Whenever you lend money, that is the chance you take. Never "loan" unless you can afford to lose it. Sometimes people surprise you. I loaned someone, paid me back alittle, then disappeared for 2 yrs, then showed up one day, and gave every bit back. There is hope, eh?
2007-09-11 01:34:53
answer #1
answered by joyfulone 4
It depends on how good of a friend this person is. And it would also depend on how much money we are talkin about. But if I knew I would be getting it back then I would take it that for me to know this, I must have already loan him/her money. As such I don't think that they'd be that much of a friend so I most likely would say NO.
2007-09-11 08:57:47
answer #2
answered by GRUMPY 7
I once lend someone a couple of bucks even though I knew he'll never returne it.
that's as much as I did
2007-09-11 08:25:27
answer #3
answered by Hornet One 7
... yeah, i've done that lots of times. Some people have paid me back, others haven't. Whatever..... it's all good. For the most part, we've all struggled to manage at certain times; if i can help a friend then why not? ....
2007-09-11 08:49:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No, have you ever heard of the saying, "if you want to lose a friend you loan that friend money" : )
2007-09-11 09:15:46
answer #5
answered by ME 5
I give friends money. If they one day repay it thats fine if not they needed it more then I.
2007-09-11 08:30:48
answer #6
answered by Boomrat 6
No Way! I would never ever make that mistake again.
2007-09-11 08:27:16
answer #7
answered by Louise Smith 7