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I'm excited I've had multiple offers on my house for sale. I've never been thru this, and was told most houses are on the market here avg. 90 days. I got 3 offers in less than a week! It's a cute little house in a good location.

It's under contract, and the inspector should come this week.
I'm worried about 2 things:
There's wood rot at the bottom of the walk in garage door.
The repairman said he'd cut the wood up to the 'good' part and replace it,, use some sort of filler for cracks - what do they use in case I found someone to do it cheaper? - and paint it.
He's charging $250;seems like a lot.

Is this acceptable to an inspector? Will he notice, and will he object that it's been done this way- the whole doorframe wasn't changed?

Also, I have a handful of shingles missing on the roof. It's a good roof otherwise. There is one corner a roofer told me was soft a yr ago. My neighbors fir tree dripped on it. We cut it down right away. Does that dry out or stay soft?


2007-09-12 05:19:00 · 1 answers · asked by Marie123 3 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

1 answers

First thing I will ask is what kind of door do you have going into that garage? And, how far up is the 'rot'?
Depending on the door type, you may be better off going to Lowes, or a similar store and asking about purchase of, and installing a new door.

Roof -- when the roofer told you one corner was 'soft' he most likely meant that the decking needs replacing there. The sheathing material is most likely rotted, and/or the joists. This can run into a costly repair, depending on how much damage there is... but it NEEDS to be repaired. And you will most likely be told it MUST be repaired before you can sell the home (Especially if you are going to have any buyers with FmHA financing) Putting off a repair like this will only make it more expensive over time. Replace those missing shingles as soon as possible too... you don't want more damage to the roof because of an easy to fix problem.

Email me if you like with info on the door, and I can possibly provide some better information there.

Good Luck

2007-09-12 08:10:18 · answer #1 · answered by thewrangler_sw 7 · 0 0

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