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Today when I was at school(Community College) I was walking in the parking lot back to my car with my friend and I stopped to read a lost dog sign on a pole when some lady pulled into the spot getting very close to me and honked. i just went off on her, I was so mad it just set me off. So after yelling at her she just walked off laughing. I got into my car and drove by her car. When I did I splashed old coffee on her back window like a little bit there wasnt much. Now I feel bad and am worried on what could happen to me( No i'm not worried about getting my a** kicked I can handle my own). I am worried about charges or something. I am a really good law abiding person I just messed up. What could happen or am I ok and just need to handle myself next time.

2007-09-06 12:40:47 · 21 answers · asked by BrandyJo 3 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

21 answers

She had already left when you splashed the coffee on her window. She wasn't there to see you. She might think it was you, but she can't prove it... and she doesn't know who you are to send the police after you anyway. And any other witnesses probably didn't get a good look at you and don't remember if they did.

It's very likely that this woman didn't even notice the coffee when she got back anyway... i mean if she had a class, she was gone for at least an hour and it probably dried and she probably didn't notice.

And even if she did... how hard is it to wash it off? you can stop at the gas station, get the window cleaner, and it's better in about 15 seconds. I don't think it's the sort of thing that people are going to prosecute.

And it wouldn't be worth it to do a civil suit because you didn't damage the car... the most she'd get is a couple hundred dollars which is really not worth it against the time and cost of filing a lawsuit.

So don't worry about it.

When I was little we stopped at a hotel for the night... we didn't get there until late and it was really full so we were driving around the parking lot looking for a spot and there's this truck who instead of pulling into one of the spots, he has decided to parallel park across 3 spots! And we ended up having to park in the back and we were angry about it, so my mom gave me a banana and told me to smear it all over his truck... and i did and it was fun! and the next morning we were taking our luggage out to the car when that truck pulls up all wet and clean... it was funny ;o)

Relax, nothing is going to happen, you'll be fine.

2007-09-06 13:06:21 · answer #1 · answered by kmnmiamisax 7 · 4 0

That doesn't sound like something that charges can be brought against you for. Maybe damages but a judge would throw it out since damages might be the price of a carwash and wouldn't be worth the court cost.

Soiunds like she deserved it anyway. I run into lots of people at my school who do the same thing they will charge a spot to try and race you to it (stupidly limited parking for the amount of students, I think 100000 students and maybe 70000 parking spots)

It is better that you did that than really hurt her. Though if more people would start hurting consitantly rude people they would think twice before being rude.

2007-09-06 12:48:57 · answer #2 · answered by WCSteel 5 · 2 0

First of all she would have to know you did it, and would also need a witness. Was there any physical damage, other than a non-caustic fluid spill on the exterior of the veh.? If not; I don't think you need to worry about it, worse case, you might pay for a car wash.... If you feel bad, you could leave a note (in a envelope) with $3.00 in it for a wash, under the wiper blade.

2007-09-06 12:58:54 · answer #3 · answered by b.douglaswyatt 3 · 2 0

in case you have been having sessions, probability is you at the instant are not pregnant, plus precum does not many times contain sperm so it is no longer likely. sometimes women individuals have gentle bleeding interior the commencing up of being pregnant, yet don't have sessions...yet era-like bleeding for the time of being pregnant can characterize a miscarriage, so which you would be secure that's beneficial to take a being pregnant attempt to be certain in case you're pregnant. in case you're, pass see a physician at contemporary! domicile being pregnant checks at the instant are not high priced and in case you're pregnant, then you certainly gets a good effect. that could be the terrific thank you to be certain for optimistic.

2016-10-10 02:26:47 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If she saw the car you drive, look for retalliation. If she's a little more mature, she'll just wash the coffee off and that will be that.

As far as the police caring...not likely. I've reported much more serious things than that...with names and addresses, eye witness accounts...and let me tell you, CSI don't exist in my town...the crime isn't solved.

If the community college finds out about what you did, they may give you a stern warning ;)

2007-09-06 12:57:18 · answer #5 · answered by Yahoo Answer Angel 6 · 3 0

I wouldn't worry about it too much - Im sure by the time she came back to her car the coffee was dry or you couldn't tell it was there. I doubt someone would bring police into something over coffee either, and ALSO, there really is no proof you did it, she doesn't have your license plate or anything like that.

Like I said, don't worry, you're fine!!!!

2007-09-06 12:47:18 · answer #6 · answered by Jen 2 · 3 0

Well, for you to get in trouble for vandalism there would have to be some sort of witness. You are probably fine though and the absolute worst that could happen legally would be a fine or having to pay to have it professionally cleaned or something. Serves her right IMHO.

2007-09-06 12:49:10 · answer #7 · answered by Ken O 4 · 2 0

BrandyJo, shame on you! You should feel badly not because of fear of retribution but because what you did was wrong. You were raised better than that! You should not allow your anger to get the better of you. You behaved in a childish manner.

You are a good person so you must not do things like this. You should always do the right thing.


2007-09-06 12:50:55 · answer #8 · answered by Jacob W 7 · 2 1

At worst...maybe some probation or a minimal fine and im not even sure what they could get you on. You really gotta learn to control your temper right now its just coffee on a car.

2007-09-06 12:45:40 · answer #9 · answered by SS4 Elby 5 · 2 0

I wouldn't worry about it. We all have less than stellar moments we are ashamed of. It won't damage her car, and nobody probably even saw you. I understand how this would make you angry. I was crossing the street one day and this guy starts blowing the horn at me. It made me so mad, too, and if I'd had anything in my hand, I probably would have thrown it at his car, too.

2007-09-06 12:55:37 · answer #10 · answered by Lydia H 5 · 2 0

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