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Please no long sad stories about some poor uninsured person. I what logic, not emotion!!

2007-09-01 14:38:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Elections

10 answers

I don't think socialized medicine will work. I keep hearing of problems in countries that have it. 6 month waits for surgery in Canada. Australia has public and private hospitals. Japan does not have enough hospitals.....

Making health insurance and medical treatment more affordable, available and reliable is the answer. I keep hearing stories of people having health insurance canceled or being afraid to use it.....

Employers being required to offer health insurance and elimination of the small insurance groups would be a good start.

2007-09-01 15:55:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Yes I do.

I think its downright vile what our health care system does to some people. The physicians still get paid, the clients are tended to, it can still be private practice, it just needs to be regulated by the government.

I think are current system has a lot of picking and choosing done. People don't choose to have MS. You don't know if you will develop cancer a year from now. People don't get diseases just because they feel it. So whose to say that it is okay to give or deny health care solely based on your hand at life.

I am not 100% for socialized medicine. I think everyone should have a fair opportunity to claim what should rightfully be guaranteed to every person: a right to life. However, if they fail to take action and claim that right, than that's their problem.

Obviously there would be problems. For instance, our education system is socialized and admittedly, there are problems with that. However, like the school system, the good that it does would probably outweigh the costs.

2007-09-01 19:24:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know, I guess this is the only "Democratic" issue I agree with...

I am not sure I want socialized medicine, but I know for sure that no hard working American should have to see their family suffer because their job does not provide it and they do not have the disposable 800.00 a month to get it themselves...but they can pay taxes so that the "less fortunate" can get it free...what is Medicaid, if not socialized medicine? If there is another option, I would love someone to come up with it.

It is not a sob story...it is a fact, for million of men, women and children in this country, and what could be more logical than to have a country filled with healthy citizens.

Oh by the way, I would bet that you have insurance. If so, I am proud for you, if not...God bless you to stay in good health.

2007-09-01 15:09:17 · answer #3 · answered by Lilliput1212 4 · 2 1

I want the mass public having access to good quality health that works.

By 'works" I mean that the medical people get a decent living wage, after any insurance they have to have, they have good quality instruments, medicine, and there are adequate funds for researching cures to diseases, problems.

What we have today is a system that is sick.
Millions of people cannot get affordable insurance, so they carry around diseases that threaten the rest of the population. More and more people get locked out of the system, meaning less and less people are contributing to the underwriting of the costs of our health care system.

Until my employer decided that the health care was too expensive, and dropped it, I was paying in over $ 100.00 a month for the insurance, and every time I visited a doctor, I would pay like $ 25.00 and the insurance picked up the difference. This meant I was not using it for frivolous visits, but I was covered against major medical needs. And now my employer wipes it out & private insurance is not to be had.

This nation is long overdue for a pandemic, like there was in 1918. The casualities will be far worse than anything the terrorists can do, because the system is sick, unprepared, not working, flawed.

I don't have the answers, but I am glad this is a topic of the Presidential debates, because people who say they have the answers, get to defend their theories against the best critics in the nation. Out of that I hope and pray something gets implemented, before it is too late.

2007-09-01 15:06:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You don't want facts, you want rhetoric to go with the rhetoric in your question. How can you ask a question about health care then go on and say that you don't want to hear about the 47 million people who don't have it? Do you want to have a serious conversation about it or not? All of the candidates, republican and democrat, recognize this as an important issue and they're offering up different solutions. That's a good thing. Lets look at the different proposals and see which one makes the most sense for the country, no matter who's idea it is.

2007-09-01 15:20:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Here's logic for you: It's working in every other so-called "civilized" country. We're paying more and getting less than they do, sinking farther down the standards of quality with every survey.

That you framed the question in this way suggests you've been misled by all the propaganda. There's no such thing as "socialized" medicine, unless you apply the same standard to schools, the police and the fire department. With universal single-payer healthcare, nothing would change in how the services are delivered -- only that we'd pay for them in advance through our taxes and thus eliminate greedy middle-men who keep driving prices up for their own benefit. Obviously, when you add a for-profit layer between patients and providers, there's no gain for any but those in the middle with their hands out.

2007-09-01 14:59:57 · answer #6 · answered by Erin H. 1 · 5 1

I do.
But a complete and exclusive single-payer system is scary, and I see no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Medicine is chock-full of cost-shifting, so there's no such thing as free-market economics. We can get that out of the way quickly. It makes good sense, then, to pay to examine sick babies, for instance, to make sure they don't have something serious. If they don't, fine; the taxpayers need not pay for treatment for a cold. If the kid has meningitis, though, it's better to pay for it early than to have the kid disabled and on Medicaid for decades. Likewise, it's better to pay for blood pressure medications than pay for chronic nursing home care for the guy who couldn't afford his medication. Trauma centers, which are needed by the insured, are closing left and right because of the unreimbursed care they have to provide while they're open, so they just go broke and close. It's a slow night in the ER, so I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
On the other hand, if mothers want to give babies something for their cold, they can buy it (against my recommendation, by the way), and co-insurance for rapid, quality care and extended coverage for diseases not covered by a national system can leave the insured with everything they already have, and it can leave the profit motive for innovative treatments. The trick is to define limited care for all and not listen to the howls about it not being fair.

2007-09-01 15:21:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Did you know that American is the only "civilized" nation that does not offer universal health care? Why would I not want the poor among us to receive treatment for their pain and suffering?

2007-09-01 15:09:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

So......... PLEASE DON'T feel sorry for anyone who is working hard for their paycheck, that comes without medical insurance. That's not your fault right? PLEASE DON'T feel sorry for any child or baby who's parents can't afford private health insurance. Look the other way and just be happy for yourself and your family because you must be better than they are because you have health insurance.PLEASE DON'T feel sorry if someone dies because of lack of health care, because they couldn't afford private health care insurance. This is not a sob story. It is a matter of fact story! Some people DO care about others but PLEASE.......... You sure as heck DON'T have to care! I have pretty good health care insurance but I DON'T just care about myself. I love others as God loves me. But I'm not asking you to care about others.

2007-09-02 02:04:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You are a cold hearted one aren't you? I hope you don't loose your good health insurance.You said you only want to hear those who agree with you. You just keep on voting for Republicans. Thank God I have a heart!

2007-09-01 15:12:42 · answer #10 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 3 2

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