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Up until I was 14 years old I had a dad. Im 16 now and don't need him. Well, for 14 years he did anything and everything to hurt me. I still have the marks on my body from the abuse I suffered. Including several scars and burns. Well, I need to know how to get over this abuse. My mom never knew about it so im not just going to bring it up. Plus, she would just say that I wanted attention. I really want to forget about everything but I dont know how.

2007-08-31 18:35:09 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

25 answers


2007-08-31 18:39:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is pretty serious
I assume you are not wanting to go the legal route against your dad and just want to become healthy in your own life

First I would like to suggest you do everything you can to get hold of and watch a copy of 'The Secret" http://www.thesecret.tv/

And then you have to use the tool of your brain to recreate your mind

one of the methods is to sit down and write a list that you make up
for example:
1) Every day in every way I am getting more and more loved by everyone I know including by myself
2) Everything in my life is getting better every single day
3) I am a child of the Universe, My parents gave me my body but I am my own creater of the life that I am
4) I have grown beyond the situation was born into and I pray that those I found in that situation find thier way to better also

etc etc
then memorize 3 or 4 and say them just under your breath all day long whenever you are able as you go about your day
(no one needs to know)

your psyche has been viciously programmed
you are not going to reprogram it in one day
but over time you will have to find other things to put in
such as that "I am always calm and collected and present in the present moment" or "I am a very patient person and I can see other people's hindrances" as you accomplish and your needs of the time change.

if you create your own program like this it could be of far greater value than counseling, although counseling could be better for short term speedy assistance

I wish you all the best
know well though that there are indeed those who could get you out of your situation immediately as well as many who would endeavor to assist you
but also realize that there are many who would take advantage of a person in your situation so be very careful these next few years my friend

I wish you well

2007-09-01 02:13:21 · answer #2 · answered by genntri 5 · 0 0

Please seek someone to talk to about this. I will tell you that abuse is something that can scar your life but it doesn't have to. The problems of your dad were inflicted upon you but you are not the reason for his abuse. He has serious problems that you suffered through.
You are an important person to the world. You must protect yourself to safeguard your future. Do not let your dad hurt you anymore. You must tell someone you trust to make sure this stops now.
Please look to the website I provided below. Do some more research too.
Above all. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. You have a long and happy future ahead.

2007-09-01 01:47:48 · answer #3 · answered by Target 2 · 1 0

Many people get abused as children and , are you sure that she would say or act that way? or was it from the negative conditioning that u had that you would believe that? ...it was not any of your fault and, you don't have to believe that you should have been able to defend yourself.If you want out completely, you should call the nine line 1-800-999-9999 they offer excellent help or ideas for it.get help while you are still a minor or it may be too late.And really we never fully get over it but there are ways in which we can start enjoying our lives enough to make it so that all the efforts of our victimizers are put to for -naught.

2007-09-01 01:47:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

as you age the pain will fade, but its always there. My hubby was abused by his dad too, he has been through counseling and has had alot of love and support form me as well as friends and family. Is there a teacher or school counselor you can talk with? It may feel better just to get it all out. You have every right to feel angry, you were just a child and a parent is supposed to protect you from harm, not cause it. find a support group, a counselor, an advisor. Some one who can give you guidance.

My hubby says that he is thankful for only one thing about hid father, he taught him what NOT to do with our kids. Good luck and God bless.

2007-09-01 01:42:26 · answer #5 · answered by parental unit 7 · 1 0

Dude I am 30 and still getting over things in my past. Each day out of that enviroment is better than the last. Find someone you can trust and talk to. Sometimes it helps just to talk about it. You will never get over it, but it does get better... much better. I remember when I moved out on my own I loved the silence. I would sit and savor the peace and quiet of my apartment. I remember at my jobs a touchy feely coworker would touch my shoulder in the hall when saying hi... it would make me jump and make them uncomfortable. It won't be long before you can start thinking about moving out.

Good luck!!!

Remember the more time you spend in a positive enviroment the better you will feel, but you will always remember the past for as long as you live.

2007-09-01 01:46:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is unfortunate for you but you can survive this. I recommend that you contact 1-800-HIT-HOME or check out findcouseling.com. You need to talk to someone. I was in counseling for a year and a half and I was 30 years old. Don't waste as much time as I did. This can affect your relationships as you get older. Be patient, it sometimes takes time to find the right counselor for you. Good luck and be brave.

2007-09-01 01:46:22 · answer #7 · answered by mpaz1966 3 · 0 0

As a child who was physically, emotionally and sexually abused for all of my childhood I'd advise you to get into counseling. It will help you. You won't get over what happened to you really fast but continued therapy will help. It will always be there even if you get into therapy but with therapy you can at least put the memories behind you. I just block it all out and push it to the back of my mind.

2007-09-01 18:37:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

hey man, if your that jacked up over this stuff, then of course , people will encourage counseling. but they will just pick at your brain some and help you find within yourself a reason why you hurt so much inside. and not to mention they are pricey, and they dont believe half of what you'll say, because todays teens are jacked up cause TV says its okkay to do so, dont do that. you got to figure this out yourself. todays teens like to think they have problems, but they also like to think they have answers for everything. so what is the real problem man? figure it out, and go with it. let yourself, heal yourself. tell yourslef that youll never be the victim of soemthing like that ever again. and live on that. protect people who seem to live in fear also, pass it around. make yourself feel better in other ways. make others feel beeter, therefore feeling better about yourself, from an achievment you gained on your own. give it a shot man.

2007-09-01 01:50:20 · answer #9 · answered by rob 1 · 1 1

the best way to deal with abuse I have found is talk about it with others.. espesily a phycoligest that was the one thing that helped me.. but I was abued from a young age but not the same way. it was emotionl and sexul so no one could see the maks it left on me and for a long time no one belived me. and it was really heard to deal with it but I have amazing friends that are there for me and a wonderful theripist who is there for me.. So just find people to stand behind you and support you.. but I hate to say it but its true you will never fully forget what has happed to you. its part of you life and it will always be with you.. the only thing you can really do is to let go of your pain you hold inside..and to not let this moment define who your are the rest of your life...

2007-09-01 01:44:42 · answer #10 · answered by kamie 2 · 1 0

sounds like your mom lives in denial if she would think this. you need to be able to get this out in the open and talk about it with your mom. i would suggest counseling, don't hold in pent up emotions. also the best way for dealing with this is by making your dad realize its not ok to abuse anyone especially his child. this is very serious, without counseling you can grow up and repeat his cycle of abuse. you don't want that you know what it feels like to be abused. talk to your school counselor, they can help. but be prepared for them to take action. its a serious offense to abuse a minor.

2007-09-01 02:07:07 · answer #11 · answered by Gladys C 5 · 1 0