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Me and my friends go to a really cool movie making school, we want to impress our principle with an awesome movie. What makes a good student film?

2007-09-10 12:20:56 · 6 answers · asked by Lindsey J 1 in Entertainment & Music Movies

6 answers

suspense or pure drama. It shows (if you can achieve it) the sense that you know what you are doing and makes you seem like an incredibly strong writer/director

Other tips:
comedy is considered the lowest form (unless done EXTREMELY well

horror does not make a good first impression (trust me :-( )

and make sure your actors know exactly what they are doing (hiding the camera works often, especially when saying that it is just a test run through the material)

2007-09-10 13:01:15 · answer #1 · answered by nohandtyper 6 · 0 0

Hey I'm doing Screen and Sound as well at Murdoch uni (Australia). To me I think a good student film is something that's original, moves and impresses the audience. I've always thought of doing something that's very different to most student films for my next project. Think of something impressive that hasn't been done by other students. Also be prepared to work hard, work with good people and be critical of your own work while being encouraging to the people who work with you.

2007-09-11 23:17:11 · answer #2 · answered by sg-7 1 · 0 0

It doesn't have to look like a student film...

It should not try too hard to impress you, so avoid any weird twist endings that dont make sense...

Stick to a strong story, and a good script, something with substance, a drama for example.... avoid sixth sense style stories

2007-09-10 18:57:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

once you're searching for an excellent much low-priced 1080p HD digicam, try the Canon IXUS 115HS. once you're extra matured with video making, understand what aperture, shutter speed and physique expenditures are and don't strategies instruction manual focusing for the time of movies, try the Canon EOS 550D.

2016-10-10 08:19:06 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

1) Spelling and grammar skills are appreciated in any field.

2) Stay away from cliches.

3) If you're doing drama, focus on real issues facing your school, your town, or your peers.

4) If you're doing comedy, try to do more satirical pieces that use cerebral humour.

2007-09-10 12:29:53 · answer #5 · answered by Lady Geologist 7 · 0 0

well first find out what type of movies the principal likes then work from there.get alot of kids that will help you make it a success

2007-09-10 13:21:11 · answer #6 · answered by austin j 1 · 0 0

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