These answers may only tip the iceberg of fundamental religous routes. There is much confusion regarding the bible and how we interpret it. Some believe that the teachings of christ, have too much of a literal translation it. The teachins are more of a spiritual pathworking teachings. I wouold refer you to look into "the gnostic gospels, eastern and western essotoric traddition, the Kabbala and other pathworking traditions. If you aproach this subject from this point of view then you see that interpretion can mean all the difference. The Gnostic gospels for example talk more of god as being many things at once contained within an energy field. Both male and female both reason and thought wisdom and humility. It can be summed up in the following poems:
At a time before there was absolute nothing. As part
of the baron, formless and empty darkness.
I was witness when the essence of something decended
into the emptiness and gave birth to that that was to
become nothing.
Rab McNamara
As the form of nothing hung within the darkness, I saw
the coming of a shimmering light, that transformed
nothing into something. With in this light was a
form,that became known to me as Logos,lugh and that
that was to become Merlin. As it spoke, the echo of of
something shuddered across the the empty form of
nothing and behold from that echo decended all that
that was to be evrything.
As part of everything I came to know,truth and mind, I
heard wisdom and thought, I felt light and being. To
me had been given the secret of all that was nothing.
As such, I then became the poet of they that are
everything. And this I will always be.
Rab McNamara
At a time when there was absolute nothing,
As the poet of they that are evrything, I was then of
they who are also nothing therefor I am.
When he that was nothing bid "Let there be", then by
the side of she who is nothing I became many things.
As nothing I was there in existence of something, When
those who consumed everything were cast into the
realms of never.
I was there in heavens sweet gardens when
the son of man,Who were also once of nothing
ate from the forbidden friut and became something that
can never again be anything
On that other sweet shore, I bore witness when
the sons of he who is everything married the daughters
of man. They that can never be anything.
I saw the daughters of man give birth to those
heros of old. Heros of renown who are everything yet
long to be nothing. Heros such as
Setanta,Ferdia, Queen Maeve and Morrigan the raven,
who in war is all things so that man can never be
Rab McNamara
Christianity is popular world wide and to really get down to it you have to look what was happening in the world at that time. It`s certainly a huge subject but, to ease the spread of christianity those that took it world wide swapped ancient festivals for christian ones. You may mention Catholic (universal) here. Just like a drive for one world goverment the organised religion has to be next. If you look at the crossover from Celtic Tradition, its coming up for Halloween, Celtic festival of Samhain, (all souls and all saints) Christmas (mid winter yule tide) Easter (the celtic festival of beltane) renewing of life, the rising of christ in life a new. May is the month of mary (christs mother ) celtic festival for Danu the mother earth, so you can maybe get an idea of why it is popular as lots of other cultures have festivals about these times of the year. To also mirror the celts, churches remember saints days, who were extrodinary people, the celts too recognised that their heros were ordinary poeple, the didnt come from the sky like some of the `classics`.
2007-09-04 03:54:43
answer #1
answered by finn mchuil 6
In simple terms, You'll find a big reason why It's such a popular religion is because, quite frankly, the only one which makes sense. For one, If you actually read the Bible it says that in future years the world becomes a more hostile place, more wars and natural disasters will take place, and that’s already come true. As for scientists, even some of them believe that, the Universe it must have been started by something, or some being. Science disproves nothing, it only creates ideas of alternative ways things could, have happened.
'Why the masses blindly believe in the book without even reading it' - that’s a good point. For the majority, they will have heard stories and the basic idea of Christianity, or will have been brought up in a Christian household. People say they are Christian, but that alone doesn't make you one. As it states in a book , ' "I believe in God" - So does the Devil... '
I think It's hard to understand the religion fully or what a Christian is until you take it upon yourself to learn more about it, that includes reading the Bible.
2007-09-05 14:07:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
"Why is christianity such a popular religion?"
Because the power of God changes people's lives.
"I understand that jesus had some good messages and metaphors, but it has been taken to the extreme. "
You are certainly entitled to your opinion.
"Why was a book written over 1000 years ago still held as truth even though science has disproved it."
Just because other people have faith in other theories doesn't mean that science has proven or disproven anything. I wonder where you get such an idea.
"Can anyone explain why the masses blindly believe in the book without even reading it?"
No one blindly believes in the book without reading it. Those who believe in it because they have read it aren't believing blindly. And those who believe blindly aren't believing in the book, they are believing in some person, which is not what the book teaches. The book teaches that you need to read the Word daily and strive to understand it.
"Why do leaders twist it for their own sadistic gains?"
What is your personal experience that prompts you to use this word sadistic in this question? Humans will use/twist any means to achieve ther personal gains. That is human nature. More so-called Christians who are not leaders twist Bible passages for personal gain than Christian leaders. I will venture to say that the majority of Christian leaders do not fall under this category, and among the minority who do twist Bible passages for personal gain, those who do so for "sadistic" gains are a miniscule percentage, if they exist at all. I believe that so-called Christian leaders, if you can find any, who achieve sadistic gains, do so by manipulating psychology, not the Bible.
"Can anyone answer these questions?"
Now why aren't you asking this question about the Koran? I would call whatever aims suicide bombers are trying to achieve (or those who train and equip them) sadistic. I don't see any Christians commiting these atrocities.
BTW, 2000 years ago, it was prophesied that in the end times there will be false teachers and false prophets and the love of men will grow cold. And the question was asked, "... Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh , shall he find faith on the earth?"
So all of these things you mention, shouldn't come as a surprise to you or anyone that they occur.
2007-09-04 10:42:12
answer #3
answered by trogwolf 3
Point one: Unscrupulous leaders will twist anything for gain, bible, koran, Mahan, Adam Smith, welfare, race, sex, etc. Its a function of the leader not the item twisted.
Point two: Masses blindly believe in a lot of things they have not read or investigated. Its easier and they generally assume that whatever it is approves of what they do. "________ says______ and it is right." is a standard line for many and the first blank can be filled with bible, Sagan, Kerouac, Darwin, etc.
The simple answer, which you've already indictated is unacceptable, is to state Christianity is popular because it true. Doesn't really work well as an argument however. It is not a simple question to answer and cannot within the limited means of YA.
BTW science can neither prove nor disprove a historic fact. You cannot scientifically prove Julius Caesar or Jesus lived. Historical proof, like legal proof is somewhat different. So making a blanket statement like science has disproved the bible vice the bible is true puts you in the same category as those you condem.
Why not try: The experiments conducted at MIT have shown that _______ which directly contradicts what the bilbe says in book-chapter-verse. That would be a great aid to putting forth your viewpoint.
2007-09-04 10:42:12
answer #4
answered by chessale 5
Science has not disproved the Bible. If anything, science has proven it's fallibility. I don't understand those who follow the teachings of the Bible who have never picked it up, as I have one in every room of my house and pick it up, open it, and read it at least a few times daily. As for those who twist it's words, all I can say is: corruption. It's not only spiritual leaders who can be corrupt. Political leaders, your bosses at work, leaders of the household, there are people out there who have only their own gains and interest in mind. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. Just because of one bad egg doesn't mean you need to throw out the whole dozen. There are plenty of redeeming things about Christianity, and if you have faith, you can see through the corruption and the misunderstandings, and the violence to the one true place your eyes and your heart should always be turned: toward God.
2007-09-04 10:38:33
answer #5
answered by Miss Alexis 4
Yeah, I can. It's not everyday that God decides to walk up to you and tell you right from wrong. Most of the time when he does, you don't gather a group of your friends together and hang him from a cross. That kind of stuff doesn't happen very often, and when it does, it tends to leave an impression on people that is difficult to forget.
The bible isn't a book, it's 64 or more books, depending on which off shoot of Christianity your talking about. Fact is God could speak to you off the back of a milk carton if He wanted to. What you call "blind belief" we call "faith". Secular types have a hard time with things like faith and pre-historic fish swimming around in the ocean when they should be in fossils.
"leaders" as you call them are actually people trying to con or hustle other people. Scam artists if you will, looking to make a quick buck or molest an alter boy or something else unsavory.
God establishes real one on one relationships with his people, and you don't need a priest, rabbi, sheik or shaman to get right with God, you need faith. With faith, odds are pretty good you will find whatever it is you are looking for.
Hope I answered your questions, if not e-mail me and I will try and elaborate.
2007-09-04 10:39:09
answer #6
answered by blogbaba 6
Some people need something to live for, or just plain guidance, without having to give it too much thought. And if they really knew what they were doing, politicians would have a much more difficult time twisting the meaning of the Holy Scriptures.
2007-09-04 10:32:40
answer #7
answered by dutchboy_80 5
Science has disproved it? What has science disproved?
Sadistic leaders will twist whatever it takes -- Hitler wasn't a Christian, Stalin wasn't a Christian, Pol Pot wasn't a Christian.
Are you sure the masses haven't read it? Who are these "masses"?
2007-09-04 10:30:41
answer #8
answered by ubahlee 1
God is and always will be. He was here before the book and he was here before the big bang and other scientific theologies. God is and I rather have him and not need him than need him and not have him. It is called free will and we can believe as we see even if we don't believe at all but it all has consequences.
2007-09-04 10:33:33
answer #9
answered by justaboutpeace 4
science disproving it? no there are a a lot of scientist that now believe chirstanty
2007-09-04 10:35:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous