I don't believe God gave us a brain just to have us be robots. I believe we can change our destiny.
2007-09-04 16:16:22
answer #1
answered by old lady 7
Dude, the only thing that is truly absolute (well, concerning this question) as of now is that we are ALL gonna die. That's pretty much all we can't prevent. We can kind of put it off for a teeny while longer, but in the end it's all the same. We are our own dolls, in the idea that our souls control our bodies, etc. It isn't about the result, it's about the choices that lead to it and how soon or late the result occurs.
Besides, you can't believe that the bible or any other book is the book of answers, that's like having cheat codes for life, making our stay here pointless. We should find the answers instead of having them given to us, although I have no hope for the human race whatsoever...
2007-09-04 23:21:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If I understand correctly what I THINK you're saying, you think that our whole lifespan is planned out by God and that we go through a certain number of events who truly make us who we will become. That it's like, someone else controlling us, and the things that we do. You're asking if we can change the path of our life, and the answer is YES. Every decision you make effects your life, positively or negatively.
I remember playing the Sims when I was younger, and I used to think.. are we those little people, and God is us controlling them.. you know?
Haha, so confusing. But anyways. Yes, you can influenceyour life however you'd like. I believe that things happen for a reason, though I believe that the choices we make OURSELVES is what makes your life your own.
2007-09-04 23:19:40
answer #3
answered by Ally 5
I have a difficult time believing in one dominant male benevolent being as the creator of all. I subscribe to the belief of both a male and female god and goddess. It is balance and all around us.
We can choose our path; however, I must believe that destiny and fate plays a role in our lives and where we go. I am something of a living testament to that theory so it makes it difficult for me to believe otherwise.
As a child, I dreamed of going to an art school in Paris and becoming a writer. When I became an adult, I left behind the notions of becoming a writer and attempted to plant my feet firmly into something with cohesion. I studied accounting and business and did well; however, destiny/fate stepped in and dropped a bomb that changed the course of my life. I learned I was going blind and with the deterioration of my sight, I had to go another route. The next step was when I entered a program for medical transcription. I did an excellent job and my grades were top notch; however, 6+/- years into the new career, I learned I had inoperable nerve damage in my arm that was causing so much pain I was unable to continue in the field and eventually the pain forced my resignation. It was sometime later when my former college counselor along with my oldest child nominated me for inclusion in a day diary project that would later become a book titled, This Day in the Life: Diaries of Women across America. The authors accepted me into the project and I even have an excerpt in the book. The important point is that this stirred all those dreams of writing and the pressures from teachers who read my work to finally help me pull an old manuscript out and begin working on it. It took nearly a year to complete it but I did. I submitted it to a publishing house and sometime later, a letter of approval arrived along with a standard contract. After a bit of dickering over the contract, I signed on and the manuscript went into publishing. I had been writing all along only it was as a hobby and mostly non-profit work such as articles and I had my column for a long time. I just never took that necessary step to make it a career.
Each time I deviated from my path, destiny or fate stepped in and cut me off at the pass, so to speak. I like to believe that it was a way of pushing into the direction I should have been following all along. Now, as a writer, I work but it does not feel like work. It feels normal and fun. Sure, I have some tough times and it becomes a bit annoying when my mind and my words do not flow as I hope but I wake up each day thankful I woke up and began to follow the path I needed to be on.
I also want to add that I believe in reincarnation. It is why some people who we only recently met feel so familiar to us. It is our soul's way of telling us we know the other soul through a previous connection. There are lessons to learn and with each incarnation we learn something new just as we do with each waking day in this one incarnation.
2007-09-04 23:50:43
answer #4
answered by Paisley Place 3
The fact is that we have free will. This is in the eternal eye of God. Any action that we will is happening at once, in that time. In God's mind's eye, He sees all, at once; so even if the story has already been written, you are writing it as you act.
2007-09-04 23:20:59
answer #5
answered by crewbrotha86 3
Imagine you are God.
You've done it all, seen it all, know it all.
Now you are going to create a race of people. Would you:
A) Make a race that will do exactly what you want them to.
B) Make a race that will continuously suprise you.
If God is boring, you are a doll.
If God is clever and creative, you can do whatever you like.
2007-09-04 23:49:44
answer #6
answered by Phoenix Quill 7
What I believe is God gave us our free agency to choose how we wanted to live our lives and our life is a test to see who is worthy to make it back to him. So I dont believe our lives were written for us we write it... on the other hand I believe God knows how we will live our lives because he knows everything. Does that answer your question?
2007-09-04 23:19:35
answer #7
answered by Reserved 2
only those who are delusional believe that we can control our lives. existence can not be truly defined by anyone or anything nor does anyone have the ability to define or create the direction that their life will go.
we are puppets to our environment.
2007-09-04 23:29:55
answer #8
answered by "GoSANE" 6
I contend that we control our destiny and that we do not conform to the whims of a supernatural being who may or may not be paying attention.
We are what we make ourselves to be
2007-09-04 23:16:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
we have been given free will. He's not mean, He lets us do what we want but He determines the ultimate outcome.
2007-09-04 23:23:15
answer #10
answered by Marie 3