Yes, and by all indications they will charge for admission and likely have a much better line-up.
2007-09-03 16:58:28
answer #1
answered by Rckets 7
I hope not. I saw Ozzfest in Albuquerque with my daughter and it was a truly horrid experience. It was supposed to be "free" but the organizers more than made up for it in parking ($20), bottled water ($5), and seating ($300 or more). Then you had to pay $20 or more to buy a CD you probably already have just to get into line to meet the artists. The only part that was free was admission and sitting on a grassy area to watch the show. Then there was one lame act after another. My daughter and I didn't stay through the whole concert. We felt really ripped off.
2007-09-03 17:44:51
answer #2
answered by RoVale 7
Sharron can kiss my *** for skipping our area for the past several years, including twice having a stop and then cancelling the show. And they even once moved it over people's objections to MM. But that was like 10 years ago.
Ozzfest has gone downhill anyway.
2007-09-03 17:34:28
answer #3
answered by Gary V 4
If it's anything like this year's, I sure as hell hope not
2007-09-03 20:00:11
answer #4
answered by Zakk Myles 1
i sure hope so
2007-09-03 22:17:30
answer #5
answered by Luke 1
most likely..........
they better have a better ******** lineup..
2007-09-03 18:50:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous