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Are horoscopes real and do you believe in them? If they are/aren't how do you know and how can people. . .like read the stars and know what's going to happen?
Like, if an astrologer came upto me I would say: 'Should I slap you?' and well he wouldn't know. . . would he,becasue I'm controlling myself and can do whatever I'm like?
Please help even though this doesn't make much sense.
Thanks, :)

2007-08-31 22:25:32 · 13 answers · asked by Kajoleole 2 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

13 answers

This question makes a lot of sense to me.

I believe in Astrological and zodiac predictions but I don't believe in Magazine Horoscopes, although they are still fun to read and speculate on.

From what i understand they are predictions based on the positions of the suns and planets in the universe, and the effect that has on cosmic energies, but theres a link to wikapedia below that has more info. I believe in them because of my experiences with some good predictions and my parents raised me to be open minded and have very new age beliefs themselves, my approach is though that there's no way to ever really 100% know, so i take them as a possible warning or good advice if they correlate with my own hunches, and if not i just ignore them. But i never run my life by them - i dont see that as a productive option

As some others have said here theres a lot of crappy horoscopes out there but there is a few good ones too. The hard part is sorting between the two, look at thier intentions, do they love what they do or do they just get paid for it?

There is a real scientific theory and basis behind it, in which some people really study hard and believe in.
There is also a popularity to horoscopes and future telling that is all about money and nothing honest about it.

So my advice is never treat it as Gospel but test it for yourself.

Also a great idea to test horoscopes is find a horoscope written for your exact birthday, i did that and it was freakily accurate about my character

2007-09-01 00:52:33 · answer #1 · answered by steaphan101 2 · 2 1

I am 27 and have been reading various books on horoscopes, how signs relate to each other and so on for nearly 15 years (my mom was into it). I don't care what anyone says about generalities, I have books that break down horoscopes like some of the others mentioned, not just the sun sign, but all of the influences in the chart, to include the generational influences of the planets further away. There is no denying, in my mind that Leos', Aries', and Sagittarius' are fire signs, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are Earth signs and so on. I have seen this proven time and again in it's most basic form. And this is really the tip of the iceberg.

Now I will not say that I live my life by astrology; it is fun. But I do use it on an almost daily basis. I am a teacher and I have a new class of students about every month. I look at the birthdays in their folders and have used them when I deal with a student who fails or is causing trouble. If I know their sign, I can cater my one-on-one teaching style.

For example, Taurus is stubborn but loves to learn and has a very logical thought process (again, similarities I've noticed time and time again). They have a tendency to over analyze the information so I know I need to break it down in point blank terms when they don't understand the situation. Leo's are very determined to learn and love to ask questions when they don't understand the info. Cancers are usually the least mature in the class and even though they might not necessarily give me disciplinary problems, sometimes their mouths get them into trouble, and they have a tendency to act like kids when they don't get their way . Sagittarius either gets the information or they don't; I find it very hard to get them to learn something they can't understand on their own. Virgos, no matter how smart they are, ALWAYS (in my class) do ten times better on a hand-on performance than they do a written test. They are very good with their hands...not as good with the reading material.

I have been using this method for over three years now, my percentage of students who pass is pretty high, especially due to having a small enough number of students in my class that I can gear the training to each student.

So, whether astrology is true or not, I guess is up to the user. I personally see many consistencies; most of my friends have been sagittarius (actually about 90% have been). I have an attraction to geminis, but the relationships never work out. And on and on. So I feel there is some truth, not to the horoscopes in the newspaper, but to full, in-depth astrology. Not everyone who is the same sign is going to act the same way all of the time; a lot has to do with how the signs interpret the events that have happened in that person's life.

In the end, whether one believes it is true or not, astrology is still very interesting and I don't feel it can be just shrugged off.

2007-09-01 08:10:22 · answer #2 · answered by James J 3 · 1 1

There is a difference in believing like it's a religion or knowing it as a fact. All of astrology's claims can and have been tested. The results of the tests show that astrology does no better than chance. The reason it is still around is obvious, lots of money is being made off gullible people. There is nothing wrong with being open-minded, just don't let it fall out of your head.

Astrology uses Science but IT IS NOT A SCIENCE. Those that claim that it is do not know what science is. Science demands test results to be consistent and reproducible. The tests should be able to be reproduced by other observers with trials that extend indefinitely into the future. The last thing astrology is constant.

You have the Internet at your fingertips, so do some research before you make up your mind.

2007-09-01 02:56:33 · answer #3 · answered by Chaine de lumière 7 · 0 1

I believe in full astrology, but not daily horoscopes that you get in magazines. I know that it's real because my full chart completely discribes me. Horoscopes that deal with only the sun sign though, are not accurate. You need all the planet positions to make it accurate not just the sun's.

2007-09-01 08:26:46 · answer #4 · answered by Young Wiccan 3 · 0 1

I believe in them, but only ones from proper astrologers, not out of magazines. Anyone who says it's witchcraft OBVIOUSLY doesn't know that it's science related. If God created the stars, then we can choose to read them or ignore them! I thought freedom of choice was something that Jesus died for? Am I right? Anyway, my Star signs nearly always reflect my real life. Just get a life and have fun while you can! All they are is a bit of harmless fun really!

2007-08-31 22:50:49 · answer #5 · answered by LaLa 2 · 4 1

Once you yourself have experienced the powere of astrology in your lifer I am sure you will believe in them
At first even I didn't bother much but one of many instancesd which let me look into this is the accuracy of predictions in old newspapers . Death of my grandma (closest to me was also predicteed by her horoscope)
and remember if all this was not true bet Astrology would have died hundreds years ago instead of so many followers
-- remember survival of fittest

2007-09-01 01:03:22 · answer #6 · answered by Bobby 3 · 1 1

horoscopes are never real for me...especially magazine and newspaper horoscopes ( i see them as someone getting paid to sit their a55 down and to make up nice and positive things about whats going to happen to every sign).....however i do believe in ASTROLOGY, true astrology (the one where the birth chart is used). then people tend to ask , "is astrology real??". it seems like a difficult question to answer, which it is...not everybody is willing to give astrology an in-depth chance. once you open up your mind and go deep when it comes to astrology ( getting to know who you are using astrology by looking at your birth chart, studying your chart, planets, etc.), the question about it being real will be answered. so in other words, its all in the believer's eye. and i do believe in astrology!

2007-08-31 22:36:26 · answer #7 · answered by ILoveGreen ZipZapZop 4 · 2 1

I never believe in horoscopes but I do believe in ZODIACS!!! Try it...and you'll be amaze!...sometimes...I could see through people's motives because of their zodiacs...b'coz zodiacs give you an understanding of the personality of each person through their birthdays...

2007-08-31 22:40:26 · answer #8 · answered by samara 3 · 1 1

No they are just stereotyping people.These horoscopes are supposed to be the same for millions of people-not!They,re just generalizing things and working on probability(educated guesses)

2007-08-31 22:34:35 · answer #9 · answered by warriorbabe 4 · 2 2

Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it.
Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held.
Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books.
Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin.
Believe nothing just because someone else believes it.
Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true

I do as I have Tested, Judged and found them to be True for me however you are not me so keep searching till you find your answers : )

Love & Blessings

2007-08-31 23:23:05 · answer #10 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 1 1

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