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i am chander and belongs to a hindu family, i love a muslim girl and she also loves me very much, our relationship is from last six months and now we have
come very close to each other, i live in delhi and she lives in srinagar and we uses to talk each other daily on phone. we have just got 2 lucky days to see each other last week when i was in srinagar for our darshan to sri amarnath ji. our family know each other from last 20 years, my grandfather and her can say grandfather our very good frends. on those lucky days we did'nt get to even talk each other, my grandfather had kept an eye on us. the 2 aunties of her know our relationship from the begining and they do not have any objection in getting us maried, but in april there was an talk of my marriages with any other girl in our religion, and at that time i refuses that told about that my love girl. on that day i ony told that i only love her and she did'nt know anything know about that, on this my parents raised objection saying this that they are muslim and this can not happen. When i told all this matter to my love she said all this to those 2 aunties, on this they got defensive and now they also that this can not happen beacause of the same reason.

now i have explained all this 2 my mother and she also says this ki only matter is the religion problem. if my grandfather accept than there are chances of getting us married, and there is one fear in my mind if her parents forcen her to marry some other in their religion, i know that she will not marry anyone else and same is the case with me. we love each very much we cant even think of any other girl or boy now.
please advice us how can we convince our parents for our marriage. after seeing each other on those 2 lucky days we know how we are living in these 2 different places, please advice us on how we make them convince.......plzzzzzz we are getting mad we cant live without each other....plzzzz advice us

2007-08-31 23:29:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

10 answers

If you both become atheist and wants to marry each other then it would be convenient to convince your grandfather but when you have different faith/ethics/practices such as Islam and Hinduism which are pole apart and stands in total denail then you can not convince but tend to give up to get convinced by deceptive measures to be in a marriage by hook or crook which is condemned by the Islam and resented by the society and is not approved by your parents. Do you need the body of the woman you say you are in love with or do you really love and respect her. If you want her body then don't bring her religion into context as it doesn't approve at any cost the only option is left to you is conversion. Do you think you can leave your faith for a lady just to get her body for while or you want to do it for your love. In both cases sooner or later you will forced to come to your sense and revert to your faith. If you study Islam and then accept it for the religion it has to offer and not for the love or body of the woman in question then only this marraige can survive otherwise it will collapse. If she converts to Hindu without valuing the religion but for you then she may revert and will put your children in complex situation. If she remains in her faith and you on your faith such marraige is not recognised by her religion and is regarded as "Haraam" and children will br regarded illegitmate. On the top of it you are upseting your family and friends and the society as a whole. if you really love and respect each other. Think! Think!! very calmly and quietly. If you need you may take authentic people's verdict e who will agree to what i have mentioned. Explain the lady too many things are at the stake and mutually in a nice way call it a quits.

2007-09-03 22:20:08 · answer #1 · answered by khulus 2 · 0 0

Iam a muslim female in america n i love my hindu boyfriend, he believes in one God and so do I.You both knew in the begining that ur religions would interfere wit ur love so just remember that you both did not care then when u first started n you both should not care now. Remember in the end when ur parents are dead and you are older you will regret not being with the one you love,u will be alone and unhappy and always wondering where she is now and you will be depressed n crying about why u both didnt marry eachother.my point is muslim hindu familys will not agree to ur marriage so both of u save your money and make a plan of a place to live and where you will be working and dont tell no one but her and make sure she doesnt tell anyone and when ur both ready and have money saved, a place to live (its ok if a small place or apartment) and when you also have a steady job then slowly move ur stuff in the apartment one by one in the new place and then......

2014-08-26 22:57:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

hi, i'm a muslim girl... and i'd love to give you my opinion in this matter coz i've had a friend just like u but he's a christian, knowing that i'll give it from a neutral logical POV... first of all of course you agree that religion and beliefs arent just a game, or a joke that could be given up so easily... they have regulations, and rules, rights and wrongs, and as Buddhism has rules that should be respected from the others, Islam like any other religion has too... and as every belief or religion or nation aims to keep his breed going on... so did the islam(at last we are all human arent we!), and one of the marriage regulations in islam(which is the reason why her family doesnt and probably wont agree on your marriage) is that islam only permits for the muslim Male to marry a female from any religion but not the other way around... and if you love her i believe that you would respect that concept even though its not what you truely want... and in my own opinion although i dont know anything about Buddhism is the ur family refuses for the same reason regarding buddhism or they already know that muslim women only marry muslim guys...
So what i'm asking you both to cosider, is to try to end your story together, i know its har for you but dont consider that its easy for her either... discuss the matter with her, and respect her point of view as she respect yours... and remember that your families have a long-term friendship, and that its a sensitive matter... both of u Try to be wise and think with your minds as well...
and i'm sorry for you both u had to face this.

2007-08-31 23:55:13 · answer #3 · answered by Rad-iator 2 · 0 0

From what I understand Hindu Muslim marriages are illegal.

So, you do have a problem.

The only solution I see is for one of you to get your parents to agree to allow one of you to change religions.

You may not be able to get past this.

So, be prepared to take a step down from boyfriend to friend, and maybe the two of you can continue to be friends.

Anything more may be asking too much.

2007-08-31 23:51:03 · answer #4 · answered by Puresnow 6 · 0 1

They didn't dote on kids, and as a result, they turned out better. You might find this hard to believe in this generation, but a common saying was 'kids should be seen and not heard'. Kids were left to discover the world outside, and make friends, enemies, fight, and learn all the lessons of life without having mommy around to protect them against every little thing. Kids learned to pick their battles, stand up for themselves when they had to, fix things, improvise, cooperate and in the end, do the right thing.

For the best answers, search on this site https://smarturl.im/aDCFT

2016-04-14 09:51:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nope there is nothing as such "to convince your parents on this marriage". even if somehow you do with the help of others then it will be out of the deception. You are not convincing the religion/culture/faith but people whom you want on your side to give you nod by hook or crook. Is that you want then you sound you want to have the body of a girl whom you were sexually attracted and wants to have a girl.

Chander, you are not two bodies or person to engage in a matrimony but are two people having different beliefs and faith. You can not live with a girl with rest of your life who deserts her religion for you. Even if she remain in her religion and you on your faith the very basis of this marraige will be illegal and is not recognised by ISLAM in anyway.Islam says A kaafir (Hindu) is not worthy to get marry with until and unless he or she converts to Islam or belongs to the faith of Christianity or Jews. Again Islam is not comfortable on these two faith as it hails the two religions has super-ceded the saying and original teaching of god so the interline is they either are not as worthy as they may sound apparently to Islam.

Secondly a family so deceptive in letting their daughter in marriage to a Kaafir will be on deception and in a denial of every party's consents/beliefs/ and faith. If she converts to a Hinduism then value the authenticity of your faith in the girl who leaves her religion how you can trust her in future issues. The question of faith will surface again and again when you will have issues. Both of you will be exposed to public sattire and unwarranted comments.

No in the best interest of your family and your loved ones and specially you, it is bizarre to wed such a girl. Rule it out. You will get other beautiful girls.

2007-09-03 21:12:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ah Islam.

The religion of tolerance, acceptance and understanding.

I'm sure her family won't mind you being a polytheistic infidel shaytan.

Seriously, if you can sell this to her family. You're gift is in marketing & your destiny is to become a very young millionare.

Back in the real world I'd say you have 2 options.
Covert to Islam.
Elope to America

Good luck Romeo

2007-09-01 00:31:49 · answer #7 · answered by Phoenix Quill 7 · 1 1

chander brother dont upset we are handling one of the same kind of case with my close friend, the issue is religion that can be solved as following tips

1) Get married with 1954 Special marriage act
2) Converto islam
3) Request her to adopt hindu religion

The first option is easy and simple as it sounds other option to convert to islam will definatly make your family away from you forever and in my openion this can be used as last weapon to save your love, last option will be difficult since with muslims conversion to anyother religion is sin so there is one simple option is to get married legally with 1954 Special marriage act

On convincing your parents I will say that ask this girl to talk with your parents and let them realize that she is the perfect girl for you and even she will not able to live without you on any cost, since parents may understand.

There is a big distance between your regions so its better you ask her to talk with your mummy initially on phone in your presence so that you mummy dont get panic and talk nicely with her.

Or at last if they dont agree at last its better to marry her legally and leave your family for 2-3 yrs and after this they will adopt you, it sounds difficult but these are only way out.

2007-09-01 10:31:51 · answer #8 · answered by sonia s 1 · 0 1

I was able to save my marriage thanks to my family and friends. I also read a lot about marital issues and tips on how to save your relationship. The ebook on this site helped me a lot http://savemarriage.toptips.org
Check it out it's worth it.

2014-09-26 01:28:18 · answer #9 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

You need to immigrate to a country that is in the twenty-first century.

2007-09-01 01:44:52 · answer #10 · answered by Big Red 6 · 0 3

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