Yes, when I was 15 years old, MANY years ago, my beloved Grandmother died, we were close we shared a room together, about 3 weeks after she died I was walking to the back door , I saw her head and shoulders out the window of the door staring at me, I froze, I then saw her in the kitchen window next to the door then she went back to the window of the door. I did not know what to do, I was afraid to go in the house I know she wouldn't hurt me, but I was so young at the time, I waked around for 2 hours then came back home.
2007-09-11 05:35:14
answer #1
answered by Hmmm... 5
A Ghost is a Spirit which is a Soul the Etheric body that we use to Astral Travel so when we pass over that is what leaves the body. It is understood as a sort of life force body or aura that constitutes the "blueprint" of the physical body, and which sustains the physical body. “Also known as our Aura”
Some people don't pass over because of unfinished business
Or they just don't know they have died
Or they didn't know to go to the light
This is what people call a Ghost
I call Spirit they may just be a Lost Soul
These are then Earth bound Spirits you may call Ghosts
Or sometimes family members that have past over come back to heal you when you are ill or just pop in to see how things are going in your life : )
You also have a Spirit Guide which has been with you from the time you was born
Do you also know that people that Astral Travel are seen as ghost, so maybe people are seeing ghost maybe are just living people just exploring via Astral travelling : )
Food for thought isn't it ?
Nothing in life is to be feared, It is only to be understood.
Love & Blessings
2007-09-11 03:15:32
answer #2
answered by milly_1963 7
While I've never seen the spirit of a relative, I have sensed one.
My Great Grandmother comes to visit me (and other family members, from what I hear). She's just a comforting, unseen presence, checking to make sure everything is okay. She actually helped us find the house we currently live in (though dreams).
Makes me wish I could remember more of my times with her...
2007-09-10 23:03:41
answer #3
answered by Nat C 2
I have seen a ghost that beyond the shadow of a doubt was my relative; it was my beloved grandma.
She came and sat on my bed when I still lived at my parents' home. When my grandma lived with us when I was a young child, it had been her bed. It was very reassuring to know that she was looking out for me.
2007-09-10 22:52:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
My sister and i have both had "experiences" every time after we have a new baby, We think its my maternal grandmother and my mum said she always really loved babies. Also when my mum was overseas for 7 months i had things happen like seeing shadows of people walking in our hall when no one else is home. My 5 year old also talked about the stranger who reads her stories at night. I have never felt scared and neither has she so I'm not worried by it. I think she comes to welcome a new member of our family and was watching over us while mum was away.
2007-09-11 07:20:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
One time I did and it was my mother's mom who died when she was a baby. She was in a beautiful white gown and appeared like an angel with her gown flying in the wind. She also appeared to be floating with movement. So yes she was a relative-----grandmother.
2007-09-10 23:44:01
answer #6
answered by JoJoBa 6
yes, I thought i saw my decreased grandmother at my house. Believe it or not, I thought I saw green fire around her and she look kinda of sad
She often appear to some other relatives through dreams
2007-09-10 23:11:09
answer #7
answered by unsastisfied 3
I have never seen one; but my phone rings alot and when i answer it no one is there and the operater comes on and says if you want to make a call please hang up.I believe and can feel it;s my mom letting me know; that i;m doing what i can to raise her neiphew ; which mom is dead to,,I had dreams about my mom and the last thing she said to me in the dream was; honey ; your doing good and i;m so proud of you.I believe that spirts are here on earth and we all have guardian angels to look after us here on earth,,,
2007-09-10 22:22:58
answer #8
answered by Cami lives 6
I didn't but my youngest sister did. Our uncle had passed and she woke up one morning with him sitting at the end of her bed. She said he was saying something to her, but she told him, "I can't hear you" He looked kind of sad and was gone. It scared the crap outta her! But he was a cool uncle, so wasn't scared of him, just that he wasn't supposed to be there.
Also, there's a saying that when infants are smiling in their sleep it's angels talking to them. My sisters and I believe it's our father talking to his grandkids. 2 y/o nephew was in the bathroom earlier, playing in the sink, (He'd climbed on the toilet yet again!) All of a sudden we heard him cry. My sister went to check on him and he was pointing to the wall. We figure it was Grandpa telling him to stop misbehaving! LOL
2007-09-10 23:39:13
answer #9
answered by honeys9702 2
If its a ghost of a dead reletive that loved you I highly doubt his/her ghost should be anything to be afraid of. If it was a ghost of hitler that would be a different story.
2007-09-10 22:15:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous