Arthur Dent, one of the only two humans to survive the destruction of Earth, tried to determine it by pulling lettered tiles out of a bag. He got "what to you get when you multiply six by eight". It turns out, however, that the intrusion of a bunch of middle-class aliens corrupted Earth's program, resulting in the wrong answer.
This is all well and good, because it is determined that nobody can know both the answer and the question, or the universe would end or something even wierder would happen. Some people say that this already occured.
In book 4 of the trilogy, it is revealed that the closest you can come is "Pick a number, any number"
2007-09-11 09:15:20
answer #1
answered by morph_888 4
Well if you look at the answer from a numerologist point of view
4 = Balance = Emotional, Physical, Mental and Spiritual which Creates a strong foundations for the future.
2 = Duality & Unity = Male and Female energies merging. Unity of Spiritual energies with physical energies.
Now 42 is 4+2=6 Healing & Relationships to restore (a person) to spiritual wholeness.
I watched the movie and my other half had read the book and when I said that he was blown away when you look you will find and answer if you choose too : )
Love & Blessings
2007-09-10 20:02:13
answer #2
answered by milly_1963 7
When Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent are back on earth in prehistoric times, they discuss that the secret might be accessible in Arthur's head, by sort of randomly accessing it.
he pulls tiles out of a bag that spell out
"What is 6 times 8?
or maybe it was 7 times 8 - something like that.
close, but not quite 6 times 7, which would ,at least , be 42.
Both guys are disgusted, and one says, " I always thought there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."
that is a close as you get.
you may remember that Marvin, the depressed robot, was frequently complaining that he had "a brain the size of a planet" and no one appreciated him.
It seemed to me that "a brain the size of a planet' could easily solve this problem. But, of course, no one EVER asked Marvin.
2007-09-10 20:15:29
answer #3
answered by nickipettis 7
No, it isn't revealed in the books, as the Vogons blew up the earth about 5 minutes before the white mice would have gotten the answer, err, the question. They do make a "copy" of the earth but as far as I remember the question is never revealed.
God's last words to mankind was revealed however:
"We apologise for the inconvenience" Brilliant! :)
2007-09-10 19:43:21
answer #4
answered by Jingizu 6
Hmm the ultimate question!
The ultimate question is: What is the ultimate question?
That is your answer. I think it is, because I have no clue what else to say. And it is a tough question!
2007-09-11 13:15:14
answer #5
answered by ets2521 5
Will you or wont you ! Do I or don't I
To be or not to be
2007-09-10 20:55:41
answer #6
answered by la$t drinx$ 3