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2007-09-12 05:56:32 · 2 answers · asked by Denicia 6 in Arts & Humanities History

Thank you, Pcoenician, sorry.

2007-09-12 06:11:54 · update #1

ha, ha, sorry Phoenicia,

2007-09-12 06:12:52 · update #2

2 answers

For starters, the correct spelling is "Phoenicia" and "Phoenician". Once you get that right, you will be able to find lots of material using the search engine of your choice. Or you can simply start here:


To answer your question about language, the Phoenician language belongs to the Semitic language family and is thus related to Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Tigrinya.

2007-09-12 06:09:07 · answer #1 · answered by NC 7 · 1 0

Well!!! A classical language, is a language with a literature that's classical— i.e., it must be old, it must be an impartial culture that arose on the whole on its possess, no longer as an offshoot of a different culture, and it ought to have a gigantic and enormously wealthy frame of old literature. How Tamil is classical? Claims involving the "Primary Classicality of Tamil": a million. Lemurian beginning two. Phonological simplicity three. Catholicity . four. Tamulic substratum of the Aryan household of languages. five. Morphological purity and primitiveness . 6. The presence of the phrases ‘amma’ and ‘appa’ in close to all exceptional languages in a few type or different. 7. Absence of Nominative case-termination . eight. Separability and importance of all affixes . nine. Absence of morphological gender 10. Absence of arbitrary phrases eleven. Traceability of Tamil to its very beginning. 12. Logical and normal order of phrases . thirteen. Absence of twin quantity . 14. Originality and normal growth . 15. Highest order of the classicality . Classical Languages in India: a million. Tamil two. Sanskrit three. Kannada four . Telugu Classical Languages on the planet (rather than Indian): a million. Sumerian two. Egyptian three. Babylonian four. Hebrew five. Chinese 6. Greek 7. Latin * Though the primary 3 languages exitsed at the side of all 7, most effective the latter four at the side of Tamil and Sanskrit are referred to as as Worlds Classical languages

2016-09-05 11:29:33 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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