There was a joke going around Germany in the Nazi time.
What are the physical characteristics of a typical Aryan
As blond as Hitler - He was dark
As tall as Goebbels - He was about 5ft 6in
As slim as Goering - He was about 17 stone (238lbs)
So if you're short dark and fat, you may qualify to be a member of the master race
2007-09-01 20:34:59
answer #1
answered by mick t 5
Nazis only wanted blue-eyed blondes with no "impediments". This meant no disabilities or "abnormalities" whatsoever.
Even twins were suspect and Mengel did piles of horrific research and experimentation on them. They were unaccepting of any religions that were outside their "norm".
They were unaccepting of poverty.
Unless "your group" was German, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, religiously acceptable, you were willing to give up your disabled or "imperfect babies" AND had something to offer, you'd have been treated like a bottom feeder.
In this writings, Hitler had no respect for America or any other country in the world for that matter. Britian and all aspects of it was one of his greatest enemies. The Nazis had no intention of keeping anyone that wasn't less than perfect, in their eyes.
Being Anglo-Saxon was only one criteria point for acceptance.
The celts as a group wouldn't have been safe.
The majority of the Nazi attack was on Jews, so this is what most people believe history is about. However more than just Jewish ethnic groups, religions, etc. went into those death camps. If they found the slightest thing 'wrong', in their twisted were done. They killed babies, for heaven's sake! And most of the time they didn't even know who the child's parents even were...they were just a little number in a line up.
There is a book called "The Hiding Place". True story. Written by the daughter of a Dutch watch-maker, who hid Jews in a secret room in his home. He was not a Jew. He was not "religiously corrupt". He had money to offer. He and his family should have been acceptable by so-called Nazi standards. He stayed in Holland thinking, foolishly, that he was safe.
Wrong. He and his family...other than the one daughter, died in the camps. Find it and read it.
Schindler's List is another book that could give you some perspective.
2007-09-01 07:54:46
answer #2
answered by GeriGeri 5
This is a useless question because the Nazi view of race was so skewed as to be meaningless. By that, I mean they did not appear to understand what 'race' meant. FYI, 'race' means persons of the same ethnic stock. They included gypsies, Jews and homosexuals in the same category and there is no homosexual race that I know of, Jew is a religious category (Sammy Davis Jr. was a Jew) and gypsies are not a separate race either.
They appeared to approve of anyone who was Caucasian, but they included Poles on their hate list, and the Polish people are Caucasian. They also loved the blond Nordic look, which they claimed was 'pure Aryan' - which is nonsense because 'Aryan' is a linguistic group which includes Indian, Sanskrit, and Celtic among others. There are very few blonds who are native speakers of Indian languages, Sanskrit languages or Celtic languages. And, with all their racial cleansing etc., they chose as a leader a short, dark haired man with dark eyes - about as 'un-Aryan' as you could get by their standards.
If you want to fit yourself into any of those groups, go right ahead, but I certainly wouldn't want to seek approval from a bunch of mentally unbalanced megalomaniacs.
2007-09-01 07:30:59
answer #3
answered by old lady 7
the nazis based they rate on the purity of a race. As example they hated gyptians because they thought it's a mixing of races. I think they thought celts were a pure race. That obsession for pure race is based on the fact that people have to be as strong as possible and have a great genetical patrimonium. Today, we know that the strenght of our genetical patrimonium is higher with the mixings... The nazis were on that point totally wrong.
2007-09-01 08:06:10
answer #4
answered by Jacala 2
However, following the Jewish Haskalah or Enlightenment Jews were generally accepted and even became citizens of many countries in which they had previously been denied. Hitler decided to deprive German Jews of their citizenship (which had been gained during the Haskalah). He adopted the teachings of an editor and reporter, Wilhelm Marr, who in 1879 declared Jews to be of a different race and therefore undeserving of being treated in the same manner as Gentile Germans. Prior to this prejudice towards Jews was based solely upon religion. By changing it to a racial issue the prejudice actually heightened. One could always change religions but not their race. Thus, all Jews became pests to society and in the words of one of my professors, "When one has pests who do you call? The Orkin man." This is what led to the "final solution". Both Jews and Muslims were lumped together as being of the Semetic race.
2007-09-01 07:42:24
answer #5
answered by gatita 7
Individuals have real problems and real modification they wish to make, your issue is genuine and this is method you need a real option. You have to think that you actually have a way to start making the modifications in your life. This is where this guide Manifestation Miracle that you can discover here excels due to the fact that, if your life isn't the life that you desire, isn't really perfect YOU Can Possibly Do something to make it your way.
In this guide you aren't taught anything magical about Manifestation. Instead you're taught the methods you need think in order to alter the environment around you. When you change your environment, you're able to alter your conditions. Altering your conditions suggests changing your conditions. When you change your scenario you change your thoughts and this is turn will result in various behavior on your part. This various behavior is going to assist you to produce all sorts of modification that will draw particular things to you like never previously.
2016-05-17 18:15:26
answer #6
answered by Jene 2
I couldn't find the list, but I found a website with this on it-
In Nazi race theory, there are 3 basic breeds of man that were native to Europe, the Nordic, the Alpine and the Mediterranean, along with mixtures between all 3. Listed below are the basic descriptions of these breeds according to Nazi race science:
1)The Nordic is basically that type which possessess blonde, red or brown hair and with blue-green-gray eyes, with a long skull and fair skin.
2)The Alpine is that type that appears with dark hair and eyes, a round skull with an asiatic type bone structure in the face.
3)The Mediterranean is that stock with black hair and dark eyes with swarthy skin and a long skull.
Thus irrespective if a person calls oneself a celt, teuton, slav, latin or any other name, one should be able to determine what breed one predominantly belongs to based on those basic physical descriptions.
Nazism is primarily concerned with recruiting those individuals who pre-dominantly belong to the "Nordic" racial type. Meaning those individuals who possess more Nordic features than alpine or mediterranean features.
A Nazi determines a persons racial classification of Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean by how the person looks, not by what name one calls oneself. It is irrelative by what national or linguistic name one terms oneself, whether it be german, celt, teuton, slav, latin etc., what is important is the phenotype of each individual, which determines one's breed that one primarily belongs to.
That is the crux of the matter.
Generally speaking, in Nazi circles, the word Aryan equals Nordic, and Slav=Alpine and Latin=Mediterranean.
Those words, once understood can be used interchangeably in describing the racial types. The confusion arises from the fact that the words Aryan, Slav and Latin, were originally used to describe languages and not races.
Over time they became attached to certain ideal racial types.
I suppose the Celts would fall into the Nordic group there...
and here's a wiki entry- suggesting that the Nordic types were at the top. Even if they were classed as 'alpine' or 'mediterranean' though, it seems likely that they wouldn't have been too far from the top, as the lower rungs of the Nazi race ladder were made up of Africans, Chinese, Arabs, etc...
Another Wiki entry- Other "non-Aryans"
Though the laws were primarily directed against Jews,[2] other "non-Aryan" people were subject to the laws, and to other legislation concerned with racial hygiene. The definition of "Aryan" was imprecise and ambiguous, but was clarified over time in a number of judicial and executive decisions. Jews were by definition non-Aryan, because of their Semitic origins, but most European peoples were automatically included under the definition of Aryan as "Indo-European". The fact that Aryan is essentially a linguistic rather than a racial category led to some difficulty reconciling Nazi-supported racial typologies with the Aryan concept. There was some dispute about the position of the Roma, who were Indo-European in origin, speaking an Indo-Aryan language. However, they were thought to "share certain racial characteristics with Jews." [3] Roma were eventually declared to be non-Aryan, sometimes lower than Jews or more racially comparable to Africans and the Nazis exterminated at least 200.000 Roma during Porrajmos (extermination of Gypsies). Non-Indo-European Africans and Asians were automatically excluded. You can find that at
I don't know about Hitler himself, but I know that Nazi Germany had hopes for a rapprochement with the UK... after all the Royals were basically the house of Saxe-Coburg from Saxony with a cunning name change. I dunno what would have happened to the Celts in the end though... it's a good thing Nazi Eugenics never got carried through to their ultimate conclusion, eh?
Here's an article on Nazis and Darwin-
Killer line- 'War is positive in the long run, because it is only through lethal conflict that humanity is able to evolve.'
2007-09-01 08:02:33
answer #7
answered by Buzzard 7
well where do you think Hitler got the idea how to finish up the whole Jewish race.
He learned from the Ottoman Turks.
the Ottomans massacred one million and half of ARMENIAN
Turkish citizens in 1915.
Hitler said who can remember the ARMENIANS. well if the whole world paid a bit attention to what the Ottomans where
doing and hiding behind WW1, then perhaps the Holocaust
would of never happen.
we should not blame the whole Aryan nation because of one
crazy human. they are evils in every race, nation, and societay.
2007-09-01 08:17:31
answer #8
answered by not fair 6
for me it depends in the girl. Like I might see a girl with black hair and think she is totally hot but see a girl with blond curly hair that is meh and vice versa.
2017-02-27 01:56:32
answer #9
answered by Bert 3
Did the Nazis realize that the Aryans originated in India?
2007-09-01 07:22:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous