? How heartless are these liberals? And yes... there are thousands of people that want to adopt.. perhaps they should take those funds spent on abortion and put them towards making adoption affordable.

2007-09-14 06:24:55 · update #3


"A fetus is not a viable human being until it can survive on its own."

So should we take all those who are on llife support and just pull the plug? How about the handicapped.. those who can't survive on their own, who need the aid of others? Just kill them off too? How about the elderly... Send em' to their grave early? Wow... you compassion is overwhelming!

Yes, I clearly stated the 90% figure was my own... just read what I wrote... again, I'm sure it's not too far off either. The government is there to protect the innocent. Remember, the innocent citizens? This is why we have laws. This is basic for crying out loud.

And yes, I have been in this situation so don't be so quick and High and mighty to judge. And guess what? We handled it the RIGHT way. We were 21 and 20. No we didn't selfishly run from the issue. We got married and had the baby. Now, 13 years later I have 4 children total. We are looking to adopt later as my wife is very high risk.

2007-09-14 06:42:08 · update #4

Nigel... can you read the question?

2007-09-14 06:42:49 · update #5

Well said midnight... I couldn't agree more.

2007-09-14 06:45:00 · update #6

So... in the liberal mind... if you just stop it before you can recognize it... it really isn't living?

Good luck on judgement day... I don't want to have to try and justify that.

2007-09-14 06:47:20 · update #7

26 answers

"The real reason libs want it is so they can shirk all responsibility."

Nonsense. The decision to have an abortion is a difficult one, that requires a lot of serious thinking. It's not a casual thing, nor is it a simple way to shirk responsibility.

I suspect the objection to Abortion has more to do with thinking women shouldn't have premarital sex. After all, the Right to Life movement makes no public stand on preventing still births and miscarriages. Wouldn't that be just as bad as Abortion?

Personally, I'll take care of all my children, and I'd encourage others to go through with their pregnancies. But I don't think I have the right to decide that for other people.

2007-09-14 12:36:14 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. Bad Day 7 · 2 1

Women should have a right to decide whether or not to have a child. As long as sterilization, birth control, condoms, and the morning after pill exist we will always have that right. It is wrong to grow a child in your body and let it develop a beating heart , brain, nervous system and the ability to feel only to , in a violent act , mutilate and defile the poor ,innocent soul.They puncture the head and remove the brain before removing the body , sometimes in pieces. It takes an especially heartless person to do that. I've been pregnant before. I've felt the babies move inside me, I've felt the jump after a loud noise, I've felt the response to touch when the baby's foot pushed against my abdomen and when I would poke it with my finger the baby would jerk it's foot back. Nobody can tell me those children were a mass of tissue with no feelings. There are a lot of people who would never do this to their own children but advocate it for others. Why? for selfish reasons. They don't want poor or minority women to have too many children and since forced sterilization is against the law and unconstitutional , to them this is the next best thing. They assume poor people are too uneducated and ignorant to have the foresight to prevent pregnancy so they focus on the solution instead. They say things like "It's not really a baby, it doesn't feel, it's just tissue" to get rid of that icky feeling (conscience) someone might get when they are about to do something bad. They make it look like it's about a woman's body and the big bad conservatives trying to take away your rights when really it's about their belief that the country would be better off without these children being born. It's their way of cleansing society of these unwanted people who would otherwise be using their tax dollars and breathing their air. So who are the arrogant ones? Infanticide and abortion are not the way. Education and affordable and accessable birth control are.

2007-09-14 14:15:34 · answer #2 · answered by Julianna 3 · 2 1

Okay, next time you get pregnant, don't have an abortion. And, no, you are wrong. A fetus is not a viable human being until it can survive on its own. And where did you get that 90% figure? Did you just make that up to prove a point? And your logic is flawed. If, as you say, the government does not cause the problem, then why should the government be able to stop women from whatever solution is necessary? Are you married? Have you ever been in this situation? It's very easy to have opinions (that masquerade as facts); it's another thing to actually be faced with an unwanted pregnancy. And I expect that you will, when you are able, support a woman who is pregnant and adopt the child she has. When will you sign up for that? Oh, and excuse me, but what kind of "love" are you showing? What arrogance!

2007-09-14 12:47:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I do not consider a fetus a baby. The fetus needs the mother's organs, her food and her actual body to survive. It can not live without her. A child who has already been born can not survive without care but not specifically from the mother. An aunt, uncle, friend, dad, grandparent, guardian etc can ensure that the baby gets food, nutrients etc. but when the baby is a fetus it NEEDS the MOTHER'S body to survive. If the mother died the fetus would disintegrate along with the mother's body. It is a part of HER body and therefore it is her decision to have it or not. I also think that there is a certain point where the fetus becomes a baby and can live outside of the womb while still in the mother's body. At this point, abortion should not e allowed but when you call a tiny clump of cells with a tail a baby well that is not a baby. It has no human characteristics yet and it can not live on its own. No one enjoys abortions but the government has NO RIGHT to tell a woman that they have to have a baby. What is next....they will tell men that they can not wear condoms? They will outlaw birth control pills? The government does not control people's reproductive rights. Women who want an abortion will always get one anyway so they might as well be able to have it in a clean, safe place, legally so her life is not put at risk. It is a very personal decision and the government needs to get their nosy selves out of that personal desicion.

2007-09-14 12:53:40 · answer #4 · answered by Lindsey G 5 · 1 4

Here are the stats of why abortions are done

1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).

Since you chose to eliminate rape, incest and health issues that leaves us with 100% of the remaining abortions are social issues such as birth control, unwanted child etc.

To those that say a fetus can not survive on it's own out side the womb, most of them would if give the chance. Flowers won't grow if you pull the seeds out of the ground. Here is a FACT for you for those that do not believe that a fetus is a life.
If it grows, it is ALIVE, I challenge you to name anything on this earth that grows that is not alive.

Since Roe vs Wade there has been approximately 50 million abortions, the pro-choice liberals cry about the 3,700 young men and women that have been killed in Iraq during the past 4.5 years but say nothing of the nearly 6.6 million babies that were murdered by abortion during the same time period.
There are mothers that are crying that their son or daughter was killed in the war, many of those mothers had abortions and killed their own child. Which is worse, to die at the hands of the enemy or die at the hands of your mother, actually with a mother like that who needs enemies.

Liberals also scream about Bush not taking responsibility for his actions, yet refuse to take responsibility for their own.

Why did Congress pass a law making it a federal crime to harm a fetus under certain felony acts, assume that a drunk driver broadsides a pregnant womens car as she is entering the abortion clinic and as a result the fetus is killed, what is the difference between the two, isn't the fetus just as dead?

EDIT: Just a bunch of tissue?? OK
These pictures show the fetus starting at 7 weeks, they look like little humans to me.

These are not for the faint of heart, but proves my and the askers point


2007-09-14 15:00:02 · answer #5 · answered by justgetitright 7 · 2 1

I'd REALLY like to see guys take more responsibility for their actions.

Yes, prevention is key.

But you know, you got me thinking about my neighbor next door. She'd had 9 abortions. She's a republican and a Catholic.

Why does she not use birth control? Because it goes against the Church. They spend so MUCH more time speaking against birth control than on abortion. That may not be the case in every church, but there is something so WRONG with that.

I don't see a LONG line of people waiting to take these babies.

I don't see a lot of financial assistance offered to those who DON'T want the baby.

I do see television commercials for Viagra, but not condems, not on the major networks at least, and I see very little on cable.

And no, the woman is not alone on this. It takes two to tango here.

Men, you NEED to step up to the plate too.

2007-09-14 12:50:12 · answer #6 · answered by midnight&moonlight'smom 4 · 1 0

Every one of these answers is overstepping the first problem.

Yes..to some, abortion is a 'choice' and to them you cannot take the option off the board.

But what about personal responsibility BEFORE the fact....if you are going to dance to the music....you have to pay the Piper.

Unless the school systems have radically changed since I was there...we were all taught what the ultimate outcome of these lovely, romantic evenings would be....

So how can you rant about it's a 'right of choice' when you're just covering your tracks about a BAD CHOICE one night??

A few year's back, I volunteered to council young women who had premature babies. As I had a preemie myself...it's a heart-wrenching experience. I have seen premature children born at 25 weeks (roughly 5 months, give or take a few weeks) weighing less than a pound. And these children, to this day, are doing GREAT!!

Now explain to me how those preemies are just a 'non-viable collection of cells'?

2007-09-14 14:37:05 · answer #7 · answered by Nibbles 5 · 2 1

you worry about your hell path and you will be fine
currently our government doesn't care about single mothers on the welfare or careless party girls who get pregnant, both parties that I just named are better off leavin the kid in a jar for three hundred dollars than bringing one more sociopath into the world....
folks always talking about god but these be the same people who will move away from you in public if you needed help...

oh and I'm not crying about those over in the war because all of them were voluntary not drafts and besides they making gravy money, three hots and a cot and all these bleeding hearts over here for them and they having more sex and drinking more than we are here

the reason abortion is such a big deal is because secretly every one wants to worry about every one else's sex life. It's fun it's free and it's a great conversation starter
not u fine

2007-09-15 01:19:52 · answer #8 · answered by catteeth616 2 · 0 1

ALL very true.

I find it interesting that if its a baby they dont want, its GOVT HANDS OFF!!! But if its a much needed surgery or something for THEM like say ovarian cancer, then Im sure liberals want to be the first in line to have the govt pay for that surgery. Quite frankly I dont know where you get this notion of liberal hypocrisy from???

They have made it VERY clear that liberals are first and formost concerned with THEIR own pursuit of happiness above the fundamental chance to live that both God and nature grant. God in paticular has stated that human life is precious and wasnt meant for things like sexual immorality, murder, or slavery. And I find it disgusting that we continue in history to this point assigning value of other human beings based now on age. (back then, skin color)

Unborn babies are the new slaves of our time and are the property of the mother to be disposed of at will without ryhme or reason.

2007-09-15 01:26:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why don't we have dog and cat abortion clinics to control the pet population (Planned Pethood Federation, perhaps)? Don't you think there would be an uproar by the libs for this? Did you know that you could be fined for destroying or taking an eagle's egg out of it's nest? But wait! Isn't it only an eagle when it's hatched? See their double standard?

2007-09-14 12:41:53 · answer #10 · answered by joe 2 · 3 1

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