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why do people believe in the "Big Bang" Theory...its so pointlesss....the real questiojn o the "big bang" theory is....were did all that dust come from? ...i mean it had to be created by someone or something...thats why i believe in the truth that GOD created the earth is 6,000 to 10,000 years old...NOT billions of years old...and if you contradict me...i want proff that the "big bang" theory is true... and it better be good...

2007-09-03 11:30:30 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

ok first...the bible is the best book ever and its not crappy...it the truth...youll be sorry for saying anything bad about the bible...and if your wondering about God...he has ALWAYS existed... and yes maybe God did create the big band... good thought...if you want more proof ...try going to church or reading the bible...it might be good for you people....

2007-09-03 12:19:16 · update #1

i know whats right becuase i learned it from a person who knows more than you probably do (spiritually) human knowledge is not as great as Godly wisdom...so actually i could know more than you spiritually...

2007-09-03 12:26:04 · update #2

ok do you people not understand this ... all those people who tell you that the universe was created billions of years ago...ITS ALLLLL A LIE!!!!! and as i said.. if you want more proof read the bible...and for those who cant read... go to church...it might be helpful...

2007-09-03 12:33:47 · update #3

if your wondering why i asked this question i wanted to find out peoples opinoins

2007-09-03 12:40:42 · update #4

if you tell kids this its gonna corrupt thier minds with LIES... im sorry butif i were a parent i wouldnt tell them a lie and later tell them they cant lie... im done with you people...go to church or read the bible ...period

2007-09-03 12:44:56 · update #5

you guys are very RUDE and i have a life...my life is in JESUS...and as a CHRISTIAN...i must say sorry to those who i offended you and your religon...but i do feel sorry for the other IDIOTS that dont even listen to others opinions...i just tried to help you guys understand what is the TRUTH!!!...you guys that dis the bible and me youll be sorry...and for the CHRISTIANS i am sorry to listen to these other IDIOTS!...this is why JESUS died for the people who were IDIOTS and didnt understand his ways... and there is proof to alll that you want its in the BIBLE...and if your to stubborn to read the BIBLE...well im sorry...i cant help you any more than saying ....READ THE BIBLE!!!!!!

2007-09-04 12:08:32 · update #6

30 answers

I believe the Word of God also...NOT foolish evolution theories that try to eliminate God.

By the Way,,...so do many other INTELLIGENT scientists....

"I am fascinated by some strange developments going on in astronomy....The astronomical evidence leads to a Biblical view of the origin of the world". -- Robert Jastrow (Astomomer) and former Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies

"... It would be perfectly consistent with all we know to say that there was a Being who was responsible for the laws of physics". Stephen Hawking....American Scientist, 73, (1985).

91% of Americans believe in God. Almost half of all Americans reject the theory of evolution. 82% of Americans say they are Christian. One-third of all college graduates say they ACCEPT the Biblical account of Creation AS FACT.....according to latest Newsweek poll -- March 30, 2007.

2007-09-03 11:42:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 8

I dont mean to bust your bubble, but if you are talking religion, proof is not nessessary.
However, if you are talking about science, the big bang theory is a scientific theory. That means it is an attempt to explain something, in this case the creation of the universe.
The best evidence so far is the red shift, which shows us that all matter is moving away from a central point in the universe, as if an explosion happened there.
Many scientists come to the conclusion that there is a God, however, God can not be proven in a scientific way, and therefore God can not be used as an explanation in a scientific theory.

Personally, as a devout Christian, I think its just lazy for people to blindly believe in the first chapter of the Bible, without looking at the possibility that it was meant to have meaning other than litteral meaning. Maybe God is allowing us to see how he really created the universe so that we can look at those first few chapters of the Bible in a more meaningful way.

2007-09-03 12:02:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

OK, how about this one: there are stars that are 20000 light years away.
Are you claiming that their light got a "boost" to arrive faster than the speed of light or something?

And if you need the big bang to be created, why to you relieve the need for god to have been created as well? Why does the big bang need a creator?

Look, no disrespect, but from the way you ask your question, you do lack the most fundamental knowledge to make any kind of claim about science. I can bring you the sheer size of our own galaxy, the distance to the relatively close Andromeda galaxy (2 million light years away), the Hubble constant, the cosmic microwave background radiation (those two are not only proof of the big bang, but also provide a very good evaluation of how long ago it occurred) but I am afraid it would go right above you head; you are not equipped to appreciate the subtlety of the proof, it would be like teaching how an electric motor work to a caveman. Learn a little, then we'll talk. That should keep you busy a couple of years.

And if you want to remain ignorant, well that is your choice. That will not make you right.

As to the Rev Albert Einstein above: a majority of americans believed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction as well, and most of them thought invading Iraq was a good idea, a simple thing that would be over in no times flat. There also was a time where a large % of the population thought the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth. Guess what? They were wrong and SO ARE YOU! All that this proves is that a bunch of americans are wasting their cerebral tissue.

2007-09-03 11:44:31 · answer #3 · answered by Vincent G 7 · 7 1

Hi gurl -
Sort of hate to jump in here - there's no way that you will even consider what I have to say. But let's take mark b.'s approach and read Genesis chapter 1. God created the heaven and the earth - no stars, no sun, no other planets - those don't appear until verse 16, after there is light (from where? no answer) water, grass (without sunlight?), but before animals, which of course are way different than plants. Oh by the way, what is meant by Second Day, Third Day - when there is no sun? Does this make more sense to you than the cosmic microwave background radiation, or do you care to understand what that means? It may take a few more pages than Genesis. Is your answer to every question "because God made it that way"? If you see light from galaxies that left the source 2 million years ago, then is your position that:
a. You don't believe it
b. You don't understand it
c. God put it there to fool us
d. All of the above
Please read books other than the Bible. Please listen to people in addition to your pastor. You could be mistaken.

2007-09-03 16:26:18 · answer #4 · answered by Larry454 7 · 1 0

Perhaps the reverend would like to rephrase his sentence to read that 2/3 of all college graduates DO NOT accept the biblical account of creation as fact.

I must agree with Jason.

Vincent's statements regarding the age of the Universe is no longer in question. The age of Earth rocks and Moon rocks can verify. The life cycle of our Sun is 10 billion years and we are halfway through it. The distance to stars is a highly accurate measurement system. The speed of light can verify. We see the death of stars that happened billions of years farther than 10,000 years ago.

Eri presents a good point. The tone of your question does not allow for intelligent discussion. You ask a question, then slam the door shut hoping not to hear the answers. Presenting proof in this case would be futile. A mindset based upon ignorance cannot be open to opposing viewpoints.

It's almost as if you came out from hiding, threw a knife at astronomical science, then ran away to hide behind your bible. You asked for facts as evidence. Your response to these facts is, 'It's a lie, it's a lie."

I am a Christian. Being a Christian does not in any way mean that now I cannot believe in science. Science is not some dogma out to kill God. It only presents knowledge and truth and understanding. Why does that produce fear in you? If your religion denies scientific evidence and truth then what is your religion based upon?

If, in your religion, the Earth is 6,000-10,000 years old, then where do dinosaurs fit in? Does your bible deny their existence?

I remain open to new ideas so please let us know how the following Ages fit into your account of creation:

Please explain to us Ice Ages and when they occured.

Please explain your historical concept of Pangea.

I will gladly trade in my encyclopedias for any new knowledge that you can present. Because clearly it is not just the science of Astronomy that is lying to you. It is Geologists, Paleontologists, Physicists, Mathematicians, Chemists, Biologists, etc.

There are many other theories to believe in besides the Big Bang. Find one that suits you. But if your theory begins with "Earth is 6,000-10,000 years old..." Don't expect too many followers.

The next time you go to church, take some time to sit down with your priest or pastor and discuss some of your questions with him/her. I have a feeling that you will be surprised that almost nobody believes in the literal translation of the Bible today. Do some research into the Pope's position. Including his recent statements that the Bible's stories of creation should not be taken as a literal translation.

Science is here to help us learn things. It is not the Anti-Christ.

2007-09-03 12:42:50 · answer #5 · answered by Troasa 7 · 4 0

With respect, you don't know what you're talking about. If you read up on the big bang theory and made some sense of the mathematics behind it, you would understand. It's the best explanation available at the moment and until/unless new evidence appears that contradicts it, it can be taken as fact. I'm sorry, but do you really think that you know better than half a century of physicists whose job it is to research such things? Don't you think that if it was that easy to come up with a scientifically verifiable way of contradicting it, that somebody would already have done it? You don't tell doctors or teachers or lawyers how to do their jobs, so please don't attempt to do it with scientists either unless you know what you're saying.

2007-09-03 11:48:29 · answer #6 · answered by murnip 6 · 7 0

Oh, my dear, I am so sorry for you. How awful it must be to be so afraid of the reality in which you live that you must withdraw for a sense of safety into an illogical set of beliefs that were long ago shown to be both false and irrelevant?

It's like this: I believe that God started his creation billions of years ago and that he has created through evolution in diversity far richer than the old Hebrew poets that wrote the two separate and conflicting creation stories that make up the first two chapters of Genesis could have imagined.

That is, I believe in a God to whom billions of years makes a short time.

At the same time, you pathetically insist on believing in a God that created only a few types of animals (those that were known to the nomadic Hebrew people in the desert) only a few thousand years ago. You believe in a short-sighted, unrealistic god.

How then can you say that your god is greater than my God?

Get a life!

2007-09-03 16:35:09 · answer #7 · answered by aviophage 7 · 1 0

Religion has been throughout human history a means by which human beings can attempt to explain their own existence. It has been led by people who enjoyed the power of being the ones that people turned to when they had questions about why things are the way they are and where we came from. Religion has long been the enemy of science. It is largely responsible for the fact that we are not out colonizing the solar system right now. We spent nearly a millenium as a race in a period called the dark ages, where science and reasoning were anathema and heresy, where using the great intellect bestowed upon us by whatever creator you believe in to attempt to understand our own existence got you arrested and even executed brutally. Pointless wars have been and still are being fought over religion. Religion is not all it's cracked up to be.

I am not talking about faith mind you-- I have faith and respect that many people also have faith. Religion, however, has twisted faith into something sinister. It has used it as a rationale for murder and genocide, and as a means to villify science and reasoning. Religion produces people like the asker of this question, who choose to ignore the work of thousands of brilliant people and discount a plethora of valid scientific observations because they disagree with his simplistic tale of how the world was created a few millenia ago with some magic and a snap of the finger of "God"; a story penned by people who believed the Earth was flat and the center of all existence, and preached by people who would imprison and threaten to kill a man named Gallileo who showed them why they were wrong.

If it makes you happy to ignore the intellect bestowed upon you by the God you so fiercly believe in and instead believe in a simple story fit for children on how the world came to be, then so be it. Just do not stand on the pedestal of a deity that refuses to provide proof of his existence and challenge us to prove a theory on which there is a library's worth of information published.

2007-09-03 12:39:52 · answer #8 · answered by Arkalius 5 · 5 0

hahahaha. so can you explain you god makes sense? i would really like to know that. explain to me why god can create something from nothing. 'because hes god' isnt an answer. its a safeguard you idiots return to whenever anyone asks you something.

and we have fossils billions of years old, we have human remains 600,000 years ago. y does it make so much sense to you that there is one all powerful being that can do whatever he wants. is it just because it cant be proven false, if thats the case than the big bang makes tons more sense then that, atleast the big bang is based on observation and information, not a 2 thousand year old book.

2007-09-03 12:11:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Because its the best explanation we have so far of how the universe was created based on what we know of astro physics.

Even if some sort of "god" created the universe, that doesn't mean he didn't activate the big bang.

As far as proof...how do you propose we prove something that happened billions and billions of years ago? Where is your proof that God exists? The bible? Ha, thats not hardly proof.

We have carbon dating that can prove things here on earth are millions of years old.

2007-09-03 11:38:18 · answer #10 · answered by pab 7 · 6 1

I suggest you actually read up on scientific theories before you try to trash them, otherwise you just come off sounding like an ignorant individual. The Big bang does not claim to explain where anything came from. many people accept the Big Bang idea with God being the one who lit the blue touch paper.

The billions of years comes from other studies performed right here on Earth based on radioisotope decay and other directly observable phenomena. It is not the scientists who need to provide the evidence to disagree with you. That evidence is already published and on the table. It is your claim of thousands of years for the age of Earth that needs substantiating. If you want to write off whole branches of science (and remember that science is a process that demands reproducibility of results and is carried out by millions of people over the entire duration of human history) we demand proof that your 6000-10,000 year old universe is true, and it had really better be good. 'Because this book says so' is not proof.

2007-09-03 11:39:09 · answer #11 · answered by Jason T 7 · 8 1

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