When the American people take control of the Media, and present both sides of an issue rather than the way it is now ! Make politicians back up their claims , calling them out on their statements . A media that softballs no one ; Rep. / Dem. / Ind. or whatever party. !! If a politician states something as fact , The American Peoples`Media will demand "ALL Politicians " to "prove" their claim with facts , not just something thrown against the wall hoping it sticks as an answer ! However ; the biggest thing that will unite " Legal Americans " will be for each Legal American Citizen before going to bed , to watch a video of the terrorist flying planes into the World Trade Center ? Why ? First ; Never Forget , and second because that day we were all " United Americans ", and we were one ; regardless of what political affiliation we were !!
2007-09-09 15:57:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I was thinking today how in my more than 6 decades of life I have seen America go from a God fearing country to a country with a segment of the population that is a kin to the Communist and Jihadist. They despise Christians and everything Christianity stands for. This is the same thing the Communist did as do the Moslem extremist. They must attack religion and do away with it and make the State the God. As long as Christianity exist it will be their enemy. They want to be the only authority that says what is right and wrong. I think a return in the education system to where the children are taught true history, not revised. That the Secular Progressives (Socialist) be exposed for what they are and true Patriotism be taught to our children and that they are made to understand that there are those that have harmed us and intend to do more harm. I believe Americans that see through the facade of the military haters, that claim the war is illegal and hate what America stands for will never let this segment of the left wing prevail. I'm concerned that the only thing that will unit us like we were on 9-11 will be another attack. God Forbid
2007-09-09 16:26:47
answer #2
answered by ohbrother 7
Apparently another terrorist attack. That's what it took the first time. And, surely enough, a year afterwards, everyone forgets about it. As a firefighter, right after 9/11, we'd have people coming up to us on a daily basis thanking us. As time went by, less and less people cared. Nowadays, we can't even get through an intersection with lights and sirens without someone giving us the finger, because they have something more important to do. But, of course, if another terrorist attack does occur, it'll be blamed on Bush, which will just divide us even more.
2007-09-10 07:57:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Not possible anymore. You have liberals and democrats politicizing everything. The liberal media so grossly reports what goes on that those who watch that garbage are being brainwashed and do not know it.
The big problem we have is those who expect entitlements from the government. Those people can never get enough and those who get taxed to pay for it have had enough.
Once the legalized theft of income and assets stops, we can start.
2007-09-09 17:08:11
answer #4
answered by GOPneedsarealconservative 4
Wow. I read some of the answers you received. Wow.
For our nation to become united, we would all need to compromise our individual beliefs. Everyone needs to understadn that we are not going to agree. Our liberties are being strip away from us daily. Our actions are subject to governmental scrutiny. Now, am a conspiracy theorist? Not exactly. However, I do believe that each time we support another method for the government to take down the enemy, we seem to lose more freedom. Our bank accounts, credit card purchases, internet activity, phone records are all open books to the government. I don't believe they take the time to investigate each person, but I do believe that's way too much privacy not being private anymore for my taste.
To be united, we all have to believe in what we're here for. We all have to reach an understanding of what is best for our country. It's no secret that our government argues over what is best for us, but when best for us is one more freedom lost, it's no longer freedom.
Because parents don't want to raise their children, we now have laws governing what music they listen to when they could easily read the lyrics online. Those of us who do not look at ratings and actually read lyrics don't think their needs to be a law governing it. It's my business what my children listen to. We also have laws that prevent schools from teaching safe sex practices to our children because some conservative morons believe that the less children know the better. Keep them stupid, they'll never do it. It's this kind of mentality that destroys governments.
Because some groups believe they need to tell us how to live, we will never be united, and until the government realizes that as long as a person's actions don't harm another person, then that decision is not theirs to make. The government decides more for you than you realize.
How many groups are there fighting for different causes? When those groups succeed in adding yet another law to our books, we lose the ability to think for ourselves because someone made our decision for us. That may be why we're not united. For those of us who prefer to think for ourselves, it's unjust and needs to be fought. For those who enjoy being told how to live, it's insane for those who do not agree.
This is why we are not united. Freedom should be freedom.
2007-09-09 16:59:02
answer #5
answered by Allison P 4
Maybe going back in time when people respected difference in opinion. Stop the immature bickering that seems to go on incessantly.
2007-09-09 16:15:40
answer #6
answered by lynne f 3
A president with idea which bring both sides together, you notice how the candidates these days try and all represent the same garbage from both sides to keep the parties divided.
2007-09-09 16:14:45
answer #7
answered by Edge Caliber 6
When our nation loves our soldiers (and our children) more than we hate our government, we will become united.
2007-09-09 16:19:01
answer #8
answered by Shrink 5
People using the common sense they were born with.
2007-09-09 16:13:47
answer #9
answered by wisdomforfools 6
Allison P said it all.
2007-09-09 19:44:52
answer #10
answered by hermit 5