Take it to an auto electrian, much cheaper than BMW. Sounds like either a motor or light still drawing current with ignition off.
2007-09-12 09:54:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
With the car started up and at idle speed, get a multimeter or known as a voltage meter to measure the voltage. Connect the probes to their respective points on the battery. If your alternator is good, it should give an output of roughly 14 volts. If it doesn't your alternator may be bad. Get someone to rev the engine slightly, if the voltage jumps up then the winding on the alternator are gonners. If thats the case replace the alternator. If it's not that, then you have an open circuit that drains the battery even with the ignition off. It could also be somthing very very simple, a bad earth. Check the negative lead from the battery. This should be bolted to the cars body, check for signs of furring or errosion. if thats the case, unbolt it, clean the connections with emery cloth or abrasive paper and rebolt. I had the same problem and thought it was the battery, that was until i inspected my earth points, they were corroded, so i simply cleaned them and reconnected it...Voila! Still running strong.
2016-05-18 00:03:35
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Something is sucking the power. Make sure every light is off when you close your door. Turn off the radio,heat/air, and anything else you can think of. Have you checked the battery cables? Is the trunk light some how stuck on? If you've taken it in twice and nobody knows you have to start thinking, what uses the battery and start there.
2007-09-15 21:22:39
answer #3
answered by Shel 6
Have it inspected, its possible that a wiring flaw is causing power to flow voraciously through one path or another without disturbing the electric net's balance or any of the appliances on it.
Also check the appliances, make sure none of them are left on...wait a minute, you might also want to get a comprehensive list of every power-utilizing item in that car (spark plugs, radio, security transcievers, etc.). Its possible that something like...say...ummm...ahhh...uhhh...the wireless/keyless entry system (if it has one) is using more power than it should to facilitate user entry/exit of the car.
It just crossed my mind now that "if the car is parked in its radio signal range with the keyless fob (card key) or just on the edge of its radio signal range, both might be confused as to whether the user is trying to approach the car (transmit-to-unlock) or vice versa. I could be wrong (I don't know how much power is needed for the keyless ops).
2007-09-13 03:39:42
answer #4
answered by Fulani Filot 3
ok......make sure all lights are off..........
now.... check the parisitic draw of the electrical system, wire in a ampmeter in series with the battery. let car go into sleep mode. after 16 min there should be less than .040amp draw.
if not, it is most likely the final stage blower resistor that is drawing energy. easy and relatively cheap to replace.
good luck.
2007-09-13 05:06:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Had this on one of my previous cars. Turns out that the interior light stayed on when i shut the door. Obviously the light had gone out by the morning because the battery was flat.
2007-09-12 09:58:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I had this problem once and it turned out to be the light in the glove compartment was staying on all the time. Only notice it one dark night after weeks of jump starting. Took the bulb out and problem sorted
2007-09-13 04:43:49
answer #7
answered by reggie 6
is definately power been drained out.
do u switch of all your lights,is your park lights off?is yr indicator in neutral position.
Check for any power lines shorting to body.
check the alternator.could be faulty.
Did you fit any electrical items to your car lately.
As some have suggested,pls go to a qualified auto eletrician.he will sort it out in a cheap way.
wish u luck.
2007-09-13 23:20:58
answer #8
answered by george.m 4
2017-03-05 01:07:27
answer #9
answered by ? 3
You have an x5,i'm sure you can afford to send your car to an auto electrician who will probably sort it out in a jiffy and charge you a fair proportion of whats in your large wallet.
2007-09-12 10:56:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous