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Its based on a true story and its a like a survivor kinda of thing. Its about a soccer team that is going to South America on a plane and they crash in the Andes and its just continues on wat they went thru to survive..
I was told about it and it thought i was really interesting so i really wanna kno the name of it!! thankz

2007-09-06 10:09:49 · 5 answers · asked by Mimi 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

5 answers

...although the more familiar, and most watched version of this story, is the compelling 1993 true drama, entitled "Alive", starring Vincent Spano and Ethan Hawke, this very same tale was filmed once before, in a much more viceral, exploitive and semi-documentary-like vein, in a 1976 shocker from Spanish cult film director Rene Cardona, entitled "Survive"...

...never released on VHS tape, and somewhat readily available on DVD, via a couple of the smaller underground distribution companies, in an extremely rough, undigitized and subtitled version, BCI Eclipse has recently announced that they are picking up the title, cleaning it up, and putting out the best version available...

...watch for it!!!

2007-09-06 13:01:03 · answer #1 · answered by Fright Film Fan 7 · 0 0

It's a RUGBY team and they were not going TO South America. They're going from Uruguay to Chile, both countries in South America.

2007-09-06 20:56:54 · answer #2 · answered by Gustavo CL 5 · 0 0

It is called "Los Sobrevivientes de los Andes"
Its a Mexican movie from 1974.

Ethan Hawke did a remake of that movie,
it was called "Alive"

2007-09-06 11:35:18 · answer #3 · answered by spyblitz 7 · 0 0


2007-09-06 10:16:48 · answer #4 · answered by unholyghost2003 4 · 2 0

It's called "Alive".

2007-09-06 10:28:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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