i get the best answer,when you push that button under my question,that says choose as best anwser
go on PUSH IT.
2007-09-03 04:45:17
answer #1
answered by ☠CHUCKY ☠™ 7
Answering intelligently and with proof to back up your words.
Proper grammar helps.
Being respectful in your responses.
Some questioners like long detailed answers, some like short and concise answers. This you never know.
Just find questions about things you KNOW about first. I have a friend who only answers computer questions, for example, so his % of bests is very high. Mine is not so high because I answer anything and because I have outrageous points of view, I often am not chosen and get a lot of thumbs down. I dun care... smile.
But that is the best... start with what you know. And.. .if a q interests you, I like to say... "HOLD ON" and get my name in the list near the top.. THEN do my research and put in my answer. I work my answer in Windows then cut n paste it over here if it is a longer more intricate answer.
Hope this helps.
2007-09-03 11:43:15
answer #2
answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6
The person who made the question can chose the best answer, if you have a good answer. Sometimes voters willl make you the best answer. Did I help?
2007-09-03 11:43:18
answer #3
answered by Hot - Maddie - Rod 4
by giving the best answer out of everyone who answered the question
2007-09-03 11:43:32
answer #4
answered by chellie 2
if your answer is what the questioner considers best answer then they will choose you as best answer
if the question goes to a vote then the public chooses your answer as best you will also get a best answer
the best way to be chosen best answer is to try hard to write a detailed and helpful answer and then hope that you get the 10 points
2007-09-03 11:45:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I really try to give a good one depending on the question but I find some people on here who have radical views only pick those who agree with them so I know that I may not be picked.
2007-09-03 11:45:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, I get them by being as sarcastic yet nice as I can. But you get them if the asker likes your answer the best.
2007-09-03 11:44:51
answer #7
answered by A 6
try try again. Its been a low factor for me and it gets frustrating sometimes. Answer a question that only has 1 or no answers on it and answer those. That's a good strategy I use.
2007-09-03 11:45:10
answer #8
answered by NatNat 4
By giving the best anwser,having a lot of information, Having the most correct anwser, and having a creative anwser, and having the asker pick yours as the best
2007-09-03 11:46:10
answer #9
answered by Kairi 5
be giving a good answer and either have the asker pick you or the answerers vote.
2007-09-03 11:44:04
answer #10
answered by *Mrs. Chumney* 2