Yahoo can remove you for whatever reason they see fit:
I asked a question that was: Have you seen this? Tell me what you think?
How did this violate the guidelines and when I appealed they said :
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7 answers
asked by
~♥~ *CHEEKY* ~♥~
Entertainment & Music
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My question didn't even make it to the page! It was deleted before anyone even seen it! So it had to be yahoo, didn't it?
06:01:08 ·
update #1
Barbie: you just have to keep trying until she trust you. It will take a lot of patience on your part, but this girl is in desperate need of your help. It sometimes helps to gain a persons trust by telling them something about yourself. I know its risky but a young girl is well worth the risk!
07:06:22 ·
update #2