Again...I'm afraid it's all about whats been going on around the globe and what is been portrayed by the media and television. I cannot speak for those thats causing alot of grief and frustration amongst the genuine beleivers of Islam, but I blame the minority who are responsible for their actions and are doing ' unforgivable acts ' in the name of Islam purely for their own political gain and for this reason others are all tarnished and labelled in the same way. Also because the media, internet and television plays a powerful part in our everyday lives, it is also another form of where we get educated in certain fields as to current affairs etc etc..people form their own opinions from this. Most Muslims would genuinely condemn whats going on and whats been done in the name of Islam because true Islam as with all other religions would condemn the spilling of innocent blood anywhere and everywhere. I think some people really need to get a grip with them-selves that you just cannot hate the rest of the Muslim population solely because of the mad action of another.
2007-09-09 03:28:16
answer #1
answered by London_Girl 3
The reason many people don't understand Islam can be traced back to the aggressive evangelism at the end of the 19th Century. 'Christians', mainly from the UK, went out on a Crusade to convert the world to Christianity. They also promoted anti-Muslim feelings back home. During this time and well into the 20th Century translations of the Qur'an started to appear which were not only bad translations, but which actually twisted the Islamic message.
These ideas have taken root in the western world, and are now used for political and economic reasons. After all most predominantly Muslim countries also appear to be sitting on our dwindling oil supplies.
Every religion seems to spawn fanatics and this has also affected Islam.
I believe that Baby Bush actually believes he is defending the Christian world, although he's a long way from understanding Christ's message.
2007-09-09 02:37:07
answer #2
answered by cymry3jones 7
funny thing about what words mean and what they mean to the person who is living in the shadow of the one so called.
islam started rather violently as I recall, and after mohammed died, it seems like a real bloodbath raged for sometime while the faithful killed one another and made their little groups.
In iraq for example, muslim is killing muslim, and you say it means peace. You might be able to see that to some people in Washington D.C., who don't get out much are are more trouble than they are worth, but the american public, the English public, and I would think the rest of the civilized world sees them as a threat.
no public campain is going to undo the images of dead, lost, and shattered lives from the attacks in the US, England, Spain and of course those graphic murders of people having their heads cut off.
I could go into detail about removing the woman there in Iraq, just outside of balad who worked to help iraqi's with claims against the military who was hung with a wire shoved through the back of her neck and hung over a small fire to kick and scream while she burned to death. That was a mess, I don't know if you have ever smelled burning flesh but it sticks in the nose for a while.
I can go on, but if muslim people want to be seen as peaceful, they need to stop killing family members who "love" foreignors (though the Saudi Princess did not have sex with him). Killing family members is not cool.
Most people don't know that if the US was muslim, they could not have pets. The list of reasons why people hate muslims grows as I type this, and I'm not even getting to the good stuff.
to put it bluntly, you can call it prejudice and bigotry and all that, but if it keeps you alive, it is just good sense, you can't argue that.
at this time, the most dangerous of the muslim faithful are those recruited in colleges and universities. Many of these are coming from fundamental church back grounds because the church is failing to do its job.
be patient. at some point folks won't wait to get a license to hunt them down, and that is a day that i PRAY WILL NOT COME to be.
I have muslim friends. They don't practice the religion because they don't believe in God, Allah, or anything else. So I don't have a good answer, I just call it the way I see it
2007-09-09 02:32:00
answer #3
answered by magnetic_azimuth 6
Because the violence created by people that call themselves Muslim are big news in the they roll with the religion being claimed because they know most people are looking for something to hate anyway so they feed that hate to sell their product.
A lot Christian churches and the Christian Right have gotten into the act also. They tell the Congregations that they have an enemy and that is Islam. I have seen examples on websites of verses taken out of context and actually changed to rally against Islam.
Muslim Orgs. that try to spread the truth do not get the air time or attention because they do so in a PEACEFUL way...but peace is not what most folks want.
2007-09-09 02:01:54
answer #4
answered by Ahmad H 4
Well maybe it's because of a small part of them being murderers, and the other part of not doing nothing to stop it, so you could ask why do Muslims hate everybody else?
and your right Islam is violent, sexist, racist religion, but many of the people are. I see Muslims bully others to follow their religion nearly everyday why do they do that if their peace loving, but I do know some nice muslims, not all are bad
2007-09-09 02:32:32
answer #5
answered by ringo711 6
Muslims are the most intolerable people i have ever come across and yes i do have Muslim friends so am not a freaky Muslim hater because of a few rogues who discredit the whole teachings of the Muslim faith. But you gotta admit, they get a bad press because there are only the bad ones representing all, so there is no counter balance out there for people to look at. If you want to be viewed better then do something about it. We afford Muslims freedom of speech which they are not entitled to in their own country even, so we always hear the extreme end of the spectrum. Why do these so called peace lovers want to kill us all?? Ask yourself a question before trying to make out we are all thick and disregarding for your faith.
2007-09-09 02:06:23
answer #6
answered by Heidi. 3
Islam means submission. The Koran teaches muslims to dominate non-believers. Muslims do not condemn and imprison those who murder little children, they worship them as heroes. Muslims want to destroy the free and democratic country of Israel. IRAN furnishes explosives to kill Americans. Muslim charities give money to terrorist training camps. Muslim mosques teach hatred of non-muslims. Muslims mutilate the sex organs of women.
I don't get why muslims think they deserve to live in a civilized society. The facts seem to indicate they should all be exterminated. Now that IRAQ and IRAN have elected officials, we can now hold those people responsible for the atrocities committed by those governments against America. So the next time there will be no protracted war. We can deal with them like we did with Germany. Keep killing them until they REALLY want peace.
2007-09-09 02:07:20
answer #7
answered by glen_loves_fun 4
You need to look past what u see here in America with the nice quite burkas and friendly smiles. Actually do some RESEARCH and you will find a totally different story. For starters.........did u know that muhammud was a petafile? (spelling) he took a VERY UNDERAGE bride and "consumated it" when she was like 8. Thats not the half of it, the KORAN allows men to beat there wives, and it states that it is OK to kill anyone who does not believe in ISLAM. Now my good man, what exactly are u talkin about when u say islam is a religon of peace?
2007-09-09 02:32:38
answer #8
answered by ilvkk 1
To "Fretachose", your perception is ignorant and shows a lack of knowledge. Muslims are only ordered to kill non-believers when there is a justly arranged war. Of course, the Islam practised today has been influenced by big arsed people and cultures so there is much division, even in the islamic world.
The islam portrayed in the media is ignorant and surfaced; journalists etc haven't gone through the effort of insight into the way of life, instead they have picked things from the top, exaggerated and end up in the conflict. If we took the time to sit and discuss things, we may realise the beauty in Islam. We may also recognise similarities and not just differences.
2007-09-09 02:02:31
answer #9
answered by Nelly-The-Elephant 2
Because people tend to give something the don't understand a bad name or they associate with any bad thing that has happened in the name of it, such as terrorism. Some people think if you are a Muslim, then you must a terrorist.
Ignorance has been around for a long time and it's going to take a while to be abolished and if it will ever be abolished.
2007-09-09 02:55:46
answer #10
answered by soraya 4