the answer to that is a toss up upon what you believe, simply put if we were created by an intelligent and sentient being then we were designed ( as were all animals ) to reproduce and multiply. if we are a cosmic accident then it is a matter of evolution. there is a frog in Japan that can change from male to female to support its ability and species need to reproduce. there are several fish species that can do this as the whole purpose is procreation... anything pondered beyond that is really asking why is life here anyways ( I've also heard tales of a lizard in the us somewhere that is all one gender and is completely asexual, and most single cell organisms are asexual and reproduce via splitting and not mating )
2007-09-01 08:39:08
answer #1
answered by Fides et Veritas 4
Life is really diverse. There are lots of species that are asexual: they have no gender and reproduce by budding off from their parents. Microbes and some simple life forms tend to fall under this category. Other species are hermaphrodites: they reproduce sexually, but each individual is both genders at the same time. For instance, any earthworm can make babies with any other earthworm. Some trees are both male and female, while other kinds of trees are one or the other. Some species reproduce asexually some of the time, and sexually at other times.
Sexual reproduction offers species a convenient way to keep their gene pool diverse, which increases the species' odds of surviving in the event that a new stress comes along that they have to deal with. But even species that reproduce asexually there tends to be some way to share DNA. Bacteria sometimes stick together and pass each other bits of DNA for example.
The actual mechanism by which some members of the species develop into males and some develop into females is complex and depends on the species. It's surprising how few genes there are on the Y chromosome that are needed to turn on the "male" genetic program in a human, though.
2007-09-01 08:49:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There are not males and females of every species on earth. As some of the previous answerers have intimated, there are some species who reproduce "asexually", which means there are not different genders in those species, and each individual can produce offspring on their own.
If you take a closer look at the animal kingdom, you begin to realize that the whole business between "males" and "females" is a much blurrier line than you may have thought. There are certain species of both Fish and Amphibians are able to change gender, perhaps by means of what scientists refer to as "Trojan Genes".
There are many species on earth that are "one complete gender" as you put it. Most of them, however, are very simple creatures. Some examples are: spores, yeast, and some bacteria. Some other species are "heterogamous" which means they can reproduce sexually OR asexually, many underwater species like shrimp and fish can do this.
Now, as to the REASON for the commonality of the two genders: This has to do with what is referred to as an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS). Since parents pass on traits to their children via their genes, and Natural Selection "chooses" evolutionary advantages based on inherited traits, it is a good thing (for evolutionary progress) to create more opportunities for change (up to a point). Mixing the genetic blueprints of two parents gives Natural Selection a larger palate with which to work, and therefore, species which did reproduce sexually would be given an advantage.
The other large reason is that there are many bacteria and parasitic organisms which live on and in large animals (such as ourselves). If we did not reproduce sexually, and make use of this genetic mixing, these bacteria would be able to completely take over, and destroy us! Some refer to it as an "Evolutionary Arms Race" where the large creatures and their tiny hitchhikers are co-evolving in an intricate dance, which can only work with the genetic changes made possible by sexual mixing of genes.
2007-09-01 08:53:22
answer #3
answered by Nunayer Beezwax 4
God created Adam and Eve Male and Female.
God first created Adam(male) Adam was lonely ask god for a mate God caused Adam to be in a deep sleep took a rib from adam and created Eve(female). Genesis 2:15, 2:21-22. God created all animals and put Adam over naming all of them Gensis 2:19-20. God creadted Male and Female so they can reproduce plenish the earth. Male and Female not Male and Male or Female and Female. Same thing with animals. No each species is either female or male.
2007-09-01 08:46:01
answer #4
answered by curious 2
There are always two sexes of any living being because they are two complementary halves of a single entity and so they cannot exist alone. It is like dividing a nucleus into positive and negative charges...two parts - both complementing each other; neither capable of existing alone!
Current cannot flow if these two charges are not separated in the nucleus. Likewise, this world or this creation will cease to exist if two opposite genders don't exist in this nucleus which is God or the Creator Him(Her)self!!!
By this understanding, nobody came before or after; the male and the female were created simultaneously, at the same instant, as thay were the outcome of one single phenomenon!
2007-09-01 09:29:23
answer #5
answered by Kapil 2
DUDE you asked the same question like 10 times so there is about a million different answers but i can give u this who named a male a male and a female a female if no one named it that way there wouldnt be a male or a female.......but who knows maybe they started with 100 different types of potental sexes during the earliest forms of existence (piles of goo)and then by natural selection the best 2 survived b/c they were the best fit
2007-09-01 08:43:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I would think that if you are Christian then male bodies were created first (Adam) and female second (Eve), but if you were looking for a scientific explanation, female bodies are more fundamentally important but both are necessary.
Not all species are have two sexes. The classic example is the earthworm that is a hermaphrodite--each worm is BOTH male and female.
2007-09-01 08:39:43
answer #7
answered by Think 5
Because God made them that way right?
Which is "proof" that:
1. Life cannot come from no life (intelligent design er, I mean creationism)
2. The stories in the Bible aren't man made attempts to explain phenomena we didn't understand, but are in fact a priori truths revealed by a divine super-being.
3. Since there are males and female of EVERY species and since God made it that way (see 1 & 2 above to complete the tautology) this must be proof that homosexuality is "unnatural" and therefore wrong.
Did I win the prize for answering the hamhanded rhetorical question properly?
2007-09-01 08:51:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because when God made the first man, Adam (who He formed out of the dust from the ground), he saw that Adam was lonely, so he created the first woman, Eve, by taking out one of Adam's ribs.
Male came first.
God put them there.
Because God created creatures to be male and female.
Yes, there are combined species. For example, the stick bug. If you have only one it will still produce more because it is male and female. There are also little creatures such as planaria that can reproduce by themselves.
2007-09-01 08:39:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Some species reproduce a-sexually, which helped a lot. Male and female were thusly created (i.e., evolved) simultaneously.
2007-09-01 08:31:19
answer #10
answered by Bryce 7