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2007-09-10 14:44:43 · 18 answers · asked by bloodrose 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

18 answers

If you want fluff-bunny witchcraft, you can start with Ravingwolf.

If you want a good intro into the basics of true Paganism, start with the Farrar's. Cunningham is acceptable for a kindergarten book.

If you want a hard, scholarly introduction, email me.

2007-09-10 17:13:33 · answer #1 · answered by ninusharra 4 · 0 2

I do not know approximately in an Islamic Center when you consider that I reside in a Muslim nation, so we do not have them right here. As for in a mosque, sure you need to quilt your head and put on lengthy sleeves and pants. Only factor that may be exposed is face, fingers and toes. How to greet individuals while you move within, say: Al Salam alaykom, or Salam, after which introduce your self so that they recognise you are no longer Muslim and are eager about studying Islam. Your earring (one million on earlobe) does no longer need to be eliminated. All different piercings do. You are not able to g into the guys's part of the mosque as a girl (and vice-versa) Wish you the pleasant revel in :)

2016-09-05 09:37:28 · answer #2 · answered by widrick 4 · 0 0

Start with a good definition.
Etymology: probably from Old English wicca wizard
: a religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that affirms the existence of supernatural power (as magic) and of both male and female deities who inhere in nature and that emphasizes ritual observance of seasonal and life cycles
This old religion is the basis of witchcraft. It involves forms of herbology, aromatherapy and psychology. Remember that magic (magick) isn't what you see in the movies. The very fact of our existence can be considered magical, and what some see as magic can be a science they don't understand.

2007-09-10 15:05:51 · answer #3 · answered by Incognito 7 · 0 1

Well right now in the world i think they are 2 path to follow
First id wicca,i think druid type but my thots on it are that they have really basic stuff cause most of it was wiped out with Christian crusades,there might be some other type of druid witchcraft out here like wicca but i think this is the most popular
NOW a type of druid witchcraft is also done by "THE BAD GUYS"(tm)
You know freemasonry and the illuminate?wanna now how they screwed us this good?they have TONS of books with "spells",wanna see symbols and what they can do?their on every product that you buy!,wanna see rituals?you don't even imagine who "they" are talking to,wanna screw someone good?they can brainwash you like you never imagine
those guys are experts and have all the books on doing them
The bad part is that its really hard to get there,you need to be elite of elite and make some noise cause the 3rd degrees don't mean crap

2007-09-10 17:38:38 · answer #4 · answered by Drakulaz 4 · 0 1

Bucklands complete book of witchcraft. Everthing about paganism is a good book. I'd suggest looking into the history first before jumping into anything specific. Take your time and read. Most bookstores have a so so section anyway.

2007-09-10 15:13:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Witchcraft is the practice of emotion based folk or 'low' magic.

Any one of any religion can do it. But it does take training, knowledge, and self-awareness. You are also responsible for the consequences of your spellwork.

If you are a minor, ask your parents for help. If they will not help you because they are against it, then you shouldn't be doing it until you are 18 and can make your own decisions.

Check out http://www.witchvox.com

2007-09-10 16:33:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Be careful of the sources you use. Remember spells done with bad intention come back at you three-fold. There are several pages on Wicca. However, check your local library. The internet is not always the best source.

2007-09-10 15:02:08 · answer #7 · answered by Caduceus of Hermes 3 · 2 1

first you should find the real meaning of the word "witch"...it is not about casting bad spells and worshipping the devil and all that b.s....a witch should live and let live, never cast a spell to harm yourself or another, whatever you do comes back to you in threefold....there are so many interesting facts and things to learn and read, i suggest you start looking for a forum to browse, make sure they are not just some crazies saying they are witches and start asking questions and doing the research.....

2007-09-10 14:58:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I'll give you fair warning, if you're doing this for selfish reasons then the universe at large is going to punish you greatly for it...if you're doing it for the right reasons then I suggest you start with a book called Witchcraft for Dummies. It explains numerology, astrology, basic spell casting, circle casting, and rituals. BE CAREFUL!

2007-09-10 14:53:17 · answer #9 · answered by Leigh 2 · 1 1

You might begin by studying one or more of these crafts to begin your training.
Bone setter
Maker of potions
Candle maker
Animal caller
Teachers of philosophy
Maker of poultices
Finder of Ley Lines
All of those within the above crafts have been called witches by Christianity and many executed for practicing their craft. There is neither white nor black in all these crafts. And they are that which many Neo-Pagans call Witchcraft.

2007-09-10 14:52:34 · answer #10 · answered by Terry 7 · 2 2

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