If I am allowed to have my video equipment
and technical suites like ufo-detector etc.. :)
2007-09-19 17:10:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yea with some mates.
Maybe the question should be
'Would you stay the night in a place by yourself where people say that there are ghosts?'
2007-09-12 07:41:16
answer #2
answered by Hahaha! 4
This is a good question and you got alot of answers.
I would stay as long as I could be with my Paranormal Group. If I had to be alone, there would be no way I'd be there.
I live in a Haunted house that my husband and I bought. We have alot of different types of paranormal things that happen here, I was in my computer room and it is right by the basement door and my brothet stays down there as there is an apt. built down there. I was writing about a Paranormal question and I heard the door knob turn and the door open up. I waiting for about 2 seconds to see if it was my brother coming up for his coffee and I jumped up real fast and I noticed that there was no stairway light on and her always turns it on and I ran to the door and pulled it all the way open and it was so dark down there and my brother was asleep and if it had been him, trust me, he could not get away fast enough down our stairs without me knowing it.
I could feel someone watching me and I just started yelling at it. I told it all I was gonna do was laugh as whoever was trying to scare me was nothing more than a joke to me and I started laughing at it.
Our Paranormal Group has been lucky to catch 4 apparitions. Our last one that was caught was a full apparition and you can see her hair and the full length dress she is wearing. There are 2 others with her that are males and they are only partial apparitions and we got them at this old Mansion that we were asked to investigate. It is a kept up Mansion from 1841 but no one human lives there. The board that takes care of this large place E-Mailed me back 3 days later after they had looked at and listen to all we had captured there and set up 2 more dates for us to come in again for them. When we go lights out, this is the part I am not to keen about but I have to learn that yes there are several ghosts there and it was a big part of The Underground Railroad and some of those people died in the Mansion. I wish with YA I could show you the picture of the woman.
Okay yes to your question if I were't alone and a big NO if I had to be alone.
2007-09-18 02:03:28
answer #3
answered by sherry 5
I would definately go. It would be cool to try and host your own ghost hunt. I think that I would bring a couple of my friends along with me though. It would make a great Halloween night. If you have any other qusetions like this feel free to cantact me. I joined a paranormal research group just a few weeks ago.
2007-09-12 08:51:10
answer #4
answered by Argent 4
I live in Mo. but I always wanted to go to Atchinson ks and stay in one of their haunted bed and breakfasts but I would only stay in one where the ghosts are said to be friendly, otherwise I wouldn't get a wink of sleep.
2007-09-18 16:12:20
answer #5
answered by Beth 4
2007-09-12 07:54:04
answer #6
answered by MyMichelle 4
In a heartbeat. I've got too many friends and family members that say they've seen or experienced that type of weirdness. These are people that wouldn't lie to me, and they're getting sick of the rational explanations I've been giving them. So on one hand I feel left out, and on the other hand I would like to be able to support my rational explanations to them with one of my own stories (rationally explained, of course). Would be fun in any case, right?
2007-09-12 07:47:58
answer #7
answered by herfinator 6
Yes. I have never seen a ghost & don't really beleive that they exist, most phenomena attributed to paranormal activity usually has a completely rational explanation in my opinion. I would really like the opportunity to be proved wrong!
2007-09-12 07:39:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I have... lived 13 years in a house which was built on a supposidly haunted farm property in PA. Many of our neighbors had some ghostly experiences, but we never had.
2007-09-12 07:39:44
answer #9
answered by ~ Floridian`` 7
Yes, I stayed in the ' Ancient Old Ram Inn' near Bristol for the night with friends... very haunted..saw loads of orbs and movement in there
2007-09-14 07:52:17
answer #10
answered by sky 4
I'd love to, although I don't know if I'd have the guts. I'd love to spend the night in a really old church.
2007-09-12 07:39:43
answer #11
answered by Scarlett 4