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Tancredo: Threaten to bomb Muslim holy sites in retaliation.
A political candidate for the president of U.S. made such a dim-witted and inflammatory statement, yet most people dismissed it as ranting from a crazy, old guy. If he can justify the bombing of innocent citizens, then what makes him any different from any terror leader sitting in a cave on the Pakistan-Afghan border?

2007-09-06 09:54:34 · 9 answers · asked by tallest4eva 3 in Politics & Government Politics

9 answers

He just wants attention.

2007-09-06 09:58:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Shouldn't Obama be labeled as a terrorist as well?
He did say that we should go into Pakistan after all.
If we go to war in Pakistan, innocents will die. They always do in a war. And since the real terrorists hide themselves in homes, schools, mosques, and similar places, we will target such places during a war.
Tancredo made a threat. You can disagree with the threat. But to be a terrorist, he would have to carry it out.

By the way, the link you provided went to a page on Gonzalez, not Tancredo.

2007-09-06 17:34:49 · answer #2 · answered by Still Learning 4 · 1 1

Why aren't the ACLU communist lawyers declared terrorists?

After all, they defend terrorists.


I think he's right.

That's where all the Islamofascists congregate

If he was elected president, he sure would kick butt!

Good for him.

But I know you liberals are scared of taking an aggressive stance in this war on terror, for fear of "offending" the enemy we're against, who will hate us anyway, no matter how much appeasement is shown to them.

And that's so typical of you liberals to use biased, America hating CNN.

They're not even giving the whole scoop.

You've been brainwashed.


I guess this man is too pro-America for you.

He said Mecca sites hould be taken out IN RESPONSE TO A RADICAL MUSLIM TERROR ATTACK ON A U.S. CITY!


2007-09-06 17:21:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

President Roosevelt bombed civilians in World War Two. He wasn't labelled a terrorist.

President Johnson bombed civilians in Vietnam. He wasn't labelled a terrorist.

President Truman bombed Japan. He wasn't labelled a terrorist.

McArthur wanted to nuke China when China was sending a million communist troops into North Korea during the Korea war. He wasn't labelled a terrorist.

2007-09-06 17:01:34 · answer #4 · answered by a bush family member 7 · 1 3

He is a good man who would scare our radical Islamist enemies sh*tless if he were elected president. I don't agree with his statement, but to call him a terrorist is just plain stupid. If Tancredo were elected president he would protect us from radical Islamists and the hordes of illegal alien invaders. Go Tom!

2007-09-06 17:15:57 · answer #5 · answered by Shane 7 · 0 1

He's a typical republican, threatening to blow up this or that in order to get elected. Just don't pay any attention to the loon.

2007-09-06 17:07:41 · answer #6 · answered by Zardoz 7 · 1 1

I wouldn't label him a terrorist. I would label him as an idiot. What he said is completely irresponsible.

2007-09-06 17:06:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

not much

2007-09-06 17:11:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think he is correct, it would be giving them a dose of their own medicine.

2007-09-06 17:00:59 · answer #9 · answered by DaLinkWent 3 · 0 6

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