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The Enemy abroad: Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Qaida, Taliban

The Enemy here at home: Daily Kos, MoveOn.org, World Socialist Workers Party, The Green Party ect...

Who will bring down the USA first?

2007-09-03 14:23:32 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

29 answers

Nuclear Power !
'We" are afraid of it.

2007-09-07 04:36:32 · answer #1 · answered by クリスマス ^-^ 2 · 0 0

Both, the more violence the enemy brings the more the Left wing nut George Soros want to cave to there demands and run like a bunch of cowards, only makes our enemy stronger and bolder knowing that there is political pressure to bow to there demands and destroy the American way of life of free choice and free speech, and capitalist society which the terrorists despise,

the terrorists drive us out and win and gain a whole country like they had in Afgan do you think there gonna treat the people of Iraq kindly, or rule with fear, and kill those who oppose them, just like the taliban did in Afagan,

Trust me, it would be a nightmare, it take from someone who has been there, if we just cut and ran right now, it would empower our enemies, bring instability to an already volatile region and Iran and Osama, would have another to use as Training centers, for terrorists, and a safe haven. Then when they go back on the offensive and bring the fight back on U.S. Soil, the left wing nuts will blame Bush for leaving early. Bush is in a no-win-situation

2007-09-03 21:38:08 · answer #2 · answered by dez604 5 · 0 0


The terrorist groups are pitiful in terms of power compared to the United States. They aren't really a threat to the existence and well-being of this country. If an Al-Qaeda army tried to invade, we could wipe them out in a nanosecond!

Those two political parties you mentioned are as of now for the most part, irrelevant; they don't have much of an influence on Capitol Hill. They are not enemies of this country, unlike the terrorist groups.

Moveon.org and the DailyKos are also not enemies of America, they just disagree with the right-wing element in this country. The DailyKos is nothing more than the left-wing version of the Free Republic.

Left-wing=/=Enemy of the US of A.

2007-09-03 21:34:45 · answer #3 · answered by Liberals love America! 6 · 2 1


Have faith.

As a democratic party member I have great faith in the power of free speech to bring all the issues to the front where all of us can make intelligent decisions about what we want for our country.

I have faith that the public education we give our children, flawed as it is, if FAR better than the non-education often given to other nations (though as a teacher I encourage all of you to join with teachers in the U.S. that are trying, every day, to change education for the better rather than just pumping money into it or abandoning it).

We will continue. We will survive. The politically bigoted, those who hate portions of our country, will not.

Keep speaking up, everyone.

2007-09-03 21:31:42 · answer #4 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 1 2

The so-called enemy at home are the people working to protect this country and her values from the true enemies, Bush and Co.

Don't believe me? Well, Bush has said that he has the right to declare you or me an enemy combatant and throw us into prison forever. How true to America is that?

Bush has said he has the right to spy on any of us, anytime, anywhere, despite the FISA court already allowing spying first, warrant second.

Bush has drawn up an executive order giving him the right to seize any Americans' assets - on his say so, no court involved.

Bush has drawn up an executive order giving him the authority to take over all levels and branches of govt. (Look these up on the white house's own web site.)

Bush loves Gonzales, who said Americans have NO RIGHT to habeus corpus.

Do you get how those monsters are the enemies of America?

Remember also that Bush gave the Taliban $43 million dollars in May 2001.

Hamas is not our enemy - they are trying to free the Palestinians. Al Quaida - the folks we created and funded?

You don't know any of this, do you?

Why don't you turn off Fox, turn off Rush, read 1984, and start getting yourself a real education.

Because right now - you are on the side of America's real enemies. And you apparently don't even know it.

You're a danger, comrade.

2007-09-03 21:30:18 · answer #5 · answered by cranberrychutney 2 · 4 4

I've identified these 4 threats as the biggest to America:

Liberalism, Communism,Islamofascism, and the liberal American news media.

2007-09-04 21:21:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good question. We are guarding against outside forces but the enemy within goes unchecked. So the bigger threat is probably the exact groups you named and I would include Hillary Clinton.

2007-09-03 21:28:32 · answer #7 · answered by Cinner 7 · 7 1

Unless you repent of your sins, you will be amongst the ones who bring the downfall of the U.S. as you know it.

Jesus knocks at the door of your heart, are you going to let him in or just keep trying to prove you are right in politics?

2007-09-04 06:10:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Republican Tools.

If you don't know what that is, it is the opposite of a liberal democrat.

Both parties are compromised. The democrats power brokers build their political power off the bleeding hearts of liberals. They promise the bleeding heart liberals the kind of change they demand, but their delegates only deliver a fraction of it, so as not to upset the corporations who feed money into said delegates' pockets.

The republicans build their power off convincing the easily swayed that their crappy lot in life is threatened if the Democrats come to power. Fox News makes it sound like Hillary Clinton is Satan from below --- "If Hillary Clinton wins, Bin Ladin and hell wins and America will collapse the next day."

Obviously, you have to be a total fool to think one person could destroy America in 4 years.

But there are people who think that. They are republican tools. They are so despirate to not be the mark that they allow themselves to be bamboozled repeatedly as long as someone pats them on their head and tells them they aren't dupes.

"You don't want to be an empty headed liberal. They will spend your money and drive you into debt. You don't want to trust them with your tax dollars. Trust us."

Check out the "parnoia scam" on the link below.

A Republican Tool is a person who puppets Republican rhetoric and votes Republican against their best interests.

Poor young parents who live in a poor area and send their kids to a poor school while voting for republicans who work to prevent those voters' kids from having a fair shot at success in school.

The 23 year old who pays 12K of his 24K salary to pay for his 20 year old wife's illnesses but votes for Republican politicians who are in the pocket of HMOs and insurance companies and as such oppose even emergency healthcare aid for the young.

Republican Tools are "the Marks" of the Republican Party. When the republicans need a vote in a region they look for Tools in an area. Do they need votes in backwoods Ohio? They get the mailing list for feild and stream subscribers and sell them the idea that John Kerry is going to take away their guns on his first day in office.

Republican tools are peons who don't realize what saps they are for proping up a party that has loyalty only to corporate heads and religious leaders. The Republican Party is a pyramid scheme with the people at the top stealing tax payer money as they stand on the backs of their simple minded pawns.

Unlike Liberals, who take action in an effort to improve the US, but who make the mistake in blindly trusting their politcal leaders not to be corrupt; the Republicans Tools are simply people who are so despirate not to look foolish that they betray their children and themselves for people who don't give a damn about them.

2007-09-03 22:23:17 · answer #9 · answered by politicoswizzlestick 5 · 1 1

Our own politicians. I think they do a better job than the terrorists at completely dismantling everything this country has stood for.

2007-09-05 00:50:04 · answer #10 · answered by Vivianna 4 · 0 0

The RNC, Walmart, Clear Channel and Disney.

2007-09-03 21:41:49 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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