I dream every night, in fact, we all do. If you don't dream, then you don't sleep well. Dreaming happens during REM sleep. That is the deep sleep that refreshes us.
I think a better question would be "How often do you remember your dreams or nightmares?"
I remember most of my dreams. Last night I dreamed about work, one of the parents of my students left, and as she was leaving I saw some money in a crack by the door. I pulled the money out, there was a couple of one dollar bills wrapped around a hundred dollar bill. I called the lady back and asked her if she had lost any money, she said she had. I asked her how much, and she said $5. I knew that wasn't her money. (Then I conscientiously thought, "in the real world no one would have left money like that) Then I woke up. Yes, many times when I dream, I know I am dreaming and I will compare the "dream world" with the "real world"
2007-09-03 16:57:26
answer #1
answered by Linda 6
I dream about 4 times a week usually. (I can't recall my recent dream, sorry) And I get nightmares about 3 times a month maybe? Hmm
2007-09-03 16:54:11
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am always dreaming - dreamed about an old boyfriend last night. Can't remember that last nightmare.
2007-09-11 08:43:19
answer #3
answered by chatting 4
I dream every night. I took what i thought would be a hr nap on Sunday afternoon. It was about 3 when i did finally fall asleep. I had this very horrid dream about how people where walking around my condo and then they came in. these dreams seem so real to me. and i swear i had this dream for over 2 hrs. when i woke up i did not know where i was for a min and i was so freaking hot because i had pulled the covers over my head. I have been known to have screamed in my sleep.
2007-09-03 16:55:17
answer #4
answered by carriec 7
my dreams and nightmares come randomly
there isn't even a pattern to it.
last nightmare i had was when
thrown in some 28 Days/Weeks Later scenario
and i was losing my mind, so i hid on the roof of some building while people were getting killed, killing each other.
i woke up when they napalmed the place though
2007-09-11 08:02:47
answer #5
answered by Aomi Armster 3
Between sometimes and always i have Dream and Nightmares. Nightmares like count dracula chasing me but i turn around i show my middle finger and say fcuk you and keep running or someone try to kill me or i fell down from mountain or run away from my country or fighting with bigfoot or lion or wolf to the dead. Dream like i get a girl friend, we go places, eating, shopping or have alot of friends or i go cycling, playing basketball or i become rich or i went traveling to the cloud to heaven (It's a long way traveling to heaven and i woke up and have not reach heaven)
2007-09-10 18:13:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Dreams I remember frequently.
Have never had a nightmare.
2007-09-09 07:12:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i dream almost every night ,sometimes a couple of times a night. About every 1 in 5 dreams is a nightmare
I always seem to be running away from someone nasty but i put that down to the fact that i watch the crime channel a lot, and that has a lot of true documentrys on it
2007-09-09 08:23:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Apparantley we dream every night but sometimes dont remember. Cant remember the last time i had a nightmare
2007-09-03 20:42:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I dream every night. The last one was that I was hanging out with Pope John Paul II and he gave me a vibrator shaped like the Virgin Mary in prayer. It was white and blue like those old pics you see of her. I am not religious at all but I think I may be going to hell...? lol
2007-09-08 05:15:59
answer #10
answered by Shannon Shangri-La 2