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2007-08-31 20:10:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

2 answers

Sovereignity of Iraq was before US invasion . After Us occupation every thing changed to the worst ; No national army, No national police ,No national services ..The occupation encouraged civil war ..and made many scandels in Abughreib and other prisons . It worked on killing about 1 million Iraqis , torture to many others and about 4 millions of Iraqi refugees in Syria, Jordan, ...etc.

The solution is a gradual withdrawal of the troops of USA and its allies leaving no military bases in Iraq and the best to be no troops in arab gulf from USA . Second is to make Iraqi dialogue to for temporary and independent technocrat government to prepare for elections to unify Iraq again ...

2007-08-31 23:31:46 · answer #1 · answered by mustafa63gar 2 · 1 0

How could you call it a "Sovereign Nation" when they can't keep a government for more then a few months, they have no one in control at any one time.

They have no real Army for defense, the police are non-existent and, those they hire are immediately killed or run off.
The ruling parties are nothing more then robber bands, they strongest at the time are the rulers, until someone else wins.

Your calling this a "sovereign Nation" I think not, it's nothing more then a melee of tribes that have no direction or ambition to do real good for the people, only their own tribes, the rest suffer either humiliation or death.
My grandsons been in the private contracting business there for three years, you have to listen to his stories first before making judgments.
His bags are packed and he's ready to run, this is the attitude of the people trying to help the Iraq, they have no loyalties to anyone even the hands that feed them.

2007-08-31 22:39:26 · answer #2 · answered by cowboydoc 7 · 1 1