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hey, u have itunes right? and then when u open it there's "shared limewire files"? how do u download that to ur ipod? it wont import or copy/paste.......HOW?? please help me.........................

2007-09-06 00:50:58 · 2 answers · asked by YouKnowYouLoveMe. 4 in Consumer Electronics Music & Music Players

2 answers

i always selected what songs i wanted to add from my saved limewire files and dragged them to my itunes when my ipod was attached/recognized. worked every time

2007-09-06 01:00:41 · answer #1 · answered by nataliexoxo 7 · 0 0

When you open the folder, right click on the song. There will be a tab that says 'open with...' highlight it and another tab should appear. Click itunes and the song is in itunes. If itunes isn't there then click browse and search for the itunes program and click it. After the song is open with itunes, just drag it into your ipod on the left hand side. If it doesnt go in, convert it to AAC on itunes, which is also on the left hand side of itunes.

2007-09-06 11:39:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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