Just let her know that there's nothing wrong with her and that all those kids that are teasing her are just a bunch of ignorant brats (maybe not in that language, but you get the idea), and that she should just ignore them and inform you and her teachers about the problem when it happens.
If she ask you what homosexuality is, then answer her questions openly and honestly, and tell her that despite what those kids are saying there is nothing wrong with it.
2007-09-07 13:17:31
answer #1
answered by goldenrose82 5
Well, to handle this the best way, I think is the way my family handled it with my niece when she realized I am gay. As long as she is able to understand it, and you don't think she would end up becoming one of the teasers, tell her.
What we told my niece is that being gay means that if you are a boy, you like boys and if you are a girl, you like girls. My niece is totally away what a boyfriend and girlfriend are; and she knows I have boyfriends. She is pretty good with the whole thing.
2007-09-07 13:17:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The issue here is not whether she is lesbian but the fact that she is perceived as being different, and is being bullied because of it.
You need to explain to her that people are different and unique and special, and it's okay to be who you are, even if you are not like anyone else.
You also need to address the issue of bullying with the teacher and, if necessary, the school authorities. The other children need to be sensitized to the potential harm of name-calling and bullying on others.
2007-09-08 14:20:40
answer #3
answered by Civis Romanus 5
discussions of straight/ gay or bi. will lead to other questions of puberty, sex, and how to..........
are you ready....??
at nine kids are very curious, and may already know more than you realise...Playground talk, may not always give accurate information - But info filters through.
Try to be honest if you are going to talk about it, information with adult prejudice. is the best course, as long as YOU are ready.
Your kid is better getting the info from you than the Playground Grapevine
2007-09-07 13:19:33
answer #4
answered by steven m 7
Just tell her the truth. Thats how I learned. Now that I look back I am glad I was told the truth.
2007-09-07 13:11:59
answer #5
answered by Tony T. 4
she should be told boys are mean and theres nothing wrong with her she can dress any way she wants shes just a little girl
2007-09-07 13:17:26
answer #6
answered by nikki 5
Just tell her those boys want to hurt her that is why they call her names. and she's the only person who has the right to let anyone hurt her, so she should pay no attention to those boys.
2007-09-07 13:16:55
answer #7
answered by xy_cosmoboy 2
don't say anything about homosexuality until she asks , in the mean time tell her she is fine to dress the way she wants .
2007-09-07 13:11:38
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just try to explian it to her in simple terms thatt she can uderstand, you do not have to go into details about it all, just give her enough info. to answer her questions.
2007-09-11 02:36:43
answer #9
answered by ziggy 6
Just answer the questions that she presents to you. Dont go any further than that.
2007-09-07 13:11:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous