If your proof is Blair & Bush, then no this doesn't necessarily constitute hell.
Since your team is doing so poorly, and you are the one who picks your team, then it might be a personal hell, but I would point out that you can pick another at any time you wish to be a winner. So again, no I don't think you made your point.
Now as to the merit of your question in general, in comparison to the wonders and vision offered about "heaven" and all its glory, sure, by contrast this could indeed be hell. But one can imagine a much greater level of suffering if one should wish to do so.
2007-09-07 23:40:06
answer #1
answered by Kekionga 7
This is the closest to heaven that some people will ever reach! On the opposite end of the scale, for some people the life they are living is like hell. We only have one life so we ought to live it the best we can. Maybe we should 'live as though' there is a God, even if we don't know if he exists. Then we we'll have no reason to regret our actions later. How good it would be if we all treated each other how we would like to be treated, & had more hugs & laughs & helped each other out more!
2007-09-08 18:05:42
answer #2
answered by Nelly 5
The Earth is too beautiful to be hell.
What we (think) and do as individuals is the programming for the course we are on.
The system we use to elect the leaders of the world needs to be changed. Their can be no room for error when dealing with war.
Just one reason this beautiful Earth might seem like hell.
Imagine what it takes to be a great leader....Imagine all the traits and application of knowledge it would require to truly be a righteous King. Somehow it has nothing to do with the way you get the job. These guys are lazy bull----t artists who only talk and collect salary... The more this country elects do nothing smooth talkers the deeper and hotter it's going to get.. The people must change the system so we can put our best and most deserving in place of power....
We need to find our great leaders and give them the power to fix the mess we are in.
Most importantly we must remove those from power who exercise poor judgements.
God help us all...
2007-09-08 09:03:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm having way too much fun here for this to be hell. Yes we have Bush, Howard and Blair but hey, that's politicians for you. They're gonna end up in the real hell someday.
2007-09-08 08:34:22
answer #4
answered by Pistachio 6
Buddha suggested that very thing before he sat under the fig tree to become enlightened.
Jesus Christ suggested the same thing in the story of the Prodigal Son. The son was "dead" and is alive once again. That death he spoke of sounds like kind of a hell to me.
2007-09-08 07:34:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's hell on earth for some unfortunate people born in terrible situations but I think the actual hell is allot worse!.
2007-09-08 13:38:22
answer #6
answered by on-point 5
My team has often ended up at the bottom of the league. It can be hellish. Hell is the total absence of God. I don't think this is it.
2007-09-08 06:13:13
answer #7
answered by bodicea77 4
I've thought that maybe in the Abrahamic religion, htis is hell. It's so "bad" because, compaired to heaven, it is horrible. And then this also equates to other religions with their reincarnation. They believe that if you don't become englightened, you will be reincarnated, and you will suffer more. You can also reach nirvana (heaven).
2007-09-08 07:38:33
answer #8
answered by lufiabuu 4
Your problem is you. Choose a team that wins regularly. When it starts to lose change teams. Be smart. My team wins the premiership every year.! Now with this smart thinking you can be in heaven every day. Join my party.!
2007-09-08 06:59:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
This is heaven to me because I was a Penguin in my past life...I love the cold (the colder the better) I did spend 5 weeks in the north pole. Loved it...Toe.
2007-09-11 17:04:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous