Go see the world. Take good care of myself, look good, be complimented alot, enjoy my youth, pay better attention to my healt. Oh my gosh, I could go on. But most of all i wished I stayed single much, much longer and waited to have kids until I am in my 30's. Oh and most importantly is to finish my college right after HS.
2007-09-10 16:18:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have no regrets that I missed anything in my twenties, but looking back now from 50 - my suggestion is to play all the sports things you enjoy before your athletic potential diminishes.
I don't know if you like sports, but you should be at your peak physically now.
2007-09-10 23:55:09
answer #2
answered by Spreedog 7
I regret not having been single when in my twenties.
I look back now and realize I was with one girl the whole time.Didn't get to party with all my buddies...didn't get to meet different girls...basically lived like I was a married man instead of just a 20 year old guy.Don't get me wrong...at the time it was good, but looking back now.....I wish I had been single and going CRAZY ! (That was a few girls ago so I didn't marry her anyway...thank God!)
2007-09-10 23:25:20
answer #3
answered by canada_guy_01 2
I wish I would have used my disposable income wisely. I wish I would have thought of the future instead of the moment. I would have such a headstart had I started investing for my retirement then. I'm sadly behind in that respect.
Use your money wisely! That's my advice, and don't collect a lot of debt.
2007-09-10 23:23:48
answer #4
answered by Lydia H 5
I deeply regret not listening to my inner voice that was telling me NOT to marry the idiot that I did marry..........sad waste of my time and brought more heartache and still carry the injuries and scars to this day from him.
regards..................other than that the good and the bad I do not regret, just learned from them............but remember JUST have as much fun as you can as you are old for a REALLY long time.
2007-09-10 23:17:58
answer #5
answered by candy g 7
I regret not staying single. We go round many more times than once though.
2007-09-10 23:25:56
answer #6
answered by geni 6
I wish I had traveled the world.
I also wish I hadn't worried so much about what others thought of me. I'm glad I'm over that now!
2007-09-10 23:17:06
answer #7
answered by hypno_toad1 7
i'm 35 one and only one regret i have i didn't marry that girl when I was 18, because went to Army when i came back she was with someone else.
2007-09-11 00:02:45
answer #8
answered by steven25t 7