In my opinion absolute fact, I will give you 3 books to try and get a hold of...
Firstly~~The Gaia project 2012~~ (The Earth's coming great changes) by Hwee-Yong Jang....
This book will explain many things, but the references to Lemuria and Atlantis, is what you wish to establish...
Secondly~~The Lost Civilisation of Lemuria~~(The Rise and Fall of the World's Oldest Culture) by Frank Joseph...
This civilisation is also known as Mu, it is older than Atlantis..
Thirdly~~The Atlantis Blueprint~~(Unlocking the Mystery of a Long Lost Civilisation) by Rand Flem-ath & Colin Wilson...
Bonus book~~Uru~~(The Lost Civilization of Australia) by Rex and Heather Gilroy...
I have included this book as it is fascinating as here in Aussie we have proof of a far older civilization than our aborigines.....
Blessed Be... )O(
2007-09-14 16:42:15
answer #1
answered by Bunge 7
Plato invented it to teach a lesson, just as he invented his ideal "Republic", as his prize pupil Aristotle testified. Plato claimed that Egyptian priests told Solon about it, but there is nothing about Atlantis in ancient Egyptian literture, and Solon wrote nothing that survives. You want references. Read Plato and see exactly what he said. He told that Atlantis was a large continent beyond the pillars of Heracles. Geologists saay it is impossible that such a continent ever really existed. Some quibble and say the tale was inspired by a volcano destroying Thera, now Santorini, an island in the Aegean. That is not beyond the pillars of Heracles, and it is not a big continent. Plato said Atlantis warred with Athens and was destroyed 9000 years before his time. That cannot be.
2007-09-11 02:21:16
answer #2
answered by miyuki & kyojin 7
I have a tougher question for you: What sort of reality does a myth have? Things take on a life of their own when a lot of people believe them, they are fleshed in, so to speak, by the people who read about them, write about them, and so on. Ask any Harry Potter fan. It's not that there is no difference between myth and the stuff we normally think of as reality. There is. But that myth has a kind of reality.
Take gods, for example. It was said by the Romans that when people cease to believe in the gods, they would cease to exist. Doesn't that imply that they were kept alive by that believe; i.e., that they are mythological? Did they stop existing when there was no one around to believe in them? No, because they were "kept alive" mythologically by art, by people who used their images in literature, and so on.
Atlantis has a reality like that. It is a persistent myth because it has a value to people. There is a metaphor there for a truth, whether or not there ever was another continent or a large island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.
2007-09-10 20:09:40
answer #3
answered by auntb93 7
Reality! Well, sort of...It is believed by one Prof. Marinatos to be the remains of Minoan Crete--dissapointed, yeah welI thought I was too--that is until I read a book that relied heavily on his work, it's entitled Lost Atlantis: New Light on an Old Legend. Trust me, so much of archeological jargon eludes me (linear pottery style A, and linear style B, as opposed to linear styles I and II..yeah..umm...whatever) that I normally skip over the technical parts of such texts out of sheer boredom. But I couldn't put this tome down--and even the soil and sediment sample data, as well as the comparative information from other more recent volcanic eruptions and the discussions on the eruption that destroyed over 1/3 of the Island of Thera was so intriguing it's beyond my meager little scope to express--you'll just have to read it for yourself.
A word of warning, though! This is not a metaphysical tome on how the merfolk's secret wisdom was preserved in strange glyphs found off the coast of Florida or anything like that, so if you're the sensationalist type, then just pass this one by. But if you really want the most definitive account which I have come across to date on the mystery of Atlantis, as well as evidence of what just may have been the biggest wave known to date-one that truly could have caused Solon, then later Plato to claim truthfully that "In a single day and night of terrible destruction the kingdom of Atlantis disappeared in the depths of the sea", then find this book and you won't be dissapointed!!!
2007-09-11 04:50:07
answer #4
answered by starkneckid 4
Both, I think. I think it is a myth that had a base in reality, Sorry I don't have references for you.. but the stories of an atlantis are cross cultural... similar to the flood in the bible, so I think there is some fragment of fact at the root of the myth.
2007-09-11 01:32:19
answer #5
answered by Lauri S 3
there probably was an island that blew up due to volcano and disappeared.
Plato described what someone (Solon?) had read in histories in Egypt.
The description fits pretty well for the volcano that wiped out much of Crete, Santorini, Knossos, -- several islands that were rich and famous in the Mediterranean sea. except for the time problem.
Check Knossos ( or Atlantis) in Wikipedia, it will give you a good start.
But the time it happened does not fit neatly. There MAY have been a translation error in terms of when this happend.
However, since Atlantis was suppossed to be highly civilized and very technincal, some people have moved that technology up to be advanced for OUR time, not advanced for a couple of thousand years ago.
2007-09-10 20:09:09
answer #6
answered by nickipettis 7
"The high plateaux of Hindustan and Asia, according to this hypothesis, would only have been represented in those distant epochs by great islands contiguous to the central continent . . . . . According to the Brahmans, this country had attained a high civilization, and the peninsula of Hindustan, enlarged by the displacement of the waters, at the time of the grand cataclysm, has but continued the chain of the primitive traditions born in this place. These traditions give the name of Rutas to the peoples which inhabited this immense equinoctial continent, and from their speech was derived the Sanscrit. . . . . And the Indo-Hellenic tradition, preserved by the most intelligent population which emigrated from the plains of India, equally relates the existence of a continent and a people to which it gives the name of Atlantis and Atlantides, and which it locates in the Atlantic in the northern portion of the Tropics."
2007-09-11 01:48:02
answer #7
answered by T H 2
When you really think about the city of Atlantis was destroyed by a flood because of there sins.They had weapons that could destroy city's and with that they had more power then even they could not control.Till they messed up the balance of Earth and so they sank to the bottom of the ocean.Does this story sound familiar A city that was flooded for there sin just like the story of Noah.So of course I think Atlantis is real.
2007-09-10 20:29:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Most myths have some fragments of truth to them.
Its the Greek version of the global flood many other civilizations remark about. The Israelites, the Mesopotamians, the Hawaiians, the Brazilians. All have a giant flood myth.
2007-09-10 20:08:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
that's complicated. that's actual delusion in diverse senses, yet there are various of contradictory variations of and glosses on the story that that's totally achieveable that some might mirror a actuality. Plato says that his ancestor Solon, who lived 2 hundred years before and maximum oftentimes did shuttle to Heliopolis, Athens's Sister city in Egypt, substitute into instructed those thoughts by Egyptian clergymen, who had study it off a pillar. He further reported that on gaining knowledge of the Egyptians had translated the names into their own language, Solon did the comparable -- hence Atlas and Atlantis and Poseidon. i'm instructed that Archaeologists have study a matching tale written on heiroglyphs interior the ruins of Heliopolis -- in user-friendly terms the notice they use to describe those human beings is the notice they use for Minoans. What I even have instructed you isn't sufficient to declare, definite Atlantis is genuine, in spite of the undeniable fact that it actual skill you won't be able to rule out a genuine foundation for plato's tale. So that's a delusion yet even although, as we understand those issues, the classic account is impossible, it may additionally be genuine.
2016-10-10 08:57:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous