No conspiracy. It's out in the open.
2007-09-03 16:55:30
answer #1
answered by Theron Q. Ramacharaka Panchadasi 4
I don't think it's a conspiracy I think it's Starbucks, McDonald's and every other fast food, fat latent joint on every corner. The majority of people will choose to do whats easier and grabbing dinner at the drive through is easier than going home and cooking something healthier. Watching cable all night is easier than getting changed and working out at the gym. It's just the lifestyle we have in the U.S., no conspiracy.
2007-09-04 00:01:03
answer #2
answered by Laura 4
There is no conspiracy, it just happens to be that the large majority happens to want the products that make us lazy, and the overwhelming amounts of usless crap on television and the internet have turned our brains into jell-o.
Here's the lesson: Be who you want to be not what anyone else wants you to be, because at the end of the day you are the only person you have to answer to... (unless you're married).
2007-09-04 00:00:50
answer #3
answered by frodobaggins1000 3
How much conspiracy as you think bombarded in America we cannot fathom. But if you are mature and knows in your self-realization that every person is a moral responsible person, you will never blame anybody else but you only. Because no matter what the temptations are, you will not allow your self to be tempted having reach the age of maturity.
The number one mature principle is "Awareness of Consequence". But if you ignore that its not the food that you eat that is dangerous but the food that eats you, then you are really mature and never can be tempted.
2007-09-04 00:06:23
answer #4
answered by periclesundag 4
Well, we're only stupid if we allow ourselves to be led like sheep.
We can always turn off the TV so we aren't subjected to the ads, and ignore the entertainment "news", and hey, not drop $8 or whatever the going rate is for Cosmo and other crap of its ilk.
Thinking for ourselves is something we not only CAN do, but SHOULD do. We have nobody but ourselves to blame if we don't.
2007-09-03 23:59:00
answer #5
answered by j3nny3lf 5
No, the fact that the majority of Americans are fat, lazy and stupid is a natural phenomenon.
2007-09-04 00:02:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
That makes a lot of sense, I mean look at how this country loves its fast food and vote for hypocrite candidates (Republicans who praise family values while killing innocent people in other countries and having extramarital affairs). "Mainstream" U.S. society is already dumbed down to the point that they don't question the government (for example 9/11 and how it was probably carried out by our govt. for political reasons)
2007-09-04 00:00:14
answer #7
answered by Gilbert 2
no i donot there is a conspiracy in america to make us fat. but i do think all these big corporations simply donot care about how sick we are increasingly becoming. they only care abpout the bottom line.
2007-09-04 12:58:11
answer #8
answered by tony 3
No - your just doing it to yourselves. Unfortuaintily the 51st State is following close on your heals
2007-09-04 05:50:40
answer #9
answered by Freethinking Liberal 7
OOO... UR SO RigHt...
PEople ARe just too Stupid to see it!
2007-09-03 23:58:09
answer #10
answered by monicole2009 2