The Paleoproterozoic (~900 million years). Our current era, the Cenozoic, has been going for 65 million years.
2007-09-12 07:40:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What do "the vast epochs of geological time" have to do with the time line of man's existence on earth? "The chronological scope of the bible" does not forbid that at all. You assert that the human race is nearly 200,000 years old. How has that dating been arrived at? Geological excavations? Where bones have been dug up in earth material measured to be that old? So what? The flood of Noah's day would undoubtedly have caused 'old earth layers' to cover over many humans. That's like someone dying in a sinkhole and his bones are dug up centuries later, and someone concluding that they must be 200,000 years old because of the age of the surrounding material. And don't try telling me they used carbon dating. That is said to be reliable for 50-60,000 years back. Beyond that, there isn't enough radiocarbon left to substantiate any claim. Getting back to the Bible record, there is no specification as to the length of the creative days in Genesis chapter one. What we do know is that the universe is billions of years old, and thinking Christians will not try to deny that that is the case. Why? Because when astronomers see distant stars in distance galaxies, they are able to determine the distance using certain formulas, including the redshift [red is the color of visible light with the largest wavelength]. From that they are able to calculate the universe to be at least 15 billion years old. Why? Obviously, by their calculations, they have determined that certain stars are 15 billion light years distant. It is not an exact science, but it would be ludicrous to argue, as some do, that God created the universe in six twenty four hour days. Clearly, He did not. Earth's estimated age of 4.5 billion years fits well within the time frame of the age of the universe, but as I have said, that doesn't contradict what the Bible says. Given that God has always existed [Psalms 90:2], it should not surprise that a thousand years is as one day with God." [2 Peter 3:8]
2016-05-17 22:19:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
hey, MAKEWINE!!... stunning and informative site!!!.. thanks!!!
2007-09-12 09:22:25
answer #4
answered by meanolmaw 7