Scooter Libby was never accused of leaking
He never confessed any leaking
He wasn't convicted of leaking
Dick Armitage admitted to being the source of Plame's name.
Armitage was never prosecuted
Why is that?
Could it be Plame wasn't covert, therefore talking about her as a CIA employee was not a crime?
Fitzgerald spent a lot of time and money investigating this issue. The person who did what democrats tell is a leak of classified info has admitted it, and yet was not prosecuted for anything. What is a rational person to conclude from this?
17 answers
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Politics & Government
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No "Avail" - Patrick Fitzgerald was the independent prosecutor, appointed specifically because the DOJ is considered to be likely slanted toward the Whitehouse. He was obviously non-partisan, or perhaps left-leaning, as he took out "Cheney's Brain" without blinking. ...but NOT for leaking a name. Seems he was zealous and thorough enough to get the Veep's #1 guy. Why wouldn't he go after the main event Armitage, unless the classified status was total BULL??
10:43:18 ·
update #1
Scooter Libby is a convicted felon. What don't you understand about that?????
the person who has "admitted" leaking this information should be tried for it.
2007-09-01 08:44:58
answer #1
answered by truth seeker 7
Your right, Scooter Libby was convicted of obstruction of justice. He lied about the knowledge he had about the incident.
If Plame was not covert, then why did Bush put on his song and dance saying "I will fire the person that leaked the information (ie, revealed the name of undercover CIA agent)" Then why did Cheney say, "Well, I declassified it. I can declassified anything I want."
Now for the reason Armitage has not been charged, lets be honest here. Armitage is just a scape goat. He was taking the fall so the truth was not found. Also, from what I understand, this issue has not been dropped. It has only been put on the back burner by the media because of bigger, newer things.
2007-09-01 15:50:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Almost everyone in the bush administration has admitted to leaking plames name. Most of them admitted it to the FBI and to Fitzgerald. Libby did not admit it but was a source. Libby was prosecuted for lying to someone investigating a possible cime that was referred to the justice department from the CIA. Plame was an undercover CIA officer. She was so undercover she cannot disclose what she did for the CIA to this day per the CIA's own judgement.
2007-09-01 15:47:03
answer #3
answered by snarkysmug 4
Ex-Time Reporter Testifies in Libby Trial
Cooper Tells of Aide Unmasking Plame
By Amy Goldstein and Carol D. Leonnig
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, February 1, 2007; Page A03
A former Time magazine reporter said in court yesterday that I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby confided that the wife of an Iraq war critic worked at the CIA, becoming the second journalist to testify that the vice president's then-chief of staff disclosed the identity of undercover CIA officer Valerie Plame.
Matthew Cooper, the magazine's White House reporter in the summer of 2003, told jurors in Libby's perjury trial that President Bush's top political aide, Karl Rove, was the first administration official to privately tell him that former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV was married to a CIA officer. The next day, Cooper said, he asked Libby whether Wilson's wife worked at the CIA.
Former New York Times journalist Judith Miller, right, leaves U.S. District Court with Robert Bennett, a member of her legal team, left, Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2007, in Washington. Miller testified Tuesday at I.Lewis "Scooter' Libby's perjury trial in federal court ( (Pablo Martinez Monsivais - AP)
More on the Libby Trial
The perjury trial of Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff calls up high-profile witnesses.
Evidence Entered in Trial Government exhibits used in the trial in the format admitted in the court.
Indictment: U.S. v Libby
The Verdict
Photos: Libby Trial
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According to Cooper, Libby said "words to the effect, 'Yeah, I've heard that, too,' " though Libby did not name her.
2007-09-01 16:03:55
answer #4
answered by soperson 4
CIA says Plame was covert. Libby was convicted of lying under oath. Last I heard perjury was a crime whatever else anyone else did or did not do. Get a life.
2007-09-01 15:49:39
answer #5
answered by ash 7
you do realize who the head of the justice department was that would have charged armitage correct? How often do you see him charging any senior Bush admin officials with anything?
By the way, scooter was charged for lying under oath and obstruction of justice.
Plame's identity was classified at the time that it was leaked to novak. Brush up on your facts.
2007-09-01 15:48:45
answer #6
answered by avail_skillz 7
this was a political witch hunt, and that is all, Scooter Libby should have received a full pardon and the independent counsel law needs to be reviewed, remember Kenneth Starr, he too went way to far.
2007-09-01 15:45:24
answer #7
answered by 007 2
That there exists a double standard. The Democrats are allowed to do and say anything, and get away with it, because the Liberal Media does not go after them, like they do ANY REPUBLICAN.
2007-09-01 15:46:55
answer #8
answered by Sentinel 5
Scooter was convicted of obstruction of justice, and lying to the FBI
2007-09-01 15:46:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You are correct, he was convicted of one count of obstruction of justice; two counts of perjury; and one count of making false statements to federal investigators.
2007-09-01 15:46:44
answer #10
answered by redphish 5