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This is astrology, in case you didn't know. So if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't answer. :P

Anyway, if you are unsure of which signs are which, i will list them.

Water: Pieces, Cancer, Scorpio

Fire: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries

Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Air: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius

I have noticed a few personality differences, but what are their MAIN differences.
Such as: Earth signs tend to be more solid while Air signs tend to wander around.

so basically, i'm asking: What is each sign type's main characteristic that makes each type different from the next??

2007-09-13 16:45:45 · 6 answers · asked by ♥ Cute T ♥ 5 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

6 answers

air signs:
According to astrological theory, air signs are the talkers and communicators of the zodiac. Typically they are supposed to be intellectual, analytical, articulate, and versatile – able to discuss just about any topic. Air signs are also seen as the masters of social graces because they enjoy socialising and are very good at "small talk." They are often seen as so objective that they are unable to be practical and realistic. At worst, air signs are supposed to be so changeable they will not stay anywhere for any length of time, and so restless they have trouble with serious concentration on any single job they might be required to carry out. Air signs' role is seen as providing the ideas that make the future different from the past, whereas fire signs carry out the actions necessary for this.

In human relationships, air signs are said to be gregarious and extroverted, often attracting friends very willingly and easily with their charm and ability to communicate. However, air signs are believed to be lacking in passion and unable to form strong, lasting relationships; astrologers believe few air sign people are able to have a single marriage, for they are said to be as apt to try out new people as new ideas. Air signs are also thought to be extremely lacking in emotional depth because they tend to intellectualise their feelings and generally want to avoid difficult obstacles that might be needed to hold a partnership together.

Air signs are seen as complementary to fire signs because they provide the ideas that allow the fire signs to carry out their action. However, it is often thought that fire signs are too flagrant and impatient for the air signs to tolerate permanently. Air signs are supposed to more or less understand earth signs because they share a basically rational nature. However, whilst air signs are supposed to admire earth signs' will to achieve, they supposedly find them too timid, pessimistic, undemonstrative, and cautious, and the earth signs, though attracted by the air signs' unique thoughts, find them overwhelmingly unrealistic and flippant. Water signs are believed to be much too passionate and emotionally deep for air signs' flighty, flirtatious nature; indeed, astrology believes air signs hate water signs as too subjective, secretive, and illogical. For their part water signs supposedly deride air signs as emotionally shallow, excessively concerned with worldly pleasure, and uncaring towards others. However, air signs will find themselves most compatible with fire signs, who share the similar traits of being positive, extroverted, outgoing, and fun-loving. Fire signs may not be as objective as air signs, as air signs may not be as passionate as fire signs, but they can generally adapt to each other's ways, and find they have a lot of different traits to offer in fulfilling one another.

Earth signs are traditionally associated with stability, solidarity, and practicality. According to astrological theory, they are realistic, cautious, hard-working, and dependable people with the ability to rise steadily to positions of power and control. However, at their worst, they are said to be highly materialistic, limited in outlook, and inhibited. They are seen as negative, introverted, and not very sociable, owing to their focus on their own work and goals that tend to move them away from an active social life with others. In judgement of friends, earth signs are said to be generally reserved and cautious yet fairly passionate, always committed to friends and partners. It is said earth signs tend to be most satisfied when they have accumulated material possessions rather than knowledge (air signs), personal security (water signs), or power (fire signs).

Earth signs are said to be attracted to water signs because the two share qualities of acquisitiveness, retentiveness, and self-protectiveness. The earth signs supposedly feel that the water signs will nourish them, whilst water signs supposedly feel that the earth signs offer them the emotional security they desperately want. Whilst water is considered compatible with earth, water signs supposedly do not share much of the earth signs' practicality and the earth signs supposedly often view water signs' idealism as quite unrealistic, sometimes even fanciful. Earth signs supposedly find air signs fascinating because they can be attracted by their strange thoughts and share their intellectual tendencies. However, earth signs supposedly believe air signs to be "up in the clouds" and trying to put forward ideas that never will work in practice. Moreover, the severe detachment and insensitivity of the air signs are qualities the earth signs will eventually find tiresome and offensive. They see fire signs as simply too careless and forceful to be of any use.

fire signs:
According to astrological theory, fire signs represent the life-giving and vital force of the zodiac. The fire signs are termed positive and extroverted, and are supposed to be active,creative,ingenious, dynamic, and highly energetic. They are seen as the inventors, leaders, and pioneers within humanity, possessing an assertive quality that allows them to act upon the thoughts of others extremely quickly.

The worst qualities of the fire signs are seen as their tendency to be irresponsible, overbearing, impatient, and boastful to the point of hurting others' feelings. They can also supposedly find it very hard to deal with detail because of their quest for the "big picture." Because astrology holds that fire signs are frequently highly outspoken, they can prove too much for more sensitive types of people who resist the criticism they can produce. They are supposedly by nature emotionally intense and quick to anger if they disapprove but, unlike water signs, are also very quick to forgive and not sensitive to criticism.

In relationships, fire signs are generally considered to be extremely outgoing and passionate friends, but typically they are seen as requiring a great deal of love from their partner because of their assertive quality, and do not like their partner to have control over their romantic life and/or career. Although highly extroverted, fire signs supposedly do not possess the air signs' ability to relate to varying viewpoints or different types of people, because they supposedly often see differences as conflicting with their own (often self-centred) desires. Though said to be more passionate and committed under the right circumstance than air signs, fire signs are said to be barren signs. This is probably because their focus on being centre stage or on searching for truth intensely, combined with their often gregarious and friendly nature, means that they may have trouble committing themselves to a lifelong marriage. Their quest for freedom is said to make fire signs supposedly always want to be freed from this type of burden. In ancient times Mars, ruler of Aries & the Sun, ruler of Leo also were described to be sterile in nature because of their associations with heat, anger & masculinity.

Fire signs are supposedly impatient with less extroverted people, especially earth signs, whom they believe are extremely manipulative and will smother the fire of life. They are believed to resent the earth signs' slowness, plotting and preoccupation with detail, and hate the way they pin others down. They supposedly can be attracted to water signs' passion and intensity, but generally find water signs too secretive – in fact to the point of seeing the water signs' sensitivity as utterly dishonest and deliberately deceitful. They might envy the water signs' ability to summon strength from emotions rather than through effort, their general means of acquiring power. Air signs, on the other hand, are seen by the fire signs as able to provide them with concrete ideas to help them develop their ideals. Because air signs share their gregarious, extroverted quality, fire signs are comfortable with them. However, they supposedly do not have the patience to analyse as many possibilities as the air signs would like, so they supposedly act more quickly than air signs might wish.

water signs:
According to astrological theory, water signs are characteristically intuitive, imaginative and deeply emotional. In human equations, water signs are generally supposed to be reserved and not gregarious, but are exceedingly passionate. This intense passion and devotion to a spouse under all conditions, along with their emotional intimacy with children that allows for easy relation to them, means water signs are often referred to as fruitful signs or fertile signs.Water signs are believed by astrological theory to often possess a much more penetrating insight into the true nature of other people than other zodiac signs: they are supposed to be remarkable in their ability to judge people. Water signs are seen by astrological theory as sensitive (often hypersensitive) people, and to possess a great desire to help others. Although they are not seen as intellectually weak, water signs are occasionally referred to as mute signs because they supposedly rely so much on non-verbal communication rather than direct discussion. At their worst, water signs are supposed to be withdrawn, secretive, overly vague, possessive, and pessimistic, often withdrawing into their own private world rather than facing difficulties. They are also often unforgiving if injured or even slighted.

Water signs are seen as being complementary to the earth signs who provide them with the stability that they need to develop, whilst the water signs allow the earth signs to work more effectively. Although water signs are often, according to astrological theory, attracted to fire signs because of their ardent, passionate character, in general water signs will eventually find fire signs much too rude, outspoken, and honest to be comfortable with them. Water signs are supposed to have strong aversity, even hatred, for air signs, whose personalities they regard as shallow, uncaring, cold, and excessively worldly, though sometimes an air sign can balance out the traits of a water sign (thus creating a great friendship).

2007-09-13 16:57:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Characteristics Of Fire Signs

2016-11-07 23:30:01 · answer #2 · answered by tegtmeier 4 · 0 0

Fire - Imparts spirit and energy
Fire signs are full of power and light. They are highly creative and burst with enthusiasm, energetic, Born leaders, charismatic, natural sparklers. Fire signs enjoy playing with new ideas and concepts, so it is no wonder they are the trendsetters of the zodiac. . Their high ideals, broad vision, passion and assertive, can-do attitude is inspirational . . . and contagious. Fire signs have plenty of courage and initiative too, and for all these reasons, it has been said that fire signs rule the spirit and primal life force.
Fire signs tend to have strong egos, so being the center of attention comes naturally to them. People of this group put a strong emphasis on individuality and independence, so don't hem them in.

Earth - Imparts Form and Structure
The earth element is all about imposing form, structure and foundation to projects, businesses and just about anything else that needs it, for earth signs build things. They are the producers of the zodiac, the ones that make things happen. Earth signs turn dreams into reality, whether their own or those of people around them. They understand all the steps one needs to take, from drawing up a budget, to scheduling deadlines, to overseeing the work flow to completion.
Dedicated and responsible, you can count on an earth sign for good follow-through. They are perceptive and realistic--you won't find any self-delusion here. They are loyal, patient and stable too, and their naturally cautious, conservative personality prevents them from rushing in and squandering time, money or labor. They prefer to make long-range plans. Highly ambitious and goal-oriented, this group has a powerful will to succeed and usually do.

Air - Brings Intellect and Strong Ability To Communicate
Air signs are all about the movement and communication of ideas. These are the most intellectual of the signs. Restless and curious, air signs continually hunger for new ideas to chew on and they need lots of stimulation. They are rational, versatile, verbal, quick, and alert. They know that they can charm their way out of anything and are resourceful enough to make good things come from difficult situations. Gregarious and social, they love to collect information, study it objectively, and then disseminate it to everyone else. Air signs are the zodiac's information processors. Among the most unemotional and objective of all signs, they value truth and realism, see both sides of opposing issues, and can offer balanced views of each.

Water - Brings Emotional Sensitivity and Intuition
water signs and they feel things deeply. However, water signs are always emotionally reserved, no matter what impression they might give on the surface. Still water, it as been said, runs deep, and the mystery about water pertains to this group (especially Scorpio). A water sign will always become quiet or withdrawn when they are trying to sort things out. It will take some time to get to know them well, for they reveal themselves slowly. They realize their intense emotions hold tremendous power, and they tend to handle their feelings carefully. When they fall in love, water signs love with their whole hearts and all their devotion. Their sensitivity makes them highly romantic, even sentimental.
Water cleanses us and sustains life on earth. Water is the universal solvent, breaking substances down--dissolving them--and taking on their qualities. Therefore, when you share a problem with a water sign, they take on your problem as if it were their own. Their ability to sympathize and empathize is awesome; you'll get their full attention, a shoulder to cry on, and some excellent advice to boot. Because they give of themselves so readily, water signs need regular time alone to regain their center.
This element rules the soul. Water does not like to be confined and they will assert their strong need for freedom, no matter how gently it is expressed (unlike fire signs).

2007-09-13 17:22:20 · answer #3 · answered by #1 Girl -She's Bittersweet- 6 · 2 0

A Virgo is better for a Scorpio. They're both mysterious and very similar to each other.

2016-04-04 19:56:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Trinity of WANDS
Element: FIRE
Aries The Power of the Great #34 Mars The Emperor Keynote Tone: C
2 of Wands Mars rules in Aries (The Lord of Dominion)
3 of Wands Sun exalted in Aries (The Lord of Virtue)
4 of Wands Venus detriment n Aries (Completion)
Leo Retreat #33 Sun Strength Keynote Tone E
5 of Wands Saturn detriment in Leo (Strife)
6 of Wands Jupiter in Leo (Victory)
7 of Wands Mars in Leo (Valour)
Sagittarius The Receptive #2 Jupiter Temperance Keynote Tone G#
8 of Wands Mercury detriment in Sag (Swiftness)
9 of Wands Moon in Sag (Strength)
10 of Wands Saturn in Sag (Oppression)

The origin of the number 9 is the significator of the turning point when death of the Hanged man is transformed into the life of The Hermit, and the past is complete and no longer in the future.

After a time of baptism (The Hanged Man, #6), life returns. The initiation is not forced, but is natural, arising spontaneously.

This is the transformation of the past. The past is complete in which the future is a space of possibility.

The Hanged Man < The Hermit represents transformation in 6 stages, or 6 “days”: on the 7th Day, the Hanged Man returns from death - symbolizing the decent of the light energy and man’s decline into darkness – and returns to the light of the Lamp of The Hermit as #9, ascended in the seventh double hour after his baptism and death.

The Trinity of PENTACLES
Element: EARTH
Capricorn Return #24 Saturn The Devil Keynote Tone: A
2 of Pentacles Jupiter falls in Cap (The Lord of Change)
3 of Pentacles Mars exalted in Cap (The Lord of Work)
4 of Pentacles Sun in Cap (Power)
Taurus Break-through #43 Venus The Hierophant Keynote Tone: C#
5 of Pentacles Mercury in Taurus (Worry)
6 of Pentacles Moon exalted in Taurus (Success)
7 of Pentacles Saturn in Taurus (Failure)
Virgo Standstill #12 Mercury The Hermit Keynote Tone: F
8 of Pentacles Sun in Virgo (Prudence)
9 of Pentacles Venus in Virgo (Gain)
10 of Pentacles Mercury in Virgo (Wealth)

6 is the number of man. (For example, see Genesis 1:24-31)

This is a baptism unto death symbolized by water signs and cups: the trinity of illusion, represented by Neptune, and the 12th House.

The Hanged Man (6) represents man’s initiation into the lower order of the Rosy Cross, and his transformation as the serpent and the Dying God become the Ascended Master of his death, with divination and powers of transformation of life itself.

The Trinity of SWORDS
Element: AIR
Libra Contemplation #20 Venus Justice Keynote Tone: F#
2 of Swords Moon inexalted in Libra (The Lord of Peace)
3 of Swords (The Lord of Sorrow)
4 of Swords Jupiter in Libra (Truce)
Aquarius Approach #19 Uranus The Star Keynote Tone: A#
5 of Swords Venus in Aquarius (Defeat)
6 of Swords Mercury in Aquarius (Science)
7 of Swords Moon in Aquarius (Futility)
Gemini The Creative #1 Mercury The Lovers Keynote Tone: D
8 of Swords Jupiter detriment in Gemini (Interference)
9 of Swords Mars in Gemini (Cruelty)
10 of Swords Sun in Gemini (Ruin)

(9) is the number of Redeemed man ascended. He is the same man as the Hanged Man, only now He is the Lord of the Earth (signified by Virgo) with all dominion and power. Mercury is exalted in Virgo and Virgo is the crust of earth over Hades.

The Lamp of the Hermit is the light of the King of Fire, the Secret Fire of the Father, which is the transformation of #6 into #9.

The Trinity of CUPS
Element: WATER
Cancer Coming to Meet #44 Moon The Chariot Keynote Tone: D#
2 of Cups Venus in Cancer (The Lord of Love)
3 of Cups Mercury in Cancer (The Lord of Abundance)
4 of Cups Moon rules in Cancer (Luxury)
Scorpio Splitting Apart #23 Mars/Pluto Death Keynote Tone: G
5 of Cups Mars rules in Scorpio (Disappointment)
6 of Cups Sun in Scorpio (Pleasure)
7 of Cups Venus detriment in Scorpio (Debauch)
Pisces Peace #11 Neptune The Moon Keynote Tone: B
8 of Cups Saturn in Pisces (Indolence)
9 of Cups Jupiter rules in Pisces (Happiness)
10 of Cups Mars in Pisces (Satiety)

Man (6) hangs on the Rosy Cross in the light of inferior darkness, and is baptized unto death. But the Hanged Man, as the hidden serpent, is raised from death to new life (9), emerging from his initiation to the occult wisdom of the prophet’s secrets (The Hermit).

2007-09-14 05:39:16 · answer #5 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0


2007-09-13 17:23:03 · answer #6 · answered by a7xfreak 1991 2 · 0 4

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