u don't seem that smart saying all the above nonsense, u r quite fun though
2007-09-06 06:17:22
answer #1
answered by me 6
Well I'm certainly not a liberal and I don't associate myself with the democrats, but I can tell you some everyday well known facts that even Bill O'Reilly would have a hard time dealing with:
1. Most of the terrorists where from our allied nation of Saudi Arabia, and as I recall, NONE were Iraqis. And having a relative or friend in Iraq means nothing because they've all had friends and relative all across the middle east, so we'd have to bomb the whole region according to your reasonings (I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?) Not to mention, the bin Laden family (yes, Osama's family) is one of the most powerful families in the world, and they are well respected in the middle east. Hussein was considered an infidel according to radical Islam and was recognized for one good thing, running a secular government. Finally, no proof was ever released in favor of your and Bush's argument, so you need to go find some for him.
2. It is now officially the status that there where no WMD's and no government in the world, even within our own, with the exception of the current executive office, believes what you stated, and you have no VALID proof.
3. See number, no you have no proof again and there is plenty of evidence stating Osama was against Hussein, but never took action.
4. That's a funny one alright. I've spent plenty of time overseas to come to the conclusion that the world has lost a significant quantity of respect for Americans solely as a result of this war. You've obviously never been further than Canada.
5. We all share these feelings for our beloved troops, unfortunately his mistake lead to their deaths, which is why his approval rating is falling drastically.
You need to get your facts straight because if you stood in front of congress or a serious debate show, they would laugh you out of their so quick you'd be slapped in the face to find out that he's not up for re-election again.
2007-09-06 06:36:18
answer #2
answered by Anonimo 5
1.) wrong most were Saudis the power of seven makes YOU related or know someone there too and doesn't proove a thing
2.) Yes they did have WMD's and we did find them all ONE FULL YEAR BEFORE THE INVASION
3.) Osama Bin Ladan and Sadamm Hussein may have meet before, may have been friends, BUT EVEN PRESIDENT BUSH HAS ADMITTED SADAMM HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11
4.) We are NOT HIGHLY RESPECTED around the world much to the contrary, we are despised around the world BECAUSEofOUR INVASION OF IRAQ
5.) He did coke and teared up? Common
P.S. Keep the beachfront property, California will fall into the Ocean before another republican gets elected into the Whitehouse, California will
2007-09-06 06:25:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Isn't it great to live in a country where the enlightened can laugh at the sheep. But if your a male sheep you better feel real nervous, especially in a red state !!!
Oh you rascally republicans.
2007-09-06 06:53:38
answer #4
answered by rikfreese 3
Since sarcasm is sometimes hard to detect is writing ( not your question), is was challenging to decipher some of the answers.
By the way don't confuse respect with being liked.
2007-09-06 06:34:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Wow all in one post. Time for Bush/Cheney to resign!
Please stay away from Colorado.
2007-09-06 06:37:45
answer #6
answered by gone 7
Good points. Do not forget that Bush also located and disposed of the uranium that Iraq purchased in Niger. Bush sank all eight of their aircraft carriers and eviscerated their stealth bomber squadrons.
2007-09-06 06:34:29
answer #7
answered by Chi Guy 5
superb factors, Mr. smart Republican. they're each bit as valid because of the fact the factors our president brings up on a on a daily basis foundation. i will see which you will pass an prolonged way interior the Republican occasion. you have impeccable good judgment....
2016-10-10 01:49:21
answer #8
answered by ? 4
Advice is free . At what elevation is the property located .
There is the possibility that death valley may once again fill with ocean waters if sea level rises 18 feet .
2007-09-06 06:35:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Oh yes, based on your statements 1-5 you made a great purchase.
2007-09-06 06:23:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Ah, my head almost exploaded until I got to the PS. I was going to refute each of your points, but you already know that most of the 911 highjackers were saudis, etc.
2007-09-06 06:20:49
answer #11
answered by Ellinorianne 3