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Don't condemn me if you don't believe in it.Its not just a faze, I have been wanting these for years now.I have heard of sites and things like that that help you.

2007-09-12 06:29:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

6 answers

Contact Howard Stern. He has girls all the time on the show looking for free boob jobs. He usually makes them do crazy things to earn it.

But seriously, if you want them as bad as you claim, work a job and save up the money for one.

2007-09-12 06:38:52 · answer #1 · answered by BAnne 7 · 1 1

Yes, it's been scrutinized and criticized, but there is a site that does this. (link below)

Basically, women fundraise for but do not fund their implants. It's not exactly a classy way to do it, but if you're willing to work for them, your implants will be free. I believe the site is just for fundraising; you'll be able to choose your price and your doctor.

It's best to get a consult before doing this, so you don't have to raise your fundraising goal after meeting it and then choosing a doctor out of your price range. The site uses a list of board-certified physicians, and if one you'd like to use isn't on the list, there is a form s/he can fill out to be added.

Best of luck!

2007-09-12 13:40:43 · answer #2 · answered by Cindy 3 · 4 1

I hate tell you, there is no free breast implants anywhere this world. If you seen free breast implant on the website and then you may get a financial. That how work this way.

2007-09-12 13:46:30 · answer #3 · answered by sabrinaelder 6 · 1 2

There is a way to get bigger breasts without surgery, pills or creams have you seen this site? http://www.shops-flower.com/recommends/YesPleaseSeeFabBreasts.html
I have followed the plan and I am now a size bigger in just a few weeks. Have a look.

2007-09-14 05:20:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

my free implants . com/ i did it and i am happy i did, having said that you may have to provided some racy photos for the guy however for 6 grand i did it.

2007-09-12 13:41:01 · answer #5 · answered by carrieazgirl 3 · 4 1

If you actually care about your health and your breasts and your body you won't go looking for a "deal" or "free" implants.

You get what you pay for.

2007-09-12 14:12:09 · answer #6 · answered by Terri 7 · 0 2

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