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2007-09-07 01:55:29 · 21 answers · asked by ron2110 1 in Society & Culture Royalty

If so, before/after whom?

2007-09-07 02:20:26 · update #1

And, for you dipshits, it's a hypothetical question, hence the use of the subjunctive "WERE to have" as opposed to "If Charles and Camilla have children..."

2007-09-07 04:02:05 · update #2

21 answers

yes they would as ugly as they would be, and i resent being called a dipshit by you, two points for me and a violation for you

2007-09-08 03:06:39 · answer #1 · answered by IT'S ME AGAIN 6 · 0 3

Yes they would be in line
Prince Charles is first in line
Prince William is 2nd in line
Prince Harry is 3 rd in line
Than would Princes Charles children come
Than his two brothers
Than those children from those two living brothers and so on.

However, both are too old to have children. Hence they would be ugly. I think Prince William has the stunning looks of his mom. Thank goodness for that.

2007-09-07 12:48:51 · answer #2 · answered by angelikabertrand64 5 · 1 1

Probably they would, even though Camilla is a Catholic and thus wasn't supposed to marry an heir to the throne. I say they'd be after Charles, William, and Harry, though.

2007-09-07 18:41:13 · answer #3 · answered by Lynn M 3 · 0 0


It depends - there might be loophole that says no children born to a heir and his divorcee wife (from her first husband) are allowed to inherit.

However, unless there's that - then yes, they would - they would in 4th and 5th, after Charles, William and Harry. They would push Andrew, Beatrice, Eugenie, Edward, Louise and the future little Royal further down the list.

2007-09-07 13:37:51 · answer #4 · answered by allusian_fields 4 · 0 0

After Princes William and Harry

Before everyone else

2007-09-07 18:25:10 · answer #5 · answered by rosie recipe 7 · 0 0

Their first chilsw would be fourth in line , as the first is charles himself then William then Harry, I dont think Camilla is able as Im sure she's reached menopause.

2007-09-07 10:48:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not possible, but if it were, they would be in the line of succession after William and Harry, since they would be the children of a legitimate marriage.

2007-09-07 12:27:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes the child would, but William and Harry would be first and second in line to the throne respectively. This 'new' child would be third in line but would unlikely be King or Queen because we assume William will be King one day and have children and his children would then carry on.

2007-09-07 10:02:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

GREAT question!

I believe they would (unfortunately!) & I think they would be after Charles, Prince William & Prince Harry... because Charles is the oldest child & it then goes to his descendants.

Check out the link below for the official Royal Title Succession. It's from the Official Website of the British Monarchy.

EDIT: Hmmm... after reading the link I included... IF they were to have kids... I don't think they would be in line... because of this statement...

"The Sovereign must, in addition, be in communion with the Church of England and must swear to preserve the established Church of England and the established Church of Scotland. The Sovereign must also promise to uphold the Protestant succession."

Something just tells me that Charles' "new" kids would not fall under that statement.

Then again, the Parliament HAS to "confirm" the next in line!! & I doubt anyone would want to put Camilla's kids in line... even if they were Charles' children!!
But, hey, that's my opinion! :)

2007-09-07 12:42:55 · answer #9 · answered by Lady Harley99 4 · 3 2

Yes. after Harry

2007-09-07 12:30:42 · answer #10 · answered by brainstorm 7 · 0 0

Not going to happen, but they would be; after William and Harry, but before Charles' siblings and their children, unless the Queen dictates otherwise.

2007-09-07 11:15:29 · answer #11 · answered by tiny Valkyrie 7 · 0 1

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