yes. but i wouldn't open a window, that would suck. sorry bad joke
2007-09-04 23:56:48
answer #1
answered by nac mac feegle wahaye! 6
quite a few greater asteroid impacts could desire to doubtlessly circulate the moon very rather in that is orbit, in spite of the fact that there are no products sufficiently enormous to circulate the moon so far out of that is present day direction that it may crash into the earth in something decrease than quite a few hundred million years. The moon is at present moving away at a cost of in basic terms decrease than 4cm each and every twelve months (a million.5in), the very maximum an asteroid could desire to probably do could be to lessen that fee by using the smallest margin. additionally, if the moon did collide with the earth, the earth could bend and flex in the direction of the moon, land might chop up and crack, the tides could circulate uncontrolled, issues could circulate loopy, yet no, the international does not resemble the avatar international in any way - the moon does not produce adequate gravity to counteract the gravity of the earth. The moon additionally has rather minimum magnetic presence, so it does not influence the earth's magnetic field. variations in gravity could influence tidal interest and air density, which might in turn have enormous impacts on the aspects, however the magnetic field could proceed to be intact. relatively - international is cracking and splitting on the floor, the tide is transforming into and falling a great quantity (as in, hundreds of meters). no longer something is flying or floating as a results of fact the moon's gravity isn't sufficient to conquer the earth's, however the aspects is distinctive as a results of fact of a transformation in climate (no longer unavoidably firestorms, in basic terms issues like snow in a wasteland).
2016-10-18 00:32:45
answer #2
answered by favaron 3
I would prefer the south pole I like Penguins
2007-09-04 23:59:17
answer #3
answered by Buddy 3
I would love to visit, but probably not live there.....remember, I need a lake!
2007-09-05 03:07:33
answer #4
answered by CuitePie 4
Move? No. But I'd sure visit!
2007-09-05 00:00:56
answer #5
answered by sci55 5
Could I bring my laptop?
2007-09-05 01:36:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
no but i can think of several others that i would encourage to do so.
2007-09-04 23:57:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If it is safe to stay.
2007-09-05 00:00:11
answer #8
answered by Hardrock 6
I need gravity - so no
2007-09-05 02:12:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Not in my lifetime NO!!!! hehehe
2007-09-05 00:01:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous