2007-09-06 05:06:32
answer #1
answered by me 6
Why do liberals compare Bush to Hitler and Republicans to Nazis? Because they're showing their true colors. Even during the Clinton scandal you NEVER heard him talked about with such hatred by the right as Bush is with the far left. I was never a fan of Bill Clinton either, but he was STILL the president of the United States. And to me that entitled him to a certain level of respect. Liberals on the other hand seem to have no problem with calling president Bush every name in the book. Again........just showing their true colors.
2007-09-06 12:08:09
answer #2
answered by ? 5
Any time an executive expands his powers, you have to look at what he is doing to be sure he isn't setting things up to end democracy and establish his own government. When a few actions Bush took expanded the power of the President, executive branch and the bueracracy, liberals took notice. But Bush is no Hilter--he has neither the depth of evil in his soul or the political skill and power of Hitler.
2007-09-06 12:13:44
answer #3
answered by wayfaroutthere 7
You have to admit, Bush does tell "Big Lies" with the best of them. Oh...and starting the war in Iraq was a preventive war. People in my Grandfather's generation hung a bunch of folks who justified starting wars for the same reason. They'd have hung Hitler except he decided death at his own hand was preferable to swinging from our rope. George is lucky...he's despised as much as Hitler but nobody except a bunch of Islamic Hillbillies want to make much issue of the matter.
2007-09-06 12:25:54
answer #4
answered by aries_jdd 2
It's a liberal brainwashing technique.
Please note that Hitler conducted a war to conquer countries in order to expand his empire. He purposefully enslaved and murdered millions of innocent people. President Bush conducted a war to liberate innocent people and rid the world of a dangerous dictator. A dictator that had started two wars and purposefully murdered his own people. This comparison by liberals would be like comparing a criminal that raided a home for the purpose of murdering its innocent occupants to obtain their possessions and the police raiding a home to capture that criminal.
2007-09-06 12:27:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I blame our liberal education system. People who make such a wild allegation obviously need to learn about the Holocaust. Such a stupid comparison is a total slap in the face to anyone who lost a loved one to the Nazis.
Go educate yourselves, ffs.
2007-09-06 12:09:42
answer #6
answered by Jadis 6
The cons compare Hillary to Hitler too. And Hillary doesn't have a mustache either.
2007-09-06 12:09:49
answer #7
answered by GeauxJoe 2
It's as ridiculous as comparing Hillary to Stalin.
2007-09-06 12:06:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think anybody who compares someone to Hitler or Nazis are just ignorant. No matter what side is comes from (I've seen it from both), it is childish and immature.
2007-09-06 12:19:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
some people do that when they have no idea why they hate him , these people are uninformed libs probably raised by crack smoking hippies . They have no intention on actually learning and looking up the facts and history , they just listen to their neolib friends and follow them like a sheep
2007-09-06 12:10:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
It has to do with why Alberto Gonzales was forced to resign. Legalizing torture. Not a good plan in America, no matter how angry Americans are.
2007-09-06 12:09:19
answer #11
answered by oldmechanicsrule 3