libs want to "fix"/ change things "so that everyone will be happy & free to do whatever they want & get taken care of when they screw up or bought their plasma TV,cool car,vacation, "cool expensive car",instead of health ,home or flood insurance...
The illegals see flock here for the benifits free this/that ...
America has become the great clearance sale frenzy...
LIBS think that once "society" is providing everyone's wants needs ,then everyone will be happy ...the world will be in awe of the US ..
LIBs cant comprehend that chaos reigns when everyone wants everything to be free,and immediatly available and not
"restricted" (aka LAWS) relapses are normal so drunks,rapists,violent types simply need more therapy....
..jealous types,fanatics,terrorists will forgo their desire to take what they want,destroy what they dislike because they will "recognize how awsome it is to live a new/fixed/ happy society... Sad but true...
To effect change LIB's strategy is to perpretrate a myth that the USA is awash with discrimination,untreated diseased folks who also suffer poverety and bad/poor schools....etc
Suckers will believe "x" exists as long as there is a "report,study,survey,.." that documents their statement of woe or unfair "x". The poor stupid public doesnt take the time to find out if the report/data exists ,or is even scientifically long as the educational system teaches environmental theories, social,sexual, dietary needs/theories as "science "curriculum, the public will never be able to sort fact from time the public will expect and need to be managed ...
Simply put ,change occurs because people will believe that change will "help". (baby formula was touted a a big help,great nutrition...except that the infants were deprived of their moms antibodies the infants were actually subjected to greated risk /complications stemming from viral/bacterial infections...)
...The illegals come because they see that LIBs lust for the title of the great provider/protector...
2007-09-04 21:15:00
answer #1
answered by cyansure 4
Do you realize what their pay over there was.? There are very poor areas in Mexico and the pay is terrible. Im not saying they should come here illegally, however I am saying that they come here for the money. And do they spend it here? Barely, because most of it is sent back over to their families and children that they leave behind. They also end up being able to buy houses in their countries from the money they made illegally here. I wish i didn't have to pay taxes like they. I think this country needs to do something about that. Imagine if all the illegals had to pay taxes to the state and federal government ? Look at the figures of how many are here and not paying taxes and figure out the yearly amounts of what the state and government is losing. Sad, but true.
2007-09-11 07:26:58
answer #2
answered by superwoman 2
It is fascination dear.
America is a fascination for millions. Yes, there are some genuine reasons for elite class of the eastern countries to look for American opportunities, such as to get a job in R & D field or University degree and so on.
But no reasons why poor and under poverty line people look for America to save them-- It is just fascination.
I shall tell you you have thought right. Though I am not a liberal or democrat or republican. I guess you make sense in your question.
I had seen poor classes in India migrate to metro cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi only to find a job which even the educated class find it difficult to get one in such cities. But the fascination about becoming rich one day in future and stomach drives them to be brave.
2007-09-11 18:08:20
answer #3
answered by Harihara S 4
Your point of view is just in favour of protectionism. But for the business community's goal of earning money by hiring cheap labours, regardless of legal or illegal, Mexicans or East Europeans, there's always loophole for the process of doing so. They want to inclind the house sale market and increase population is another way to boost the market. That's why many illegal immigrants come into US and work for must less. Simply speaking, it's just because of the ******* money. Want it or don't!
2007-09-10 22:38:19
answer #4
answered by Tom H 3
Two perceived enemies of the republican party. Liberals and immigrants. Only Republican families were allowed to come from immigrants. Illegals can build our houses, do our landscaping, pick our crops, etc. but then I guess they should go home. Why shouldn't they be happy about that? Why would they want the chance for the American dream instead of being used for cheap labor? By the way, America doesn't suck, it is your view of America that sucks. It is conservatives values that suck.
2007-09-08 15:50:30
answer #5
answered by sanityinga 2
Even if America sucked, people would flock here because Mexico sucks worse. Between the Families that control the governement and the cartels that control everything else, you're hard pressed to find someone in Oaxaca that says, "I'd love to stay here for the next 50 years, just working away, until I die."
2007-09-04 11:43:41
answer #6
answered by Deep Thought 5
You ignorant contemporary liberals fail to appreciate the background of your individual ideology. contemporary liberalism is the completed antithesis of the Classical Liberalism of our Founding Fathers to which contemporary Conservatives adhere to. contemporary liberalism has its ideological roots in late 1800's and early 1900's Progressivism. this is the comparable ideology which produced the likes of Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini. They have been ALL leftists. you spot, in Europe on the time there replaced into no such factor because of the fact the the Classical Liberal ideals of unfastened markets, constrained authorities, and emphasis on individual liberty being extra substantial than the collective sturdy. understand that besides the incontrovertible fact that Fascism replaced into to the wonderful of Communism, it replaced into nevertheless thank you to the left of yankee Classical Liberalism (right now's Conservatism). in effortless terms in Europe on the time replaced into Fascism seen an exact wing ideology, for this reason the tensions between Hitler and Stalin. by ability of definition, all totalitarian styles of authorities are leftist in that they suppress individual liberty for the collective sturdy. contemporary liberals do no longer believe in small constrained authorities, unfastened markets, and the concept that precise liberty ought to be extra substantial than the collective. contemporary liberals are further and further exhibiting their socialist and fascist historic dispositions in the direction of totalitarianism.
2016-12-16 11:28:21
answer #7
answered by ? 4
The 'liberal' strawman never said that....the right wing radio nitwits said the strawman said that. The reason that there are a lot of illegals is that all of the countries in south and central America except for Costa Rica are thugocracies owned and operated by a small number of families that operate as 'mafias' leaving almost nothing for the general population. Mexico, though technically not in 'central' America is an excellent example of a totally corrupt state run by narco-trafficantes who work hand in hand with the rich landowners. To a large extent this kind of government-by-thugs is the result of US insistence that there will never be any kind of 'socalist' interference with the profits of US business interests. The rich get richer and the middle class remains small and the peon classes take it in the shorts. In an attempt to alert the US public to any kind of abuse or dirty dealing the reactionaries of the right call any whistle-blower a.....gasp.....liberal! Worse, folks like the guy who posted this nonsense question believe in the existence of these non-existant 'liberals'....that's the result of decades of propaganda. Buy a clue...the reactionaries of the GOP are reaming you too.
2007-09-04 11:54:03
answer #8
answered by Noah H 7
I think if we went back to being a Constitution limited republic, we would all be better off
2007-09-11 13:39:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
America, the idea and ideals of our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, Democracy, and individual Freedom are excellent. What sucks is this administration, and the widdling away of those ideas and ideals. Also, we're becoming an increasingly ignorant society. Our education is slipping steadily downward in comparison to other western nations. As is our health care. Also, in terms of Freedom, the Netherlands is actually the freest nation in the world. We're in debt up to our eyeballs, and we're practically owned by China (the same china currently trying to poison us btw). So while I'm not in love with the current state of our Nation, I do believe its worth fixing. If you conservatives would just get the hell out of our way, we can make this once great nation, great again.
2007-09-04 11:46:16
answer #10
answered by slushpile reader 6